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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 05 2024 15:04

#1007874 New Titan Items!

Posted by EpicPiety on 23 June 2022 - 15:19

Love it!

#1007790 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by EpicPiety on 13 June 2022 - 14:51

  No to the notification and waiting period.  People are busy and they can't always schedule a time to initiate a conflict then wait "X" hours to actually start hitting. 

So you'd rather not know when a GvG is coming in? Arguably this is better following the problem you brought up. The problem is, someone can GvG a guild and be done before they can even prepare. It's far more competitive when both sides can strategize and prepare.

Could just be 1-2 hour notice, some notice is better than absolutely none.

#1007782 Legendary Event!

Posted by EpicPiety on 12 June 2022 - 16:09

Unforgiven didn't spawn last event either, not sure what cave maybe it's same cave and related.

#1007774 Epics: Not Looking so Epic

Posted by EpicPiety on 11 June 2022 - 18:56

Would be cool if epics came with like ~100 hp aswell as a 3rd stat

#1007645 New Super Elites Released!

Posted by EpicPiety on 12 May 2022 - 15:01

This is quite the surprise, cool!

#1007561 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by EpicPiety on 23 April 2022 - 21:28

Has the sent table been dropped or something? Some sort of acknowledgment that it's a known problem or being worked on would be nice.

Seems like it, I don't see any indication of the table anymore. Conix or Kami cannot remember who acknowledged the problem on discord and said it's being worked on. I hope it comes back soon it's a really big inconvenience not being able to check your sent messages.

#1007520 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by EpicPiety on 20 April 2022 - 17:38

new players cant cast them anyway lmao. and as for the ladder. dont need to control it for 24/7 like many do. thats why so many ladders are dead. 

That is not the reason why ladders are dead (Might it be there is next to no incentive to join outside of a meaningless medal, might it be the insane pot power creep or might it be the ladder is outdated and unfun? List goes on.) and also i don't think you read the last part of my post. If you think ladder control needs to change through buffs falling off people and them becoming defenseless that sounds really boring. Ladder is already boring to begin with, that is even more mundane in my opinion. 


Ladder control should change through skilled play.

#1007516 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by EpicPiety on 20 April 2022 - 17:21

alot of end of content players moaning about how much a skill cost and for how long. with extend and reinforce mage tower level 10. dont need long buffs just learn to log in more. and end on content players have loads of spare stam. 

People have to sleep atleast 6 hours you know. Buff up, go to sleep and in 60-80 mins they are already off. Which creates situations of attacking defenseless people.

If they wanted us to login more, there wouldn't be such VAST cooldowns on various things. 1 hour to do a PvP hit 24-48H for ladder... i can go on.

If they will reduce the cooldown on all these things... sure okay then.

Move ladder to 6-12 hours, pvp hits to 15 minutes, so on and so forth... 0 complaints from me on duration then.

I don't fully understand your argument about "EOC" or "Max Stam", doesn't seem to correlate to buff duration. If anyone would be suffering it would be the new players without much max stam and not at EOC. Those players not able to cast it themselves will pay high premiums and very frequent.

#1007499 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by EpicPiety on 20 April 2022 - 13:53

Thanks for the udpate.

Thoughts on increasing these buff durations to at least 90 mins? Anything at 30 minutes is so low. Especially if the stam cost will be so high.

#1007428 Fallensword VR!

Posted by EpicPiety on 14 April 2022 - 12:52

but what your saying is that URL hyperlink i use to do these functions could be done off the fallensword website via guild URL or the URL itself. 
As for copyright problems all assets that i create are for HCS and HCS can do what they like. For example say they dont like the xiphos blade for any reason. They could remove it completely. Say they never want it to be seen again then i would delete it completely. If they want the controls to do this themselves they can have them. As far as im concerned this is the same as a guild website just on another format that you are not use to and immediately associate with games. This is just a platform primarily used by businesses to communicate. Much like a forum used by many guilds but farm more interactive and visually appealing. This is what websites will look like in the future.

You just aren't following anything I have said. As you do more research, if you get that far you will start to understand what I am saying. Emulation of the game where you can preform actions on a separately owned and player run medium is far and above anything you have explained. You need more research on a fundamental level how the game functions.


I see you have a lot of passion and that is good, however there are things you just cannot do. This would be one of them without expressive approval from the developers. Just takes a few seconds of going rogue to cause all sorts of monetary damage to their IP and player base. 

Please reference the "linking to our site" and "intellectual property rights" section of the ToS in addition to basic copyright law.

If it's just a place to hang out unable to actually "play' the game that's cool (probably?). Not my cup of tea, but I'm sure it would be someone's. 


I'm dropping out of here, cheers.

#1007410 Fallensword VR!

Posted by EpicPiety on 11 April 2022 - 22:03

*Lots of other stuff*

You do you man. However so long as it's possible to abuse, which it is... I can't see it ever being endorsed. I will never encourage anyone I know to use it knowing this. It would be very easy to populate a button that might say one thing, but in reality will do something totally different like send FSP (or pretty much anything).

If this could be properly governed and managed by HCS by all means.

#1007404 Fallensword VR!

Posted by EpicPiety on 11 April 2022 - 13:22

I can almost guarantee they are not going to want their IP ran by someone other than them.

#1007348 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by EpicPiety on 06 April 2022 - 13:07

Does the app make suggestions to new players about quests they should do? Are those quests seasonal? There are often questions in chat from new players about seasonal quests. It's probably not a good idea to suggest that a new player today try to complete a Halloween quest.

Would also be nice if it made suggestions about fighting creatures your level or higher and higher tier mobs like champions and sometimes elites. On alot of older maps you will run into creatures higher than you.

#1007322 Important News regarding the Update

Posted by EpicPiety on 02 April 2022 - 18:51

most are in a guild or have plenty of buffs to not even remotely need it, there are a minority who could get a tiny use outta it, gold farming and elites for quests,  better than scraping it or no? fair enough to say its not needed, tho what buffs truly are, bar a minority? i think u are right for the rich or well covered, which is most, perhaps it might be fun for a minority?

If we are talking about gold hunting, i think you will want things that activate at 100%. We have SSI for this, so i think we wouldn't have a use for it.

As far as tackling more difficult creatures that you may not be able to one shot. This will just be random RNG that makes it easier. I'm not sure we want creatures to be any easier.

I'd rather have it PvE Only opposed to PvP and PvE... But i think it's better if it was just not added in general.

#1007316 Important News regarding the Update

Posted by EpicPiety on 02 April 2022 - 05:56

Random Number Generator or chance buffs have been always a part of FS. Replace them with "a sure thing" buffs is easier but can interfere with "it's a game" aspect of FS.


As to Flinch, levellers may not desire change to the buff. Different description for levellers and PvPers might work.


My 2 cents.

I'm not sure how involved you are in Leveling and PvP, however the significance of RNG buffs is very high. Doubling/Tripling/adding stats (The synergies are out of control), i can go on more. As one of the most distinguished levelers in the game I can assure you nerfing flinch will have absolutely no effect. As a leveler you either protect yourself with Summon shield imp (If you are trying to gold hunt) or you are maximizing exp gains and should be dying instead of two hitting it when enhancements kick in. 

Little known fact, when you die (lose combat against a creature) even if you are running 50x doubler you will only use 1 stamina and lose 1 stamina worth of exp. However if the creature gets first strike or dodge and you miss the first hit and you manage to survive to the 2nd hit and kill it you will have used double the stamina. You can make HUGE improvements if you understand this concept, this is one of many.

If for whatever reason you wanted to live through using defense while leveling just use defense damage setups with shield wall. Utilize Fortitude and Chi strike and call it a day. You will blast through any creature with ease. If levelers think flinch is necessary it just means they lack proper education on the topic.

Creatures having attack have absolutely no effect on anything leveling related. If you are interested in this topic hit me up in-game I'd be glad to walk you through how to improve your leveling (Discord works better for me though).

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