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#1009096 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Maxiums on 14 March 2023 - 12:29

Since we are discussing the revamping of GVG, many players and or guilds still do not like to participate in GVG or latter combat. I think the mechanism for GVG should be able to be turned off or opted in or out like the latter. This could be a founder's control as the founder would know the pulse of his guild insofar as GVG participation.

#1009099 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Cestus on 14 March 2023 - 13:39

Since we are discussing the revamping of GVG, many players and or guilds still do not like to participate in GVG or latter combat. I think the mechanism for GVG should be able to be turned off or opted in or out like the latter. This could be a founder's control as the founder would know the pulse of his guild insofar as GVG participation.

I think this would raise a whole lot of ruckus, but I would go along with it, as you said Maxiums, lots of guilds do not like to participate in gvgs.

#1009100 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Maehdros on 14 March 2023 - 13:43

Durability damage to gear is all that occurs. No gold loss or xp. The same thing can occur when leveling or hunting etc. No need for a gvg opt out in my opinion.

With regards to the main post, updated rp packs are nice of course , but what about updated rp items and recipes etc? What are the new level ranges? And how rp is awarded and so on? Post seems very vague.


#1008571 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by basti7 on 03 November 2022 - 08:23

I am not sure if the All For One Buff will boost the already weak SE sets. In lower level the new Epics will always be better up to 1k. Even the LE sets are stronger and the level gaps between new setups are too big. The only useful setup would be the Nightbranch - Fushi - Averill Level 200. But I bet with all new RP Epics and Titan Epics even that setup is too weak even with the new buff. 

20% Boost Level 200 is a lot but often you do not find sets which fit into the SE setup to fill all 9 places. I will give that buff a try but it would be more rational to boost the weak SE sets and make them better than LE sets...


I listed here https://forums.hunte...96#entry1008527 all gaps and all setups.


 Relic Defender: Okay? But relic defending is not that important anymore. I agree, just delete ROT. :(

#1008565 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Emperor Sidd on 01 November 2022 - 11:44

Thank you so much for the effort you have put into this thread!


I would like to propose Relic Defender be changed to reduce the relic penalty instead ? That would keep the buff accurate to its name and the buff isn't dependent on another buff i.e. in your iteration Relic Defender does nothing if the other person doesn't use Reign of terror.


Context: There is a relic penalty for holding more than 1 relic in the game, as there maybe 200 active guilds left in the game - most guilds hold 2-4 relics. Changing this to reduce the penalty will give more incentive for guilds to try and defend relics instead of swapping back and forth.


Relic Defender: 0.05% per point reduction in relic penalty. ( Lead defender only) ( Relic Comat only)



Do you think increasing the duration of this skill could add extra value to its usage? 30 minutes doesn't really cover much, especially when it's up in the air whether a Relic is going to be attacked or not.


If you are going to keep buff as is do you think you can have it use the same duration as nightmare visage? Both are buffs intended for long term offline protection.


As for Galvanize, we wanted to try something a bit more experimental. A buff that could work in conjunction with another when it activates. However, we do see how fiddly this could be and how Healer itself has, in its current availability, little chance to activate. Now, I would like to clarify how Galvanize actually works:

Galvanize, when activated, increases the combats max Hit Points using the player's base HP attribute. It will not, in its current form, be further boosted by the likes of Fortitude and Severe Condition


I would be interested if the ratios on this are high, I believe if you survey the players maybe 1 in 100 have any substantial points allocated to base HP.

#1008566 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Maehdros on 01 November 2022 - 13:43

So galvanize boosts base hp, when healer procs? We already have multiple skills that boost base hp, and the effect isn't really gamechanging imo.

Now, if it affected total hp in combat, that could prove interesting.

#1008567 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by EpicPiety on 01 November 2022 - 13:50

Hello EpicPiety, I understand that opinions can change overtime, but we took this suggestion that you made some time ago and decided to explore the latter. I'd be happy to hear why you'd be against a buff that could counter it, or if you have any suggestions yourself what would make a Skill like Relic Defender more worthwhile?  :) Thank you for your feedback so far!

My opinion hasn't changed. Thanks for taking it into consideration however, when I had said counteract I didn't mean 30m buff with 10% effectiveness at max castable. If this is already set in stone, i would say increase duration to NMV length and vastly increase the buff to nearly cancel ROT or allow 100% activation to dispel at 200 buff level with NMV duration. However this is not the ideal solution as I mentioned later in that thread. 

https://forums.hunte...77706&p=1007266(Couple hours later in that thread)

The ideal solution is removing a buff that should have never been introduced. Defending a relic already has so many vast disadvantages, caking on ROT was not necessary. However I don't think in the recent history (Maybe ever?) of the game HCS has been willing to remove content to the game (Even when it absolutely should). We are focusing far too much at adding, when IMO we need to focus on refining or in some cases removing what we have.

I think it will be found in this thread that most of the community doesn't want buffs to counter buffs that ought to just be removed to begin with. But you will find many of them will settle for something rather than nothing. This does not mean they truly agree.

#1008564 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by yotekiller on 01 November 2022 - 11:21

  Thanks for the replies Arioche.  Unfortunately, I don't think extending the time for this buff is enough to make it worthwhile.  Unless Relic Defender lasts 24 hours in one cast without using pots and a minimal stamina cost, I don't see anyone getting real value from this buff.  Otherwise, most people will just sit on a relic and recapture it as needed.  Even if the time were extended, someone has to remember to refresh it every day with no guarantee that it will even be needed, much less effective at stopping multiple attacks from someone determined to take that relic.  Because of this, I just see RD as a stamina sink and I have to agree with the other posters that a more effective option would be to remove Reign of Terror.

#1008561 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Removed4427 on 31 October 2022 - 23:41


Relic Defender
Level: 250
Stamina Cost: 20
Duration: 30 minutes
Category: Defense
0.05% per point reduction to the effectiveness of Reign of Terror


booo and hisss to this, and any other " anti-buffs "


i feel the same way about anti-deflect, and anti-dark curse


edited: to add anti-shatter armor to the list

#1008560 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by yotekiller on 31 October 2022 - 22:47

  Relic Defender is a waste.  In addition to the reasons already stated above, the only time a player will use it is when they are actively engaged in a relic "struggle" with another guild.  Otherwise, nobody is going to waste their stam to keep relic defenders buffed 24/7 on the off chance someone might come along and decide they want that particular relic at that particular time.  People don't usually give a warning that they are about to take a relic and once the relic has been taken, there's no point in using the buff because the damage has already been done.  Extremely limited use and not worth the effort.

#1008558 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by winemaker on 31 October 2022 - 21:17

How about Immobilise Titan that's been in the Skill Guide for well over a year but no sign if becoming a skill.

#1008557 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Maehdros on 31 October 2022 - 19:50

Firstly thank you for the decision to add new skills. Always nice to see.

On that note. Why the need for a buff that counters/ nerfs effectiveness of a buff already in game? Is this going to be a trend? (Ie: hardened and dispel curse )

Just remove reign of terror and add in 2 different buffs. Any guild is already penalized by how many relics it holds ( and rightfully so ) , a relic only buff isn't necessary.

On a positive not, all for one is a good addition. And would galvanize work on total hp? As in, base hp, fortitude hp, and Severe Condition hp? If so that could be pretty nifty!



#1008555 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Tilley10 on 31 October 2022 - 18:52


Hello everyone!
We would like to show you all some new skills we plan to add to the Player Skill Tree for an upcoming update!
Relic Defender
Level: 250
Stamina Cost: 20
Duration: 30 minutes
Category: Defense
0.05% per point reduction to the effectiveness of Reign of Terror
All for One
Level: 2000
Stamina Cost: 30
Duration: 90 minutes
Category: Special
+0.1% per point increase to the Super Elite set bonus stat
Level: 4500
Stamina Cost: 15
Duration: 90 minutes
Category: Defense
When Healer is activated, increase max Hit Points by 0.05% per point
Feel free to share us your thoughts and suggestions below.
Thank you!
~ Fallen Sword Team


Relic Defender - Why not remove Reign of Terror instead of introducing this new buff? With groups increased to a cap of 10, it is less punishing to fail a relic capture. Also, having a buff counter an unnecessary buff feels weird to me. Please scrap this one along with Reign of Terror.


"X.XX% reduction to the effectiveness of Dark Curse." - Dispel Curse

Please change Dispel Curse to use this logic instead of it removing the effect of Dark Curse entirely.


All for One - Sure, seems good. A slight buff to SE sets as it is a disadvantage to use a SE Weapon as is. Depending on the bonus, I'm all for it.


Galvanize - A buff that needs a small chance buff to fire to activate doesn't make sense to me. Layering buffs on top of other buffs gets complicated. This is an unnecessary RNG buff. Also, can you image if someone is running Severe Condition 200 and this fires? Millions upon million of additional HP. Please scrap this one.


What happened to Farsight & Reversal?


TLDR: No to Relic Defender & Galvanize. Remove Reign of Terror. Yes to All for One. Change Dispel Curse to reduce effect of Dark Curse.

#1008554 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by StarCraft on 31 October 2022 - 18:50

Relic Defender will not do anything. Reign of Terror should not be a buff to begin with. Especially after multiple group attempts have been added to be able to RNG capture relics. We are littered with copious amounts of detrimental and impactful RNG buffs. Odds are you will get a concoction of procs by the time you've exhausted 10 group hits.

For the players that play this part of the game, this is not fun.

Remove Reign of Terror and don't add Relic defender.

All for one makes sense, SE sets simply do not match up after a certain level due to scaling. I've not ran the numbers on exactly how impactful it will be. But I'm sure someone (Toreth) will do that for us.

Not sure galvanize is necessary, seems like we keep caking on power creep and not having an equal and opposite correction to PVE. On top of that having more buffs is not necessarily good for PvP. We already have so many means of passively and actively increasing HP.

What is trying to be accomplished with Galvanize and Relic Defender?

This form post isn’t about buffs already in the game. Relic defender has long been needed since the introduction of reign of terror.

#1008553 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by EpicPiety on 31 October 2022 - 16:53

Relic Defender will not do anything. Reign of Terror should not be a buff to begin with. Especially after multiple group attempts have been added to be able to RNG capture relics. We are littered with copious amounts of detrimental and impactful RNG buffs. Odds are you will get a concoction of procs by the time you've exhausted 10 group hits.

For the players that play this part of the game, this is not fun.

Remove Reign of Terror and don't add Relic defender.

All for one makes sense, SE sets simply do not match up after a certain level due to scaling. I've not ran the numbers on exactly how impactful it will be. But I'm sure someone (Toreth) will do that for us.

Not sure galvanize is necessary, seems like we keep caking on power creep and not having an equal and opposite correction to PVE. On top of that having more buffs is not necessarily good for PvP. We already have so many means of passively and actively increasing HP.

What is trying to be accomplished with Galvanize and Relic Defender?

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