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Member Since 10 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2024 15:00

#1010421 New Idea : Education

Posted by vastilos on 16 February 2024 - 01:28

couldn't have anticipated a more worthy response, ty Sir!


Should I ask what reward you get for having the best veal?

#1010413 New Idea : Education

Posted by vastilos on 14 February 2024 - 01:40

I wonder what the reward would be for making lots of steaks....

#1009675 Zorgrom vs Shroud IX

Posted by Subject on 24 August 2023 - 15:30

Appreciate the Event HCS but My Goodness could you please update the Reward stash. There is nothing in it that is useful.. really think you can get better of everything elsewhere with pots and stuff.. not even saying switch the Buffs in the stash just up the dang level of the skill.. not even the duration.. LOL.. these stash's are a joke.. 



Again Thanks for the event 




#1009657 New SEs!

Posted by stormfish on 19 August 2023 - 01:59

Thank you Cows for the new SEs


Start searching for 4500 one at:


GARANOK TOWN (MORGUE) (Min Level: 4501)


going down in the levels. Found it at:




Good luck to all hunters.

#1009183 Proposed Guild RP Packs.

Posted by EpicPiety on 28 March 2023 - 16:14

Is it not possible to have a more flexible system where you can build your own packs? Each skill is weighted to have a different RP cost. Just a quick thought, pretty timeless system :).

#1008992 Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2023)

Posted by Shadow41 on 16 February 2023 - 12:13

Do we have any good critter dropping Events coming?!? .. us composers needs them :D

#1008802 Pvp ladders

Posted by Ouiounon on 24 December 2022 - 15:53

i'm not so convinced it's negative, doesn't anything that shows the true power of fsp keep this game afloat? we see often ladders with one player soaking it up, isnt it us the community at fault for not rising to EP's challenge?


I'm not sure spending thousands and thousands of $$$ would be considered rising to a challenge  :P

#1008698 Double Composing XP LXXXIII, new FB page + Xmas Offer!

Posted by Zue on 01 December 2022 - 16:22

Hi there everyone!
Today, we have our next 'Double Composing XP' event!
For the next 48 hours, until 15:00 (Server Time) on the 3rd of December, XP gained from making Composing Potions shall be doubled, so get those potions brewing!
We hope you enjoy the 83rd Composing XP Event!
We also invite players to follow our new Facebook page, exclusively for Fallen Sword posts: https://facebook.com/FallenSwordGame
In addition to this, the 2022 Christmas Special Offer is now available: https://www.fallensw...nts&subcmd=xmas

Players have just two weeks to take advantage of this fabulous, festive offer!
Have a great weekend.
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008716 Zombie Yeomen XVI & the Christmas Promotion!

Posted by BigGrim on 08 December 2022 - 14:58

Hi there Everyone!
Global Event!
It is a dark day. On this day, many years ago, the beloved Royal Family of Albiton were brought low by the insidious attack of a nameless Necromancer. The Albiton Family had potent Alchemists, who worked wonders with their potions. The Necromancer, fearful of this power, poisoned the Yeoman & Footman Guard of the Royal Household and raised their dead bodies. Thus the Royal House of Albiton fell. Trapped in their own towers with their own undead Guards preying upon them.
Now, the Yeomen & Footmen have risen again across the land. The Warrior of the Realms must destroy them. If you aid in this task, you can earn the potions of the fallen House.


Counts as 1 kill.


Counts as 5 kills.
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Zombie Yeomen infesting the Realms.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly powerful potion rewards (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
Additionally, if you end the event in the Top 100 Contributors, you will receive 1 extra Ruby Chests on top of what the Community unlocks!
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.
Christmas Offer!
The 2022 Christmas Special Offer is still available! Click here to view the Special Xmas Offer! Players have a little under a week and a half to take advantage of this fabulous, festive offer!
The Global Event shall be live until 15:00 on the 13th of December 2022.
Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1008721 Titan Design but wait there's MORE

Posted by asterxemil on 09 December 2022 - 04:50

Hi, my name is Aster, and I'm addicted to- wait a second this is the wrong place for that... ANYWAY... I'm here today to present a further look into my idea for the Titan Design Contest, which did NOT end up getting placed, however, I WOULD like to gain community opinion/support for the idea I had to go along with said Titan. 

I came up with this idea: Ilyxanda, the Living Cauldron. A foul living jar that roams the Realms Betwixt in search of the Eldritch Ring, fighting any and all that dare cross his path, to become the truest Champion of All. My first thoughts were to create a Titan capable of giving a drop I dubbed The Living Cauldron that allows for players to invent one of a list of Epic potions, but I thought "Why stop there?" And after getting feedback from other players, and ideas to go along with it, I feel the better option would be to do something akin to the PvP based Chests you can create. Here are a few examples of what I had in mind:

Recipe: Ogalith's Box of Burning Brews
1x Living Cauldron
1x Ogalith's Fiery Grasp
(insert other resources here)
Makes a chest of potions that allow you to have... let's say 5x Titan Doubler 350 pots (Distilled puts it at 403) That's 10x Kills per Titan, allowing faster clears, or more competitive clears on newer/high value Titans

Or this one:
Recipe: Skaldir's Stash of Slushed Stout
1x Living Cauldron
1x Skaldir's Frostbitten Steps
Makes a chest of potions that allow to have... let's say 5x Immobilise Titan 200 pots

(Reminder that these ideas in and of themselves aren't 100% hashed out, but you get the general idea.)

One way this helps Titan Hunting is to keep these Titans active and not let them sit for a week, or a few weeks, as (let's face it) people just aren't willing to resort to normal TKP hunting on the regular anymore. If we pop in a fresh take like this, it makes the Titan Epics more valuable (as in highly sought) as they will diminish to keep up with potion/chest supply. Along with future rebalancing to provide upgraded Epics, this will reduce the large quantities of Epics down to a more feasible level, they keep their Epic status, and yes they WILL increase in value, however, that means they stay at a pace equal to or similarly to the Event/Holiday Titans, even if the item itself is worth less overall in terms of equipped stats (stamina stam gain etc)

Another way this helps keep Titans active is being able to get buff/buff levels not available anywhere else, or buffs more attuned to hunting Titans. This allows new skills to be added in that aren't particularly suited for PvP/GvG or upgrade skills to a level that makes them more viable for regular use.

Imagine with me, if you will, the ability to use just Epics to hunt down most Titans around your level and lower, perhaps ones slightly higher that just spawn in your level's max realm level, as you get a Chest that contains potions that give you Invigorate 2500. That's 25% increase to all of your stats (28.75% Distilled with Zombie Brew) PER PIECE EQUIPPED. That's almost 260% increased stats for wearing Epics! A truly Epic potion!

I'd appreciate any and all thoughts, criticism, reworks, and whatnot to this you, as the Community might have. (Also if the devs decide to chime in, they have my concept down in the actual Titan Design Contest thread)

#1008633 Skill update!

Posted by Zue on 14 November 2022 - 14:36

Hi everyone,
The skill "All for One" is now added to the Special section of the player buffs, at level 2000.
Players will be given a free skill reset, which will be allocated within an hour and can be seen in your Log.
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008673 Bonfire Night event ends

Posted by Zue on 22 November 2022 - 14:21

Hi everyone!
Bonfire Night is now over, with the Cathedral Basement closed and the Wickerman crumbling to ash for another year. They shall return! Those stuck in the Basement will be teleported out. If the Wickerman was despawned before it was destroyed, no TKP or secures are awarded.
We hope you enjoyed the event!
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008678 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by BigGrim on 25 November 2022 - 16:02

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Bahmou (Legendary)
Bahmou is a creature from the ancient past. Stories tell of how a great warrior defeated the beast and left it for dead. Over the ages a forest grew over his resting place and somehow begun to change and regenerate the monster. Now Bahmou has awoken from his death, a creature more plant than animal. It is said he guards the forests of the world like dog guards its master.
Recommended Level: 300+
Recommended Gold: 21,000+
The Gilded King (Legendary)
After your traitorous guide abandons you in the caves, you finally emerge in moonlight and shadows in the fabled hidden Valley of the Golden King. The rumors of vast treasure are true, but the wonderful golden idols and hammered images are not the magical animals you expect but the lamia and jabberwock; the king is a follower of the Shadow Lord! Beset by the gilded one's horde of goons, you fight your way free to boldly face the Golden King himself. Now if only you can survive the king and remember the way back...
Designed by: kinghomer
Recommended Level: 525+
Recommended Gold: 23,000+
Xind Imperial Demon (Legendary)
The mad Sorcerer Xinderoth discovered the Magic of Xind, a potent form of magic that has many properties, including being able to imprint your will to create anything from Xind. The existence of the Xind Imperial Demon and its great power of destruction proves that once again a powerful force has risen up that can control this magic with great skill but who remains hidden behind their demon for now...
Recommended Level: 820+
Recommended Gold: 29,000+
Gargantuan Phoenix (Legendary)
The Gargantuan Phoenix is usually a rarely seen Beast, preferring to stay away from Mortals. Recently, unknown, though presumably dark, forces have been forcing the great birds out of their lairs. At this injustice, the Phoenix have decided to lay waste to all mortals for their arrogance.
Recommended Level: 1230+
Recommended Gold: 37,000+
Barathor the Seer of Fire (Legendary)
Barathor, the Seer of Fire, is an ancient, otherworldly demonic being. His centuries of flame gazing have left him entirely blind but he still manages to see thanks to his Helm of Visions. Some say whatever he has seen over the ages has driven him quite mad, all that is known for sure is he is now using his mastery over fire as a weapon, incinerating all around him. He needs to be stopped!
Recommended Level: 1725+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
Wily Minions (Legendary)
Wily Minions came to the realms innocently enough but in their naivety, soon fell under the pall of the Shadow Lord's dark agents, who corrupted every member of the clan. These minions have been imbued with the darkness of the Shroud, granting strength only the greatest of warriors can best. Beware, for they will corrupt you in their never ending quest for dominance.
Designed by : zizzwyly
Recommended Level: 3100+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
The following Potions are back in rotation as well: Watch Your Back Brew, Potion of the Canny Gather, Flask of Death, Potion of Unbridled Aggression, Titan Hunters Lesser Brew & Fast Track Draft.
These creatures and potions shall be available until 16:00 (Server Time) on Monday the 28th of November 2022.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#1008565 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Emperor Sidd on 01 November 2022 - 11:44

Thank you so much for the effort you have put into this thread!


I would like to propose Relic Defender be changed to reduce the relic penalty instead ? That would keep the buff accurate to its name and the buff isn't dependent on another buff i.e. in your iteration Relic Defender does nothing if the other person doesn't use Reign of terror.


Context: There is a relic penalty for holding more than 1 relic in the game, as there maybe 200 active guilds left in the game - most guilds hold 2-4 relics. Changing this to reduce the penalty will give more incentive for guilds to try and defend relics instead of swapping back and forth.


Relic Defender: 0.05% per point reduction in relic penalty. ( Lead defender only) ( Relic Comat only)



Do you think increasing the duration of this skill could add extra value to its usage? 30 minutes doesn't really cover much, especially when it's up in the air whether a Relic is going to be attacked or not.


If you are going to keep buff as is do you think you can have it use the same duration as nightmare visage? Both are buffs intended for long term offline protection.


As for Galvanize, we wanted to try something a bit more experimental. A buff that could work in conjunction with another when it activates. However, we do see how fiddly this could be and how Healer itself has, in its current availability, little chance to activate. Now, I would like to clarify how Galvanize actually works:

Galvanize, when activated, increases the combats max Hit Points using the player's base HP attribute. It will not, in its current form, be further boosted by the likes of Fortitude and Severe Condition


I would be interested if the ratios on this are high, I believe if you survey the players maybe 1 in 100 have any substantial points allocated to base HP.

#1008508 Bacon

Posted by Removed4427 on 17 October 2022 - 00:42














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