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Member Since 29 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2014 12:23

#840566 Respec Suggestion

Posted by Pros on 14 January 2014 - 05:07

While placing your Attributes.


have it where you can add a certain amount to a skill

instead of clicking constantly :P


i'm currently an archer and go pure Ranged


but had to click it multiple times to place them all in.



Or, you can leave your finger on the mouse button and it'll auto add'em







#840223 Show how item/pet look before purchasing/equip

Posted by Mom on 13 January 2014 - 06:05



I think it could be a good idea to make a window that show how a certain item would look on you or a pet look like before purchasing from shop or just equip an item that you got as loot or a friend gave you. 


Would be useful before making a purchase to know if it will really suit your vanity set colors or style.


What you guys think?

#839078 New classes [Ideas]

Posted by Dillias on 09 January 2014 - 22:18

I like the current classes but i feel they are too basic. The options are so boring (DPS/Tank/Healer). I feel like this game would benefit greatly with more variety of classes. 

Synergist - Basically a supporting class that specializes in short duration single target buffing spells (life-steal, damage, move-speed, haste, attack speed, a shield that absorbs damage based on a % of spell power etc)

Summoner/Beast master - A class that specializes in summoning different monsters to fight along side them (each summon lasts 10-15 seconds with a max amount being able to be controlled a time, summons have mage/ranged/melee basic attacks depending on what is summoned. May also temporarily control an enemy or enemies to fight along side them etc)

Songstress - A class that specializes in debuffing enemies (e.g haste reduction, move-speed reduction, damage reduction, attack speed reduction, silences, fears

Monk - A melee class that fights with their fists (weapon used can be a special kind of gloves or something)

Just my suggestion that the game needs more variety. This will allow a different mixture of teams for dungeons/pvp etc

Feel free to leave your opinion below or make an idea of your own class.

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