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Member Since 14 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2023 18:01

#997422 Zombie Yeomen XI

Posted by Skullman307 on 17 June 2019 - 19:46

This is how the Globals have always worked. You want extra chests? Get into the Top 100. Perfectly fair.

Furthermore, swearing is not tolerated on our forums. Do not do it again.

~ Grim

Yeah the top 100 were supposed to get ONE extra chest, not two. I know how global events work, and I have qualified for the top 100 in the past, so stop insinuating that I'm stupid.


That extra chest works as an incentive to reach top 100. If that chest was not there then we would not reach ruby every global.

It costs 500-1000stamina to get 9k kills and for top 100 50k+ stamina. why should someone who didn't put any effort in get an extra chest?

I'm guessing you didn't Bilops's post in guild chat did you? Cause if you did then you'd know what I'm talking about.

#997423 Zombie Yeomen XI

Posted by Ringhal on 17 June 2019 - 19:53

It was everyone that participated, that helped to reach the total number of kills, not just the Top 100. Besides, the Top 100 gets an extra chest anyway.

#996490 Weirdness Abounds ...

Posted by Josh1404 on 13 April 2019 - 14:15

The reason that happened I believe is due to the value of that item being so low. 3,000 kills to clear it and earn 4,500 TKP towards a 12,000 TKP item worth about 5FSP seems not to be very enticing. Can hardly blame people for that.


But then again the 2 recent spawns since that have been cleared relatively quickly. So perhaps it is suffice for a few.

#996019 Loading issues.

Posted by activeh1 on 09 March 2019 - 20:55

Posted 23 October 2018 - 10:38 was Hoof's last post in this Forum.

need we say any more

#996005 Loading issues.

Posted by BadPenny on 09 March 2019 - 00:28

It's more than knowing if you get a drop. It's an integral part of the PvP game as you would know. I'm not here to hit 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,r.


Thanks for the unnecessarily cagey reply.

That wasn't my point, it was that this is a game wide problem that should have been addressed immediately.... It supposedly was if I understood the convo on Discord last week... but it wasn't and now we wait.... and wait....


Sorry if this irritates certain devs, but it's an issue that keeps new players for wanting to return after their initial stam is gone.  They're gonna move on to a more stable game, regardless of PvP or no.

#995974 Discord Side Panel Box

Posted by PointyHair on 06 March 2019 - 09:03

if you want to hide the discord box you can add

#minibox-discord {display: none;}

to your theme

#995963 Discord Side Panel Box

Posted by Pardoux on 05 March 2019 - 20:30

Seeing as this has appeared, can we now have an option in "Preferences" to disable it pls ?

#995607 has anyone ever "beat" the bounty board?

Posted by DirtyChick on 29 January 2019 - 10:45

BB has been beat numerous times over the years, it's actually quite common.


The reward set for a bounty, whether it's gold or fsp is sunk IF said bounty expires.


Should there be a Medal/Reward attained for beating the BB,well yeah but it will never happen.

#995529 New Content. 3801 - 4000.

Posted by Alisa on 22 January 2019 - 14:11

nice grim that will keep the lazy folk quiet for a while ,but wait for it they will be commenting soon

There is a difference between criticism and complaining.

#994013 Reset Player Reset

Posted by Alisa on 15 September 2018 - 01:58

try the discord maybe you will get a response there ,but dont hold ya breath

Forums is where the community is at and this is where they will get all of their info. I shouldn't have to make a new account on another platform just for response.


The comments so far seems favorable of player reset upgrade and wants change.

#994799 Quango

Posted by moonfrost on 15 December 2018 - 04:51

I'm assuming we're not ever going to see this event line again though this is something that should come back so I can finish up a remaining quest from it. As well as the epic quest that still needs to be finished.

#994802 Quango

Posted by yotekiller on 15 December 2018 - 12:50

  Even if nothing new is added to the Quangos it should be rolled out occasionally for those that haven't finished it or have not seen it.  Perhaps new content could be added in the future or perhaps not, doesn't matter at this point.

  As far as the Epic Quest goes, the company line is that the person that started it no longer works there so that somehow prevents anyone else from doing any more work on it.  If nobody wants to finish a gigantic arc quest then surely somebody can do one last step of kill X creatures plus an elite to wrap up the quest line where it sits.  That might not be the ideal solution but it's better than leaving it unfinished for eternity.

#799850 FS Memes

Posted by jr1093 on 09 July 2013 - 11:36



or hit him back and his guild takes 5

#994014 Once again.....

Posted by Alisa on 15 September 2018 - 02:12

time for some new stamina and XP gain. My blade has gotten dull from the lack of relic wars.

#994370 Gargantuan Mosquitos IX

Posted by sohail94 on 20 October 2018 - 20:54

Can players get a 24hrs to go warning on the homepage please, since these last a work week?

Maybe something like the countdown timer we have for double xp events? Same sort of timer of the left hand side under notifications for global events and double composing events, along with an opt-out option for those who don't want to see it.


This event is still top of the home page news so people will still see it but there are times when new news posts push down events which may result in people missing out if they only check in briefly. 

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