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#918086 Proving Suspicion 2/3 - Kill the Crystal Lord

Posted by redsmokeboy on 04 February 2015 - 01:04

Fun bug. =.= Killing npc testing skill on dummy's invertly killed npc.

Crystal lord never killed so not sureon him as have yet do Crystal void Quest.

  • KeS likes this

#913723 Troll

Posted by redsmokeboy on 05 January 2015 - 21:04

Issue with Loot chest Like PL - Dragon - Wolf - how have set is every one get some thing even if there not doing any thing to help. Tap boss wait for it to be dead for loot.


Still yet get PL disc, As ranking sys hate's me, Frost dragon right now sever al there taping then AFK have frosty randeeer yet still have yet get 1 and killing boss - helping tanked few died few time costly yet to get frosty deer, yet some lvl 9 (name here)

Have 2 Frosty deer's yet clearly can see uable do any thing yet has 2.


RNG to blame just as well for those to simple tap the bosss gain loot just not right. Need imporve on that sys as for PL simlure mean's just not right loot sys, Understand alow mean for lower lvl have chance but alow high lvl's kill boss and gain all for doing nothing. Some thing not right with that.


Troll, Tag first gain all loot. Issue with Troll is need Tank - healer kill with out almost doomed fail some els with tank healer get the loot.


So any DPS walk's bye, Point's to even help kill boss as there nothing but repair fee waiting for you.

#913380 Account Trading Warning

Posted by redsmokeboy on 03 January 2015 - 17:37

People have take Stollen money buying in game Eldevin pont's Selling EP gained from stollen cc, Trading for Gold or Other items, simply Warring people in Eldevin try to avoid buying and selling EP from low lvl people, Limited chance of you be considered under invsagation.

#907855 Item binds

Posted by redsmokeboy on 08 December 2014 - 20:03

Still reather gear 1 toon with gem's and so forth gain relic's need vs gear + gem my alt's even run DGN or wasted 250 EP in removing gem's from main add to alt so can even use him/her in DGN.


Cost efftive from player's point to alow relic's be account bound many other thing's.


As far as over bind of weapon's is some thing limited mean for genral market for item's

Say get lvl 45 281/281 haste - 281 ess mac roll's possible for lvl 45 now with lvl 50 content thos elove;ly item now siting in bank unable even trasfer them to alt even sell them to some one who could realy use them.


2 item that are very sought after now worthless as bound to you what to do with these item to loevly npc. Take space up do to limited space have ardy not worth holding these item even so there hard to obtaind, Unable trasfer to alt or even resell to some one who could have use for them open more chance to get rare item's with even larger amount people to many DGN run's for few item only be worthless after use.


Understand heroic's and so forth - Rare item's should be rare but not complty useless to any one els speacily after lvled past usefulness of the item.


100 + run's or for 281/281 at 30 min run or so chance see one of therse to only be worthless after use it.

Sound like alot of time wasted for item.

#906181 Grarai Colossim - GC Totem Rest Move.

Posted by redsmokeboy on 01 December 2014 - 21:07

Possible move GC totem closer to DGN door ?

#906113 BP Labeling

Posted by redsmokeboy on 01 December 2014 - 17:34

Nice add bag targeting, Vs main bag as target bag so farming agthering so forth traget bag aas main bag for item go into vs main bag as defulte as welll, Lable Bag's need trageting lock so make using labed bag's easyer.

#903922 Removing Gem's

Posted by redsmokeboy on 23 November 2014 - 19:23

suggested few time's.


Right now only way remove gem's from gear with EP.

As well only thing in game bound to EP option only to  - use.


Option add other then EP: Pay with gold - Other mean's Valor - Prerstige - Loyatie points


This need's be added as option as ep only this need be changed.


Game is aming for pay for convance, With gem being soly locked to ep limiting mean's for to use this option. vs being something should be optional usage.


Most thing in game can be gained thought in game play or can be bought with Ep help you.

skill's remote stash - shop - rez - bought with EP more convance not isssue.


removing gem's with fact the gear is bound to you after equipted make it hard for those to use gem's and wish to save gem to use in better gear.


With EP, this is limiting mean's for gem useage as well aviablite of using gem's in lower lvl gear.


I've been thinking about this lately too. Having gems be only be removable from items with EP is pretty P2W in my eyes.

Think about it, if a player works hard to put gems into his armor, and then later wants to take it out to put it into new armor, he has to be a paying player (means he has the EP to be able to do it). A f2p player on the other hand, has to sell his armor. There is nothing he can do. He has to start all over trying to remake that gem to put it into his new armor. Even if the f2p player can trade for EP, he is still at a disadvantage since finding a player to sell EP, and at a reasonable price might not happen.


No, gems are not just a luxury for players. A player with gems embedded into his armor is much more power than a player who doesn't use gems. Gems are a necessity.


Gem removal needs to be something other than EP. EP in my eyes was used for vanity and luxury purposes (respects, vanity, and more inventory slots). Removing gems isn't a luxury, it's necessary to be able to progress in the game at the same rate as a paying player.


Cover's most of my other thought's on this issue of gem's Thank's pen.

#902977 1 Year Anniversary 30 th novmber

Posted by redsmokeboy on 21 November 2014 - 01:19

Idea will there be any thing speacl for 1 yr mark soon ? 30 th or so of this month.

#902690 Thanksgiving Event

Posted by redsmokeboy on 20 November 2014 - 15:03

Day honor mass murder lovely day to honor death of many. And many Turkys who have to die as well.

#901784 Guild, Buyable House, Relationship?

Posted by redsmokeboy on 18 November 2014 - 11:04

Relationship = to Rep gain as you go as right now very little mean's other then some vanite.


Ralationship - love sys or metor sys - nothing in regard's to this.


few Emote's Hug - Kiss soon able get very own with X-mas around corner

Guild in work's i hear priotie 1

Housing down the road

#900699 sorting issue Vault/Ohdar

Posted by redsmokeboy on 14 November 2014 - 06:48

When looking at my relic's Sorting issue Vault and Ohdar relic's swaped place.

Try get screen so can see issue. Log in shortly.



#898590 Moving in Slow Motion (Major Lag)

Posted by redsmokeboy on 07 November 2014 - 02:15

Geting slow motion issue right now tryed every thing other then log in via web browser.


Restarted pc - preload file's - Cleaned up pc. Still get slow motion isssue. runing then slow's down speed's back up. pinh arohnd 100 - 110 on averge check during slow down  ping still same,


Not sure what casusing slow motion. Slow down speed up geting very hard to play speed slowing down then speeding back up.


Tryed using safed mode still have issue.


tryed lower viwe disatance , nothing working last see if web browswer work's.


Note game was running fine till enter TA go kill PL.

#897244 Confirmation pop up when selling gemmed gear to NPC?

Posted by redsmokeboy on 01 November 2014 - 18:06

Key function buy back option. As well option pop up warring you before npcing.

#896807 2 new acvemnt's major issue.

Posted by redsmokeboy on 30 October 2014 - 01:41

My little bonies

The bluppity sister's


1. Why are these pay to gain ?


wild fire


Toil - Pet


2. where is option get Spooky gifts with out EP ?

#896684 Plagued kill's - Rep gain's ?

Posted by redsmokeboy on 29 October 2014 - 15:30

Not sure if this just over sight or working as intended, Kill Plague gain's no rep.

check around world not rep lose.

Only place get rep is kill 3 boss in vault.


Is this working as intend or is there any other way get Rep other then completing all quest.


As of right now completed quest been grinding Vault - Just wonted know if rep lose is working as intent.


Side note killing crimson around world lower's rep ? why not for Plagued ?


Considering only gain rep lose from vault 3 bosses figured this might be bug - over sight.


Killing plague working as intened as far as rep gain's is the issue.

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