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Member Since 05 Feb 2013
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#791919 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by shindrak on 29 May 2013 - 08:04

Good revision ,As soon as you make lots of Realm LE's events it would be great for game :) But please look at the skills you are picking !.. Shield Wall level 250 insane boost for defensive setups ... where is Armor booster to balance that?

#787901 Inferno Hammer Upgrade

Posted by shindrak on 01 May 2013 - 08:57

The last thing that range needs is more DEF/ATK gear. It's already riddled with Fushiyoma/Tri Eye/Night Branch which is good for 100+ levels.

Are you sure ? ;) Coord attack and defense doesn't work on epics tho if you are talking about pvp
and there's so much attack/armor gears beats defense in arena if you are talking about arena.

#773804 Arena Guide - Updated April 18, 2012

Posted by shindrak on 15 January 2013 - 19:22

For now there isn't really a better alternative, and it helps with 90% of the sets, but it needs like the last comment, some updates. For example, many inventable items are not available, not to mention new christalline items and the new 1300 and above items..., not that i can wear them...

Excel arena tool need update and trackxy is inactive now

#773751 Backpack Backpack .. Yeah!

Posted by shindrak on 15 January 2013 - 10:04

Make Players Backpack like the Guild Store ..

And possibly add filters ..

+1 Yes please

That would save time from moving between pages to equip items

#752221 Arena tokens

Posted by shindrak on 26 August 2012 - 00:42

Yes i do actually . Remove the silly moves system and replace them with buffs.The arena dominance by the few would vanish over night .

buffs wouldn't make it special aspect anymore ;)

Arena Moves much better than buffs need lots of luck... buff would only increase luck
Why you complain about moves over and over ? they are simple to understand...

not to mention how negative it will be for new players who cant buy buffs all day to join .. this will make it very slow just like pvp only afew players playing it compared to all players

#752114 Arena tokens

Posted by shindrak on 25 August 2012 - 14:41

Well, this have been suggested in some arena threads before long time and was interested by players..

I believe this will increase activity in arena aspect and reduce player's frustration

There will be 2 ways to collect tokens
1.Lose final you obtain 1 token
2.Every 10 tourneys reaching semi final you obtain 1 token

Add "Arena shop" just like pvp ladder shop

Add the potions currently spawn in arena or new potions and make them going for 20 token each

Maybe add current resources with higher tokens price

Any thoughts are welcome :)


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