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Member Since 22 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2018 15:28

#904821 Thieving Thought Out

Posted by Blissy on 26 November 2014 - 02:06

Chill out, let's all have make up sex. :P

LOL mongo doesn't discriminate. ;) 

#904820 Thieving Thought Out

Posted by Blissy on 26 November 2014 - 02:02

 ...... like all of you who prefer streamlining your levels to 45 within 2 hours.


Just want to say that there are a lot of players who play the way you do and basically I level'd doing a little of everything though my prof's lack.   I just sort of let it happen.   so I hit 45 on my ranger in about 7 months.  I barely paid attention to my % and even there were times I level'd and didn't even realize I was that close cause I wasn't paying attention and poof ding ding in a dungeon or after I passed a daily in, lol.


so like you in some ways....

<--- (that arrow points to me), 

I am pve player,

I am not a pvp player ( though it's hard to find games that aren't more Pvp then not, I am always looking for more PVE type games that may have pvp as a choice but it's not pushed on me in order to play the game).


I took my time so not a player who lvl'd to 45 in 2hrs because I too wanted to get to know the game and the players,


read the quests as I quested which I think this is the first game I played where I really like to read it all, at least for my first character I read every single bit (sometimes making someone wait while I clicked on the npc and read it lol) .


I did skills pretty much as I quested, explored the maps, did dailies  etc. my prof's lack, I'm lacking in the patience for them however I did get my alchemy to 45 and since my ranger is at cap atm I"m sure I'll get around to cooking next , i think lol.


 I do those things in a very random way but that's me, I like that I can just be all over the place if I want to or focus on one thing at a time.


anyway off topic again ;)

#904795 Thieving Thought Out

Posted by Blissy on 26 November 2014 - 01:38

Bliss, did you even read our posts? You can barely steal anything from people. You have 7s to tackle them before they even have the chance of moving away, not to mention killing them if you choose. They can't steal something you don't have in your inventory. We have quite literally nerfed this entire thing.


What more do you want? Cookies?


well I see I'm not the only one who isn't into the idea of players being able to steal from other players and tbh I don't care if it's something that some feel isn't any big loss. 


I don't want anything in my inventory taken by another player, period.  


obviously TA is the one place this can happen so I'm not talking about a pvp map where smuggled items and tokens can be obtained, if that happens it happens.


I ran out of likes again but there were suggestions for like a pvp server where this could be implemented. 

that would at least give those of us who wouldn't want this feature applied to us a choice not to go to that server and others who do enjoy a feature like that to go to that server to participate. 


"You have a vault. I know there are some games where putting money in the bank takes away a certain portion of that money - Eldevin does not, so there is no reason why you should be keeping all of your money on-hand, period."


you actually suggesting that we shouldn't have a choice where we want to keep our gold and items and how much of that on us we want to keep?


There are some very good reasons some of us keep a large amount of gold on us and that's our choice. 


1.  when your 45 and doing dungeons, story mode or group for example, repair bills are very high, maybe you don't know thisyet but you will.

so if i'm having to run story mode a gazillion times to get the hundreds of relics I need for my set, just an example then I may be spending a nice chunk of my gold to repair.  oh and if you say I make it back in story mode then think again.  my repair costs over all exceed what item may drop if it drops at all.   you'll find this out when your doing it. 


you can't get to the vault unless your at a bank and it's not always convenient to do so.  going to do BT is a prime example but I won't explain it all because either way that's a personal choice how much gold we want on us anyway.


same with any items however trivial they may seem I still don't want to have to think about whether or not I should be carrying it on me with a feature like this.  


btw where did  you get that I didn't understand that it's items on us?  I get that and that's what i'm referring to. lol.


and not sure what the last comment meant, sorry.


What more do you want? Cookies?


no idea what you mean.

but if your passing out cookies to us, make mine homemade chocolate chip cookies right out from the oven please, thanks :rolleyes:

#903603 1 Year Anniversary 30 th novmber

Posted by Blissy on 22 November 2014 - 16:20

To mark One Year of Eldevin, I hear that all characters will be reset and all storage emptied.  :)

if that happens we know who to hunt down and make a bongo out of *points to mongo* lol, B)

#902124 New players and servers

Posted by Blissy on 19 November 2014 - 11:14



kind of want to unlock this with my trusty skeleton key.


yah I been on all the servers and seen various crap in world chat.

I am on  different servs  at any time depending on what I'm up too and I have to say unfortunatly with new population and growth comes the stupid, obscene, offensive, cap spam and list goes on chat.


other games ( well ones i've played for any extended period of time) have either a more regular presence of devs in game  who if they are on and see this will address this to the player to stop or be muted or banned if it continues or players end up making a report and then if they have screenies and can see what was said conducts the appropiate action.


I know we also have the option to check off whether or not we see offensive language in chats ( whatever it will filter i guess) but most of us wont use it because we don't know what it may pick up to block and then it may be hard to read chats.


however with a small staff this isn't going to managable at this point all so we can do is ignore it, put players on our ignore list if we want, try to report it if we feel like doing that, respond to them and tell them to please stop talking like that in world chat ( which we all know seldom works so mostly players won't bother with this) or move to a different serv hoping it's more chill.


also there are those players who take it out of world chat and just think it's ok to say something offensive or rude to you out of nowhere.

  example of me standing at an npc handing in dailies and having a random player say something pretty offensive, was the word he used that I didn't find funny but obvousily he was one of those players who seeks attention by saying random stuff to others to get a reaction, ie troll.


eventually I think hc will have to start addressing this with everyone so they establish that this  sort of stuff is against TOS and  will be addressed if seen or reported in game with action from warning to bans depending on the situation and times of offense.


otherwise it's going to get worse and stay that way.

#901073 No loot after killing a boss in group

Posted by Blissy on 15 November 2014 - 11:22

Silus found a Hulking Cave Troll and I rush there! They started to attack the world boss before inviting me to group. After it died, I get the option to choose pass/greed/need but nothing happens after I clicked them. I also don't see the other group member choosing greed or need. Is it a bug or is it because the battle started before I join the group?

By the way, Hulking Cave Troll don't seems as big as in tutorial and it's green in colour.


LOL that convo, killing the troll and trolling the new players are we ? lmaoo :P

#900761 Remove the 60 day respec...

Posted by Blissy on 14 November 2014 - 11:38

was hard to read your post, your font is ant size, js. B)


however, idk I find it fine.

I definitly do not want them to remove the free respec so I'm willing to wait the 60 days.


  btw atm it still may be bugged so it's something like 10-12 days  but someone would have to confirm this who recently used it.


sure they could change it to every 30 days but they do have the option to spend ep on it if someone doesnt' want to wait so it's probably why it's 60 days.  after all they have to have some things in place for cash shop to support the game.


this is the first game I played that you can even do this for free. 


Other games if you want to change a build and it's available it's only a cash shop item and costs quite a bit for a full stat reset ( they may have a full stat reset or limited reset for less).

so players have to do their research on class builds or mess up and restart a character early on or pay for it.


so idk, suppose anything is possible but I kind of don't see them changing this anytime soon especially having so many other things to work on like AH please!   still unsure why Guilds are coming before that.   I"m keeping my fingers crossed that maybe AH comes soon after. :rolleyes:

#900408 Too Much Ham

Posted by Blissy on 13 November 2014 - 16:33

erm no on decrease lol.  some use it to cook with, some for dailies.  just npc what you don't need, easy to get more.  npc'ing mats is a way to get some funds.   stacking not needed because you can either buy small baskets for 5g each or if you use ep you can get sacks for 50ep which you can put a stack of 50-100 of a mat in and some stack to 250 in those.  js


all storage items can be purchased by clicking the upper right hand button that says shop. even in game items such as 5g baskets. while those don't stack as much they help in the beginning. 


also you can see if anyone wants that, probably won't really sell but can always give it to someone if you dn't want it or don't npc. js :)

#897049 Make The Halloween Boxes available to purchase with Treats

Posted by Blissy on 31 October 2014 - 12:45

Why you do this after I posted I am gonna take a break? Now I am gonna look like a big TIT when I play again. :D


 *points at mongo bongo and giggles* :P  and welcome back! :lol: haha

#896626 Thanksgiving Event

Posted by Blissy on 29 October 2014 - 10:51

Kwanzaa ( if your not familar with this one just google, lol), oh can name a bunch more... haha obviously chels was kidding :P.


honestly I hate thanksgiving so I'd have to help xadeninja and contribute my trusty flame thrower in the mix. :D  ahh yah there really  are some of us who would rather see this holiday blow up ha ha ha .

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#896208 U.S serv is zombie tornado madness in EC : can a dev fix this ?

Posted by Blissy on 25 October 2014 - 12:51

what title says. guess someone glitched or whatever you call it.  it's horrible in EC bank. can hardly see.  not to mention probably is going to make some players lag.


#895718 Filling the Stable is bugged? why didn't I get my wings :< help

Posted by Blissy on 21 October 2014 - 16:10

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :<


well can i have my 50g back because was there any post on this? grrr  :/


grumbles, seems a bit unfair considering we all don't have those and then it's changed while others were able to do it oh sigh lol. e.e

#890422 Can we have story mode To3?

Posted by Blissy on 21 September 2014 - 07:23

like title says.  looks like with a small population once we reach 34/35 lvl it's hard to find group for this dungeon.  I'm 35 atm and I never see people going.  I've never been there but wondering if it's possible to have a story mode so that maybe we can try to get our sets.  just a thought.  thanks :)

#887889 Upon death suggestion : chat

Posted by Blissy on 31 August 2014 - 07:04

My suggestion is that when we die we are able to type in chat to speak to our party members.


not sure why it's made so when we die we can't type in chat but it's really helpful for one thing to be able to talk to ppl when you die.   for example, maybe you died while questing or in dungeon and your not near any party member so they aren't aware you just died.  I"d like to say to them, erm I died so can someone come revive me please lol :)


but whatever reason someone may want to chat when they die, be really nice if we could.


can this be changed please when and if there is an update on our chat system?



#887718 Tea: the tale of the missing beverage

Posted by Blissy on 29 August 2014 - 00:05

Lol, I like it but make sure it's black tea.  Early grey is nice or maybe English Breakfast tea, I like my caffeine :lol:.  I"m a coffee person but I like tea too, iced or hot is a fun choice :P

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