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Member Since 18 Jun 2013
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#1008050 Small Relic Changes

Posted by Tilley10 on 27 July 2022 - 13:50

Hello! There are a few small relic change requests that I have that were promised to us 11 months ago. Please see below for the relic change 11 months ago that I am referencing:


Secondly, there is now an option for the Guild Leader to disband unwanted Relics. Once disbanding a Relic, the same guild cannot recapture the Relic for 24 hours. Permissions for capturing Relics will be added at a later date when the app is in a more stable state.


1. Please add a permission to abandon relics. Only the Guild Founder still has this ability.

2. If you abandon a relic, add a guild log message as to who abandoned the relic and what relic was abandoned. As of right now, there are no log messages about this happening.

3. Add a cooldown on the relic that the guild has abandoned so the guild knows when it can be captured again.


I do appreciate and welcome any feedback on this topic! :D

#1007969 Double XP Event + 50 Levels!

Posted by Tilley10 on 02 July 2022 - 05:21

I don't believe the 5115 Champ respawns with AM 500.


5134 Champ (Benart Dabbler) isn't highlighted as a different color.

#1007890 Storybook Forest Returns!

Posted by Tilley10 on 24 June 2022 - 19:10

Nobody is forced to participate in these quests. Prioritize what it best for yourself and make and informed decision.

Thank you for this event!

#1007537 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by Tilley10 on 21 April 2022 - 14:53

Please increase the newly released skills to at least 90 mins similar to Barricade which is also a transfer % buff.

Even longer would be great ( maybe a 120 min stretch? ) if you consider Nightmare Visage has a 1000 minute duration.

New buffs are greatly appreciated and welcomed to the game, but for their respective stam cost and short duration I don't feel they'll be used as frequent due to having to rebuff constantly every hour or so.

Gvgs run 24 hours, Pvp between 1 hour and 24/48 ( ladder) . Related Buffs should be created with that in mind.




Missed this post earlier: yes, yes and yes. Please look into increasing the duration of these buffs as they are stam clostly. Also, 30 minutes is very short for any casted buff imo.

#1007524 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by Tilley10 on 20 April 2022 - 21:26

Relentless - Offense (Lvl 2000)

+0.15% per point of Damage is transferred to Attack (casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences)
Aegis Shield - Defense (Lvl 2000)
+0.15% per point of Defense is transferred to Armor (casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences)


Can you add the "casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences) to the buff description on the Profile Screen & World Screen? (Similar to Nightmare Visage & Barricade)

#1007523 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by Tilley10 on 20 April 2022 - 18:25

The PvP stamina hit preference is an app only addition. It was added to address the debate as to where to set the default. This was discussed on the previous app update forum. We hope this makes PvP combat smoother when using the app.


This is very disappointing to not be a feature for browser. Please implement this in the very near future.



But the "real" buff text says "boost to Attack".  :huh:
I agree that the duration is pretty low. 
And I only see the "Rage" Icons  :huh:
Maybe I am bourgeois but 17,5% for gambler looks insane. 



Yeah, can we get some art for the new buffs on the World Screen? They are all showing as the Rage icon.


As for Gambler: this went straight to a blocked skill.

#1007484 Fallensword VR!

Posted by Tilley10 on 19 April 2022 - 20:41

Fair call, Its the only solution i have found.

Seems to have worked for you on the forums, right? Your prior forum account is Removed51002. šŸ§

#1007449 Fallensword VR!

Posted by Tilley10 on 15 April 2022 - 22:06

While I think the idea behind VR is great and all, might I suggest conferring with "The Three D's" before spending too much more time on this project?

This is the real question that needs to be answered.

#1007424 Fallensword VR!

Posted by Tilley10 on 14 April 2022 - 02:43

All of this conversing is nonsense without any HCS input. I feel as thought their priorities should lie elsewhere (DQ re-roll, buff balance, new content, arena update, PvP update, shall I continue?). Congrats on ā€œcreatingā€ something, but your energies should be directed to something that can evolve and grow with you.

#1007324 Important News regarding the Update

Posted by Tilley10 on 02 April 2022 - 19:38

Hello everyone

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have been unable to push the next update in time for this week, which includes the new Daily Quest Reroll and the new Player Skills. We aim to try and get this to you as soon as we can.

We would like to formally apologise for this.

If it could alleviate your frustration in any way, I would like to share with you the details of this update:

The Daily Quest Reroll will allow you to reroll your Daily Quest an unlimited number of time per day. The first reroll is FREE, and subsequent rerolls will cost FSP-- increasing in cost the more rerolls you perform.

Can you clarify if the re-roll will be that same level of DQ (Common, Rare, Legendary, etc.)? Or, if it can change to a different tier? Will the re-roll change the DQ itself? Will the re-roll change the reward? Or, can you get the same DQ or reward after the re-roll? Looking for more definitive answers while we wait for this release.

It will also add some new skills to the Player Skill Tree.

Relentless - Offense (Lvl 2000)
+0.15% per point of Damage is transferred to Attack (casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences)

YES!!! This is great - more transfer buffs will allow people more flexibility on changing stats.

Aegis Shield - Defense (Lvl 2000)
+0.15% per point of Defense is transferred to Armor (casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences)

YES!!! This is great - more transfer buffs will allow people more flexibility on changing stats.

Avenger - Offense (Lvl 4000)
+0.03% per point boost to Damage when an opponent hits you (Max 5)

More damage isn't needed in this game. Please swap to something else (attack or armor). Otherwise, unique idea! Looks nice.

Soul Guard - Defense (Lvl 4500)
+0.1% chance per point that an attack that would otherwise defeat the player instead has their hit points reduced to 1

Oof, more RNG - this will make PvP even more frustrating than it currently is (looking at you Dispel Curse, Invert, High Guard, Golden Shield, Savagery).

The following skills will also become available on the Player Skill Tree:

Allied Frenzy - Defense (Lvl 3500)
Increases the level range that Assist works by +1 level per point

Worthless buff as nobody is using Assist for anything. Please consider a different buff to replace this or entirely rework Assist & Allied Fenzy.

Guild Berserker - Offense (Lvl 3500)
Increase the effectiveness of First Strike, Nullify, and Breaker in GVG Only

This kills Guild Berserker through composing (max of level 70). Also, Guild Berserker doesn't do a whole lot. I would allow Guild Berserker to increase these buffs above the 100% cap (it currently doesn't). And also look into increasing Guild Berserker in composing to a higher level (200, 250, 300).

Gambler - Special (Lvl 3500)
+0.1% chance per point that a random stat will be tripled while all other stats are halved at the start of combat

I have never personally used Gambler (waste of a donation chest). This feels fine - I don't see a whole lot of use out of this.

Healer - Defense (Lvl 4000)
+0.01% per point chance that players health will fully restore after any given combat round

This is good, allows more people to use Healer. And the Healer in composing is higher than this. No complaints from me.

I will also share with you the patch notes for this update:

  • Composing costs have been added to the Composing Multi Brew panel
  • Daily Quest Re-roll has been added to the Questbook
  • Log in freeze fixed
  • New skills have been added to Player Skill Tree
  • New skill cast levels have been added to Settings
  • PvP Stamina hit value now set to Player Preference

Can you give more detail about the PvP Stamina hit value now set to Player Preference? Is this for all of PvP? In specific areas? I will definitely use this so I am looking for more information on this.

Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. We hope to bring this update to you all as soon as possible.

~ Fallen Sword Team
Thoughts, opinions, suggestions and changes are in orange above.

A big THANK YOU for working on these updates. I do appreciate it. I hope this can be released within the week and everyone can start testing these changes. :D

#1007303 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by Tilley10 on 01 April 2022 - 03:35

Another notification to consider is if another guild initiates a guild conflict against the guild you are in. This would also liven up the game like the other PvP notifications listed above.

#1007179 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by Tilley10 on 15 March 2022 - 23:29

Also, why do all PvP attacks default to 50 stam? Ideally it would default to 100 for ladder hits, 10 for normal hits and 100 (or 10) for Bounty Hunting hits. It would be great to have a preference to set customized default stam for each attack type.

Hello, it was me who suggested that some type of PvP attacks default to 100 stam. As stated above by others, it doesn't make sense for GvG hits, normal attacks or Bounty Board (I disagree but I'm in the minority) to default to 100 stam. If this is an all or nothing type of change, please default all PvP attacks to 10 stam. Ideally there would be a preference section to set default values for each attack type.


And hey, I FINALLY have notifications for the app! :D


I would like to suggest a few more notifications that would greatly benefit myself and fellow PvP'ers.

  • Notification when the PvP ladder resets (this would be similar to new Titans)
  • More descriptions when attacked (state if defeated by XX or victorious over XX)
  • Notification for a new person posted on  the Bounty Board

#1007035 App Update v.1.0.11!

Posted by Tilley10 on 25 February 2022 - 18:10

Hi Tilley,

I have looked into this and it is working as intended. Any attack from the player profile will result in a normal pvp attack, where as opening from fight player panel will trigger specific types of attacks (normal, ladder, bounty, guild). The ladder tab itself that you are using is designed more as a leaderboard and an area to opt in/out. The fight player tab was designed as a hub to access all types of available pvp from a single location. I understand this is not overly clear and we will look into ways to improve this for a future update, but for now it is working as intended.



This feels counterintuitive to me. While I am on the PvP Ladder screen and opted in, I would like to do ladder hits, not normal hits. The same thing would go for the bounty hunting screen. Please strongly consider reverting this so while on the PvP ladder screen, any attack would be a ladder attack. It was like this on previous app versions.

#1006909 Arena Update & Bug Fixes.

Posted by Tilley10 on 13 February 2022 - 06:01

ā€œUnable to join as 2 of your guild have already entered in this tournament. A maximum of 25% rounding up of the total participants may be in the same guildā€

Arena needs to change. Iā€™m tired of seeing this message. Please let us know where arena changes fit into the current roadmap.

#1006761 Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2022)

Posted by Tilley10 on 26 January 2022 - 14:36

Any chance at added an arena update to the roadmap? I know it was discussed in other forum threads to do an update.

Also, PvP update? Or PvP Global?

I was hoping for new, wild things on here, not the regularly scheduled content :(

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