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#851149 World boss level 40 weapons are worthless (suggested changes)

Posted by Neon on 22 February 2014 - 15:40

These items are on the right track for good loot, but all the current weapons have no use and are incomparable to the craftable and droppable tr weapons (which are easy to get).


Initially I thought they had the same DPS just lower stats, but I've recently noticed the legendary weapons have lower dps, lower stats and no/less sockets than the craftable weapons.


For atleast level 40 these weapons should have been better than any craftable weapon, there's no reason to spend money or go for these chests, I was looking forward to getting some upgrades but it's all downgrades (apart from the belts, which add no extra stats compared to the current 38-39 rare belts apart from one of 2 procs).


The only weapon that is worth anything from the chests is the crossbow, but that's because theres only a level 40 craftable bow (which is terrible for rangers).


Suggested changes (for now):


- Make all heroic weapons roll the max sockets for the weapon type + 1 random roll (have the same DPS as craftable tr weapons)


Suggested changes for level cap increase (everything beyond 40):


- The legendary chests have a chance to give very rare mats which will be used in crafting recipes (low chance and the only way to get the mats).

#851083 New Game Content!

Posted by Neon on 22 February 2014 - 10:15

Tanks/Healers, The two most unplayed classes in nearly every MMORPG. You guys have made them lifeless and a very boring two classes to play, not knowing the facts i'd make a educated guess out of every 20 dps there is 1 healer 1 tank. The fact being, neither classes have any benefit out of dungeons and world bosses. Tanks can not AoE down mobs like all other classes which render their gold income by alot since the main and most efficient way of obtaining gold is leveling to 40 the fastest way possible, currently hit lvl 25 as mage then warrior to 40 gaining 1 level per hour after the level 25. Then killing mobs or abusing high drop rate mobs.

You realise if all classes had strong aoes and damage there would be no reason to have damage dealers? Mages and warriors are the only classes than can effectively grind mobs for gold, otherwise it's a waste of time invested for the gold/ph.


If you're looking to reach just end-game as fast as possible warrior or mage as the best choice, don't expect to take prophet, templar, assassin or ranger and reach end-game as fast as the other two. I think that's fairly balanced, 2 main AOE classes 2 main single target classes and 2 support classes.


As for the other stuff, HCS regularly give us updates and info on things to come, the only reason why everything is behind schedule is because they're such a small team and so much is in the process of being added (client, rendering, level update, content update, guilds, AH... etc).


This thread was pointless, just because you're upset cannot change the workspeed that they're going at. I've seen HCS members working on fixes and pushing out updates way past their work hours, and that's a regular thing.


While I do agree there is a lack of content there's still a decent amount of stuff to do. A large part of the stuff to do involves professions and achievements, but they might not be your thing. 


Finally, instead of writing a complaint why not try to suggest your ideas? If you see no interest in the game then so be it, it's understandable than Eldevin won't be for everyone.

#850572 Shoulders and Capes/Back equipment piece

Posted by Neon on 20 February 2014 - 15:10

Posted something similar quite a while back, no HCS response on it (on the thread) though. http://forums.hunted...new vanity slot

#850176 Closed

Posted by Neon on 18 February 2014 - 19:31

Nevermind, once again I missed quests and tried to get straight to the action... <_<

#849989 Wands vs. Staves

Posted by Neon on 18 February 2014 - 03:04

This would make mage/prophet classes far too OP. Prophet is already the most OP class (I've contradicted myself in the past saying Mage is better, but in reality the prophet is.. at-least pvp wise) in the game with very good single target DPS.


What other people are doing for a "mixed build" is using a 1h weapon with a slot and slotting spell healing/spell power into it with a shield.

  • Ben likes this

#849722 No Combat Sounds, Only Music?

Posted by Neon on 16 February 2014 - 19:04

Have you gone to the sound settings to see if you have music turned off?

#849703 Damage, Support & Threat meters on world bosses (and maybe more)

Posted by Neon on 16 February 2014 - 17:16

It would be nice to see these added ( I know threat meters and maybe damage meters have been suggested before) but I'll go into a little more detail here.


Damage meters:

In a world boss encounter the top 5 damage dealers will be displayed through the fight with their class and their damage in real time.

Your "personal" damage caused is displayed under the top 5 damage dealers.


Support meters:

The way I'm going to suggest this will make support meters the most complicated thing to implement out of the 3 meters.

Your "support" score will be made up of different things.. so...


- If you cast a damage reducing ability on another player, the damage which is reduced will be added to your score.

- If you heal another player the heal will be added to your score

- If you add modifiers to the boss such as damage increase, armor reduction.. etc.. the extra damage dealt through the multipliers will be added to your score. 


In a world boss encounter the top 5 support point holders will be displayed through the fight with their class and in real time.


Your "personal" support points will be displayed under the top 5 support players.


Threat meters:

Threat caused through direct threat abilities, damage, healing.. etc will all be displayed (top 5 threat causers will be displayed during the fight). Follow the same pattern as the other two.


End of a fight:


All players who participated in the fight will be given a score screen, much like in pvp. Which will display everyones damage, support and threat caused.


This could be applied to instances but it would need some tweaking.

#849453 Not a bug but maybe it is (?!)

Posted by Neon on 15 February 2014 - 17:13



This was a bind on pickup drop from the world boss, shouldn't all the items dropped from the world boss at-least be bind on equip? Not sure if there are any others.

#848981 no more split from sacks

Posted by Neon on 13 February 2014 - 19:13

since the new update we cant split things from sacks anymore :(

What are you trying to split? I can split hide and rump fine.

#848709 Record PvP kills as most damage dealt rather than final hit

Posted by Neon on 13 February 2014 - 02:56

Would be cool if we could get some feedback regarding this since it seems no one openly disagrees with the change.


We did pvp today and mage is still by far the best class at getting kills. This suggestion needs to be implemented to make pvp fair.

#848685 Resurrect doesn't seem to work 40% of the time

Posted by Neon on 13 February 2014 - 01:56

Experienced some resurrect problems today during our world boss sessions.


It would seem that resurrect has a small chance of not working, so casting resurrect you may not receive the screen to accept it.


I know others had the same problem.

#848401 Assassin needs some mana talent love

Posted by Neon on 12 February 2014 - 16:00

Assassin was/is the worst class, above templar for mana consumption. (Before this update I would go to 0 mana from a 3.7k mana pool before rangers, mages, warriors would hit half their mana pool).


Since the update I lose 3.7k mana using a normal (not my maximum output) rotation in about 10-15 seconds.


My mana pool is very large for a melee class, most other classes currently go for vit amulets where as I chose the mana.


I also have a tier 5 mana gem socketed into my helm.


Assassins cannot take the warriors talent without sacrificing needed talents, since marauder is "half way" into the warrior tree.




Suggested change:


This is the current mana talent for assassins, it's useless. This does nothing (tested it before).




I'd like to see this talent changed like most other classes, basic attack gives mana.


1 point would give 1% mana on hit and 2 points would give 2% mana on hit.

#847821 Record PvP kills as most damage dealt rather than final hit

Posted by Neon on 10 February 2014 - 22:11

This suggestion is regarding how a "kill" is earned in a pvp game.


Current way of earning a pvp kill:


- Get the last hit on a target.


My suggested change for this:


- The person who dealt the most damage to the target is awarded the kill.


This shows a much more "real" K/D rather than the current system. I've seen low levels standing around waiting for other players to take a player to very low hp and then using burst damage to steal a kill, this is primarily mages using ignite to reap in the kills but other classes can use burst abilities to their advantage aswell. The current system is flawed in my opinion.

#847766 Serrated edge problems

Posted by Neon on 10 February 2014 - 18:18

This bleed talent is doing the wrong damage or is labeled wrong.


A few of us tested this before and knew this wasn't working as it's labeled but I took the curiosity of respeccing to test it again since we have the free respec tomorrow.




For this test I used rupture and owlbears.


Casting rupture without the talent dealt 172 damage every second (consistent, tried it more than once).


1 point in the talent I was dealing 181 damage every second.


Finally with the talent fully maxed I was dealing 198 damage every second.


The base damage for rupture is 20% damage over 10 seconds.

With three points in this mid-tree talent it's supposedly raised to "35%" over 10 seconds, this is however not the case.


With 35% (3 talent points) I should be dealing 301 damage every second.


Either the tooltip is poorly defined or the talent is wrong. Theres not much incentive to put 3 points into this talent since it's only a small boost to bleed damage (only really good for long fights such as world bosses).


Would be appreciated if this talent gave the correct 15% flat increase.


#847421 Trappers atoll, an area with great potential. Suggestions for changes!

Posted by Neon on 08 February 2014 - 20:42

Trappers atoll (open world pvp area) for those who don't know is quite a boring place. Yes once we have 50 content the 48 resources will open up, but what then? You can only gather the extremely easy-to-get materials for a short time before you become bored.


The area has a lot of potential to bring hours of fun to pvp orientated players and gathers/roamers. Sadly it seems that the area was added in it's basic form then left so HCS could focus on other aspects of the game and hardware.


This suggestion is to throw some ideas at HCS that (in my opinion) would bring life to the area and create a means of "end-game replayability".


Basic changes:


- Remove the second "save zone" that is deeper in trappers atoll main island.


This safe zone really doesn't make the zone feel risky atall, what's the point of "venturing" deep into island if you are in reach of another safe area. This needs to be removed to make the area "risky" to those who wish to venture deep into the island.


- Add an invisible barrier to the main safezone.


What will this barrier do?

The barrier will stop players who have entered combat going straight back into the safezone, this prevents trolls, safing and griefing.


Once someone has engaged in combat they receive a debuff "fighting" the debuff will prevent them from entering a safezone for 10 seconds, this debuff refreshes everytime you take a hit (ignores poison damage).


To enter the safezone while in combat, you must double click the barrier, and even if you are in combat you will be granted access to the safezone within 10 seconds. So if you are fighting someone, or being run down you can click on the barrier and once the 10 seconds are up (even if you have the fighting debuff on you) you will be allowed to walk into the safezone for the next 1 minute. Once you walk into the safezone this "resets" so you can't keep running in and out.


/ I know this was a lot to take in, but I feel these two suggestions will finally make trappers atoll a more competitive place, rather than a "run in, run out" zone.


Gathering changes:


- Full rework of gathering nodes and a larger main map.


I understand this may take some time, but I think this will create a much better pvp and risky environment.

. Remove all current level 48 nodes from the map.

. In the place of the 48 nodes add a level-increasing resource map.


So when you leave the safe zone, the first chunk of the map you are in will contain all resources that are level 1.


The second chunk of the map (around where the second safezone is currently located) the level 16 resources will be.


Now the map will need to be expanded.


The third chunk of the map will contain the level 32 resources


The final chunk of the map will contain the level 48 resources.


I hope everyone understands that the "further" you venture into Atoll the higher access resources you will have available to you.


(This doesn't necessarily have to be one map strip that you go forward to reach the end, it can be broken off into other islands, where you have to venture across bridges.. etc).


The map design is up to HCS, I have an idea in my head but theres no point in going to detail when I have no idea if such a huge change will go through.


Creature changes:


- Add "new creatures" of the main gathering level increase.


Ok what I mean by this is, add new creatures to the map, preferably branching off into their own different areas. The creatures added (for the beginning) would be level 1, 16, 32 and 48. Each of them would be skinnable.


These creatures would be in huge groups.


Give these creatures unique drops, so that players not looking just to train skinning while gaining valor points can farm them.


Mini-boss caves:


- Add caves that are spread across the maps.


These caves will each contain a miniboss (around the same difficulty of a late-game quest boss). So they are soloable but still difficult.

These minibosses will give the player a 10 minute buff, only active while in trappers atoll.


The minibosses would be levels 1-50? (or 45) depending how you release content.

If you kill a  level 1 miniboss you would receive a level 1 buff.

If you kill a level 50 miniboss you would receive a level 5 buff.


The buffs these minibosses would give could be unique, such as:


- 1% chance to get double the valor when you deposit tokens (level 1).

- 5% chance to get double the tokens from a resource (level 5).

- 3% chance to find some tokens when you are in a non-safe zone (level 3).


Possibly more to come soon (had little time to write this, reserved)


If you disagree with one of my suggestions please provide your reasons in a formal manner. I understand.. how should I put this.. some people are "butthurt" (quoting what others have called me) when I post. I will no longer tolerate being flamed and instead of going along with it and having a laugh I will instantly report any flaming attempt.

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