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Member Since 28 Jun 2013
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#941576 Sort gems properly.

Posted by drdoom123 on 27 July 2015 - 15:27











Am i the only one who doesn't have that many gems ?

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#940736 spam clicking in some quests

Posted by drdoom123 on 23 July 2015 - 21:03

Bt weekly burning the flags and lvl 28 quest lights for the dead require clicking items and lit them. If u spam click 1 object, it will give u more done (if u do it fast, u can get whole quest done with first object)

just a question when you enter bt do you do something before spam clicking ? this dosnt work

#940731 spam clicking in some quests

Posted by drdoom123 on 23 July 2015 - 20:59

lucky you :( this dont work for us

#939777 i BUGGED the FUDGE out of icc

Posted by drdoom123 on 22 July 2015 - 00:53

28guhom.jpg selfie !

#939383 2 people bed bug

Posted by drdoom123 on 20 July 2015 - 12:32

No please don't make the same-gender marriage legal in this game :(


why not?
 Why not allow people to marry someone who they want.



  • KeS likes this

#939083 Discrepancy between armor classes

Posted by drdoom123 on 16 July 2015 - 21:38



remove slow roll on 49 belt!

YES ! make belt rolls optional or remove them

#938990 Discrepancy between armor classes

Posted by drdoom123 on 15 July 2015 - 22:39

Thanks for the feedback on this, there could be slight bonuses to add to the medium and light sets to offset the extra HP the heavy guys gain. I'd be interested in hearing any ideas you might have.

I think what akalas suggested is good. Mana bonus to light. And half half bonus to medium


Heavy armour = lots of hp

Medium = Half energy half hp

Light = lots of energy

#938808 Tanking guide !

Posted by drdoom123 on 13 July 2015 - 20:45

Nice guide! :) and after reading.. I'm wondering one thing.

How can tanks lose the threat? I know if prophets start to heal early, then that's one way. But is there other reasons they might lose it?

basically if the dps has really high dps they generate more threat ...Higher DPS = more threat :D

#938772 Tanking guide !

Posted by drdoom123 on 13 July 2015 - 14:43



With tanking the key is to have capped defences and to hold threat with high defence it keeps you alive longer making it easy for the healer and with holding threat it keeps all the enemies to you and not at your team mates.


How do you hold threat?


-The way to hold threat is once you have grouped them use tremor so you stun them if they dont have cc immunity you can also stun them with tremor or you can despair them to silence them, this will also help group them as they tend to come closer when you silence them.


-After you have used tremor use impale, Impale is a good skill to use to hold threat as it generates high amount of threat so just spam that ;)


-With a boss all you do is spam taunt, if you keep taunt up at all times you wont lose threat but if the boss spawns enemies like the dog in asv/sv it may make things abit tricky hold threat, so for this situation the best thing to do is to keep inciting cry off cooldown and use that when they spawn this will draw them towards you and from there just spam taunt and impale this will hold threat of both the boss and the little enemies.


What can I do if I lose threat?


-The best thing to do is keep Inciting cry off cool-down at all times so just in case you lose threat you can just use that and regain control or you could stun or silence them with despair or tremor as long as they havent got cc immunity, you could also spam impale and flame rush as both of them generate threat.



How do I group them ?


-With the melee creatures they are pretty easy to group as they come to you so just stand still and they will run to you :)


-Rangers are a bit more tricky there two things you can do for this; you could group the melee creatures and then run to the rangers or something easier is to use the spell despair on the rangers this forces most the rangers to come to you or if its just one you could jolt them.


What should my attributes be like ?


As a tank you should only put points in two places, Melee and vitality.


Its up to you where you put the points but if you put all your points in vitality it gives you alot of hp and makes you harder to kill and makes things easier to heal.


If you put your points in melee it makes things harder to heal for the healer but it will give more DPS and with that you can hold threat better.


my tank build is half and half so when i level up i put half my points in melee and the other half in vitality but its up to you how you want to do it :D




Here an example of a tank build:


My OLD exact tank build:




My NEW exact tank build:




Example 2:



My build does not have empathy maxed because with over 1k dps and 30% haste I don't use it because I can hold threat but if your a new tank and you take someone who has alot of dps its good to have Empathy maxed so you can cast that on them so they wont generate too much threat.



How should I arrange my spell bar ?


This is how i have my spell bar set up.


I have all my spells that generate threat together so i can easily swap between them and same with my defence spells they are together so i can change between them. I have taunt on second because i can easily keep taunting and have spiked armour up.





What would be the best setup be ?


As a tank the best set you could use is the crafted silver set the carnelian jewellery with the infernal shield, infernal throwing star and and infernal melee 1h below is an example of the best tanking gear to use (for level 49 if you are reading this after any updates the gear may differ)




If i have missed something please comment below, your input helps !




Also dont forget to check out criplers amazing and detailed healing guide :



#938603 What's a girl gotta do...

Posted by drdoom123 on 11 July 2015 - 17:13

agreed ... whats a alien from mars gotta do for some extra spell slots :)

#938385 HCS plz

Posted by drdoom123 on 08 July 2015 - 20:21

i purposely kill my dps like that xD

  • KeS likes this

#937038 One or two more rows of abilities ?

Posted by drdoom123 on 22 June 2015 - 17:27

we really need a 3rd row i dont even have group summon or resurrect on my skill bars

#934706 arena countdown

Posted by drdoom123 on 05 June 2015 - 01:20

when you enter dueling arena have the guy stand on the side and when you talk to him you get a ready icon pop up just like with /readycheck and when you both press ready he will count you down from 3

#933095 Mage Wep

Posted by drdoom123 on 19 May 2015 - 23:00

Hmm idk...

they need it :/

#932860 New PvP mode!

Posted by drdoom123 on 17 May 2015 - 14:46

league of legends

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