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#1010850 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by Toreth on 05 July 2024 - 13:37

Nope. Those games don't get updates or content. Sword gets both. I mean, this is a ROADMAP thread showing future updates and content both.


- Grim


"Updates" and "content" in what sense?

- Composing DXP Event

- Global

- Composing DXP Event

- LE Event





Ta-da; there's our monthly routine. Maybe sprinkle in a little variance occasionally, but there's the gist. We're on life support on Sword, and the players realize that whether it's communicated or not.


It takes minimal stamina investment to level through the 25 levels of content that come out quarterly before EoC is left with only logging in daily to get their 5 measly Allegiance Tokens and check to see whether their daily quest is worth doing (it usually isn't). Non-EoC are left typically waiting for their stamina to fill up to max so they can hunt the content to GET to EoC to fall into the same cycle.


The new stuff that comes out? Most is "dead on arrival." Why? Because all most care about is the hunting aspect and MAYBE a bit of titan hunting, but if stuff doesn't have Temporal Shift, then the latter is automatically discarded from potential use of new items.

New titans? Sure maybe? We're capped at +7 Stam Gain. Eventually everyone is going to have access and possession of all +7 Stam Gain items, and then there's no point in having an open market for new or pre-existing Epic items. It's just a "let me log in to make sure stam gain is still good."


A game is supposed to be challenging in some regards - Sword is void of that. There's a barely existent "open market," if you can even call it that - the mobs are yawn-able since all a player has to do is repeatedly mash 1 on their keyboard until they run out of stam - other aspects are so far behind they shouldn't be mentioned out of respect for the dead.


The Realm Chest Update should be at the forefront of priorities, but manpower, as stated above has been pulled for Godzilla. <- This is the proof that Sword is on life-support.


I don't want to see Sword die, but nothing's being done to resuscitate it and get it off the ventilator.

#1010804 ETERNAL MEMORIES: Players Who Left Us

Posted by pigsplint on 25 June 2024 - 13:13

The place is called Angel's Keep..





#1007744 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by BadPenny on 02 June 2022 - 01:09

Forgot to mention, but both have to be online and actively attacking each other.

So, live action arena....

#1010474 Untapped Potential: The Analysis and Case for More

Posted by Toreth on 28 February 2024 - 17:02

The case for +8 Stamina Gain Epics via the Introduction Through Guild Versus Guild Combat
I know the stance of HCG has been adamantly against +8 Stamina Gain (SG from now on) Epics for a long while, but I’d like to broach the subject from a different angle here in order to help bolster the argument FOR introducing the +8 SG Items.
  • Investment Average Cost for 5,000 RP +8 SG Item = ~10,246 FSP in Stam + ~1,275 FSP in Additional Expenses
  • Gain Difference in +8 SG over a +7 SG = 8,766 Stam = ~351 FSP
  • Overall Net Profit in Circulated FSP of ~11,170 FSP
  • Epic Provides Item of ~31.5 Years of Positive Valuation to HCG Before Item Pays for Itself
  • In adding a +8 SG item, it in turn grants the players the potential to be more active in FS. Because of this, it also could provide each person to eventually get their hands on a +8 SG to dive into other aspects of FS they haven't participated in prior to its introduction.
First, let’s look at how much extra stamina PER YEAR a single +8 SG Item has over a +7 Item.
A +7 SG Item Yields 61,362 Stam Per Year at 365.25 Days (To Account for our Leap Years) while a +8 SG Item Yields 70,128 Stam Per Year at 365.25 Days – a difference of 8,766 Stam Per Year. Looking at this from a FSP to Stam cost at the given 1 FSP = 25 Stam, we’re left with ~351 FSP of item valuation.
Secondly, let’s look at the stamina and monetary cost for each tier, in regards to hits, of GvG conflict.
Values were gauged on average for Composing Potions, eggs, and a roundabout gold cost given to potential frag costs per player involved in each GvG conflict which resulted in approximately 1,000,000 gold per hitter and 1,000 stamina to fill in gapped buffs. Given these values, we see that 50 round conflicts cost 2,000,000 gold and 2,000 stamina, 75 round conflicts cost 3,000,000 gold and 3,000 stamina, and 100 round conflicts cost 4,000,000 gold and 4,000 stamina to cover each of the minimum number of participants. In addition to this, we also look at initiation costs for each conflict - 1 FSP and 50,000 gold each. As you’ll see below, the investment here will only account for initiating costs and stamina + gold use for Composed Potions ONLY as they’re fairly standard and most have access to those.
Conflict Info.png
And for this one, the cost for each hitter can be seen stamina-wise while accounting for Conserve 345 used from Composed Potions as well.
Stamina Conflict Info.png
In total, thanks to the charts, we can now look at total investment for each tier of conflict:
  • 50-Hit Conflict
    • 1 Conflict: 1 FSP; 2,050,000 Gold; 2,410 Stam
    • 20 Conflicts: 20 FSP; 3,000,000 Gold; 10,200 Stam
    • 5,000 RP Conflicts: 500 FSP; 75,000,000 Gold; 255,000 Stam
  • 75-Hit Conflict
    • 1 Conflict: 1 FSP; 3,050,000 Gold; 3,610 Stam
    • 20 Conflicts: 20 FSP; 4,000,000 Gold; 15,300 Stam
    • 5,000 RP Conflicts: 334 FSP; 50,700,000 Gold; 256,410 Stam
  • 100-Hit Conflict
    • 1 Conflict: 1 FSP; 4,050,000 Gold; 4,820 Stam
    • 20 Conflicts: 20 FSP; 5,000,000 Gold; 20,400 Stam
    • 5,000 RP Conflicts: 250 FSP; 38,500,000 Gold; 257,000 Stam
(Our highest level RP Epic in the game, the Ridged Plate Cuirass at level 2500, takes two each of Bobanarts Crystal Skull at 250 RP each, 2 Bottle of Gorgon Tears at 500 RP each, and 2 Fang of Meng Zhang at 1,000 RP each for a total of 3,500 RP. With the level 2500 Ridged Plate Cuirass already at a +7 SG, an uptick to 5,000 RP instead of a minor increase to 4,000 in order to drive more player activity would further increase the demand while also keep supply more limited - hence the use of 5,000 RP as the sticking point)
Finally, let’s look at investment cost versus benefit now that the variables have been defined and presented.
As seen in point one, a +8 SG item provides an overall stam gain difference of 8,766 Stam per year over a current +7 SG item (~351 FSP). As seen in point two, we can see overall investment costs into obtaining 5,000 RP is ridiculously high compared to what the overall benefit would be per year - an average of 256,140 stam across all of the tiers of combats (~10,246 FSP IN STAM ONLY with an added ~1,275 FSP average in monetary costs between gold and FSP = ~11,521 FSP total valuation). The difference here is astronomical and only shows that the circulated FSP potential in a +8 RP epic would have staying power and last for the long term future.
I know the idea behind +8 SG items has been taboo of sorts for a little while, but this should shine light on why they are a net positive for HCG and the brand. The players just want more reasons to play the game and to spend more time actively on FS; this implementation only goes to benefit everyone involved with FS.

#1010285 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by Toreth on 24 January 2024 - 19:49

FS Feedback.jpg

#1009807 UFSG Update

Posted by Pardoux on 25 September 2023 - 08:36

Title says everything really - can it be updated to at least 5400 please ?

Last Realm currently is 5300

Last Master Realm currently is 5276

Last Creatures listed are 5300 (bar 1, somehow)


Other stuff is way behind the curve too....



#1009788 Legendary Event and Player Titan!

Posted by vikingv on 21 September 2023 - 10:26

It has been 90 days - any chance of getting Johari in the Guide?

#1009501 Small Relic Changes

Posted by Gutie on 19 June 2023 - 00:08

Hello! There are a few small relic change requests that I have that were promised to us 11 months ago. Please see below for the relic change 11 months ago that I am referencing:



1. Please add a permission to abandon relics. Only the Guild Founder still has this ability.

2. If you abandon a relic, add a guild log message as to who abandoned the relic and what relic was abandoned. As of right now, there are no log messages about this happening.

3. Add a cooldown on the relic that the guild has abandoned so the guild knows when it can be captured again.


I do appreciate and welcome any feedback on this topic! :D

Support. A useful and convenient change. A good QoL tweak to rank permissions alone even if jus the first was done, where all three would be helpful to a number of guilds to be able to make use of.

#1009204 Chomper Wave 4!

Posted by yotekiller on 31 March 2023 - 21:13

How long are the spine chompers going to remain in the realms? (still there)

#1009158 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Toreth on 17 March 2023 - 15:33

TL;DR: Send the trials with the caveat of increasing the level ranges as part of the trial. This is a fix to the structural portion of how GvGs are done; rewards come after the structural part is fixed. Current Epics from GvG Rewards: 25% of them are upgraded; other upgrades still pending. Opt-out is terrible - notification system allows for Unbreakable casts to assist in the ONLY negative of gear damage.


While I certainly don't envy HCG for having to come in here and sift through the posts, trying to decipher what's legitimate and what's an "I want," I do hope they can see the dichotomy of the players in the community in regards to this aspect. What's a little surprising is the fact the HCG has come out and said "this is a trial," which has been met with disdainful comments of "No. Terrible. That's not going to work. That's no good." when the proposed quality of life changes haven't even been attempted yet. HCG has finally come down after how long to breathe some life in an absolutely dead aspect of the game?


Obviously I agree and support what's been proposed being the original, original poster that Arioche linked to, but there's a reason each of those were brought up initially:


  • Reducing Offline Time for Targets: This is to help prevent farming completely AFK players. Someone is much more likely to show up online if they've been AFK for ~24+ hours when compared to ~6+ days. Traditionally, once someone hits that ~48 hour mark, the chances of them logging back in for any reason drastically decreases.


  • Expand Level Ranges: This was proposed to go hand-in-hand with the Reduction in Offline Time for Targets as well as provide more overall target opportunities in dead ranges not at the very low or very high end of content where players are crowded. This is one I would strongly urge HCG to do in conjunction with the Reduction in Offline Timer during the trial as doing the former without this limits options for players.


  • Notification System: Also should be self-explanatory; nobody likes to be hit while they're AFK and not know about it. Imagine you're going to be pelted for 25 hits and there's an option ahead of time to give you notice to, at the bare minimum, buff up with Unbreakable. Now you've saved yourself gold. Without the notification and time for prep? No time for anything - have fun with that bill. And all of this is for the casual - those who want the hard core will only utilize it for much higher potential.


Everyone keeps touching on rewards, but they fail to address the core issue of GvG being a "I wanna farm AFK players who are unprotected." These would assist in doing that. Until the core is repaired, at least some, then the reward structure will do nothing but become stagnant rather quickly even if things are introduced.


"I want new items and new epics." Sure, but have those who've asked for such things taken note of the Epics that are currently in the process of being upgraded? Only 5/21 (or 5/20 if omitting Cobalt Rune due to low level) have been upgraded so far. That's 25% or less of the way done on those upgrades, but they are coming. BG said it was going to take a little while as it has to be done in phases. The impatience and desire for instant gratification is going to run this into the ground before it even has a chance to take off.


Others have tossed out other ideas around as well; some with merit (Structure for the notifications), others without (“Let me just disengage from GvG altogether”). There are also some that would require more substance from HCG, which also isn’t feasible: BG Overhaul Quote.png


The seasons idea was brought up in the Original that Arioche linked to that had favorable HCG response: BG GvG Ladder Response.png


But, if the core function of GvG isn’t patched first, then the GvG ladder system will be just what it is now - “farm AFK players and race to 1st; then, park until the reset.” These ideas up for trial are the initial steps into injecting a competitive nature back into FS. GvG (and PvP, but that’s a separate topic), are meant to be competitive in some regard, but there’s nothing to appease those who want a challenge.

#1008553 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by EpicPiety on 31 October 2022 - 16:53

Relic Defender will not do anything. Reign of Terror should not be a buff to begin with. Especially after multiple group attempts have been added to be able to RNG capture relics. We are littered with copious amounts of detrimental and impactful RNG buffs. Odds are you will get a concoction of procs by the time you've exhausted 10 group hits.

For the players that play this part of the game, this is not fun.

Remove Reign of Terror and don't add Relic defender.

All for one makes sense, SE sets simply do not match up after a certain level due to scaling. I've not ran the numbers on exactly how impactful it will be. But I'm sure someone (Toreth) will do that for us.

Not sure galvanize is necessary, seems like we keep caking on power creep and not having an equal and opposite correction to PVE. On top of that having more buffs is not necessarily good for PvP. We already have so many means of passively and actively increasing HP.

What is trying to be accomplished with Galvanize and Relic Defender?

#1008449 Titan Design Contest 2022

Posted by Maehdros on 06 October 2022 - 13:27

Name: Amon the Hidden

Classification: Feline

Lore: Every full moon, when her master isn't paying attention, Amon roams the lands enjoying her brief freedom from the shadow realm.

While appearing small in stature to the human eye, Amon uses her stealth and speed to give her an advantage when it comes to combat.

The only way to detect her is listen for her sudden fast movements as you hunt for her... or is she hunting you?

( invisible titan )

Opponents are unable to slow her down in any way as she is too smart to fall for silly tricks. She's a cat remember?

( Unaffected by Demoralize, wither, Shockwave, Stun)

100% dodge
100% First Strike
100% hypnosis
100% Breaker
100% Disarm
100% Soulless

Anyone lucky or unlucky? enough to encounter her must also be wary of her hypnotic yellow eyes. Lest they lead you to an untimely death!


Black, mixed with grey, Fluffy Cat ( similar to a norwegian forest cat) With yellow eyes.

#1008312 New Epic Recipes released!

Posted by BigGrim on 12 September 2022 - 09:32

I would suggest adding 100 hp stat on revamped epics to make them useful in Arena as a filler item

Not as bad idea. Anyone else in agreement with this proposal?


~ Grim

#1008303 New Epic Recipes released!

Posted by shindrak on 10 September 2022 - 10:54

Thanks for the new batch !




I would suggest adding 100 hp stat on revamped epics to make them useful in Arena as a filler item

#1008230 Arena Rules

Posted by shindrak on 30 August 2022 - 09:02

Hello everyone!

I will gather your thoughts and bring them to Hoof to see if any sort of solution can be found. I agree that there is still a lot to be done to improve aspects of the game, and while I'd love to have everything on the current roadmap, some things do take time and need further consideration. 


I'll see what I can do  :)

Hi @Arioche


Any plans to make Arena update ? I bet many have suggestions for new potions for the Arena shop



  We would like to hear :)

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