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Member Since 13 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2018 11:04

#822485 Repair costs - extremely high

Posted by Sage on 26 November 2013 - 14:23

I can only speak for myself.  I couldn't complete a dungeon like Vault or Ohdar without receiving the message that my gear was broken prior to reaching the last boss.  My bloodied crossbow would always be on zero at last boss and all armor flashing needing repair.  I was wearing full Vault ranger gear at the time (except for helm) while at Ohdar.  Also want to add that I was never being directly hit by any of the npc's we were fighting since our tank was taking all the hits, so my armor shouldn't have been deteriorating at such a high rate in my opinion.  Having to repair at nearly 4 gold per trip is excessive.  There were no weapon drops at all at Ohdar instances except the ranger daggar, I'm sure there were weapon drops there before this final beta test.


One thing that troubled me in the final beta test was the lowering of drop rates and removal of certain drops totally from nearly all areas.  This was my first reset and prior to the final test I was able to keep up monetarily although I didn't make a lot I could sustain my characters needs, but then again I was getting drops that I could sell back also to pay for my crafting and continued play.  I think this is a very large part of the problem.  I love to craft and due to the high prices for the secondary ingredients in shops I had to give crafting up because I couldn't make enough to continue, which forced me to attempt to find coins in other ways like fighting, there too the coins just didn't come.  I was fortunate that friends who actually quit the game gave me coins to finish beta testing.  On the final day of testing I had only 3 gold and some change with taking into account the 15 gold that was leant to me.


Also, ty for looking into 'stealth shot' talent. Is it also possible to raise the 5/10/15 on that talent to match what other classes receive on similar talents?


And :D would still love to see an epic bow or crossbow for rangers to fight the plagued.  Ranger class is overlooked in some aspects of the game.  The bow at Nidaros Arena evened our odds there and was a complete success when it was introduced (yes I tested it at level and completed for the first time).  Please consider an epic bow for plagued also?

#821897 Drop rates low and mostly junk

Posted by Sage on 22 November 2013 - 14:37

Honestly I'm rather glad that the drop rate is low. It makes it that much better when you get something.


also regarding the cost of repairs, Mojawk already posted on it:




Very aware of that post since I am the one who started it, but thank you.  We are now discussing drop rates, and there are no improvements to those at all.  Potions are extremely high to craft and you get less than half price back for what is spent on the small elixir bottle used to craft.


1 small health potion sells to the shop for 44 copper


It costs 1 silver for the small elixir to make the potion, plus I provide the apples and shaker seeds and still losing 66 copper in the process and that is only for 1 potion.


So I spent 1 gold for 100 elixir bottles to craft 100 health potions and lost 66 silver when sold.  Its a no win situation period. And when you're getting zero to little drops to re-cooperate losses I cannot see how to turn it around.  I've went at this from all angles and still continue to go backwards.  I have no intentions of hanging out in dungeons destroying my gear that costs way too much to repair to leave there in the hole because the drop rates are crappy.


Repairs are costly after the 100+ Lvl 20 Lynx kills the cost to repair was 1 gold (which was an improvement), mana and health potions are costly... plus time spent to collect these items only to end up with less than I had when I started.


Yes we are beta testers and that is exactly why I posted both of these threads.  I am not the only one feeling the pinch and having serious trouble maintaining coins in bank to supply the high cost of everything in the game.  Friends have loaned and given me most of the gold I now have because they quit playing the game all together.  As is, this is way too stressful on the player and that is my opinion.  I have had full intentions to become a paid subscriber, but with these statistics I now am reconsidering.  I'm not one to throw good money after bad and truly cannot afford to be stressed out over a game that once was so much fun.  I truly loved the way it was, but now not so much. :unsure:  

#821776 Drop rates low and mostly junk

Posted by Sage on 22 November 2013 - 00:28

The drop rates seem to be mostly 'mundane' loot junk.  2 builds ago I was able to obtain my first ranger gear from drops at Northam Farm from the northam pigs.  Now they only drop ham and soda bread.  L3fty says ham is totally wearable but I'm not Lady Gaga.  :D  I'm sure it would smell after a short time.  This is the first place I noticed drops being removed when the last update was live.  Since then its the same, mundane loot all the time.


We have to be able to re-cooperate our loses from repairs in some way.  Not everyone wants to hammer out a living in dungeons and there too the drops are mostly junk.  Could you please look into the drop rates? 

#821767 Nidaros lynx

Posted by Sage on 21 November 2013 - 23:14

Lynx at the entrance to Huntreal Plateau is laying in path instead of on hill by the cairnstone.


#821617 nirados resurection quest

Posted by Sage on 21 November 2013 - 14:39

This new update has truly taken the fun out of the game for me.  I play to relax, relieve some stress, and enjoy being with friends.  The levels for achieving goals were quite correct before these changes.  By the time I reached the level I am now prior to the update, I could make potions that would actually heal me in battle.  Now the foraging and alchemy levels have doubled for the next size potions.


I struggle to repair armor and have now had to borrow nearly 10 gold from friends just to continue testing the game.  I hope this was not an intended outcome because it has totally wrecked my ability to play the game and be self supporting and has taken all the enjoyment out of it.


I loved to craft prior to this update.  I cannot craft now because prices are too extreme.  Why would I craft if not for profit of some type.  You must make some profit in order to continue crafting or you will go broke in the process which is what happened to me.  Saying people don't craft to make coins is ridiculous.  If you're doing it for your health and making zero and going backwards then you will fast find yourself on the losing end of all things in the game.


I would love to see the game go back to the way it was prior to this update.  These changes have made playing too stressful and there is no fun in it now.  It's wrecked my mojo.  I know HCS have worked very hard on this release but I also have to say a lot of the changes are for the worse.  I'm not a happy Eldevinian.  Please bring back our last version of the game.

#821547 Cannot use Nasaroth (Roshaven) dragon

Posted by Sage on 21 November 2013 - 04:54

You have to unlock the flight path.  Run all around the platform or area near dragon until you get the message that tells you that you have unlocked it.  At Nidaros it was way over in the front corner where it finally unlocked.  Same with Eldevin City dragon, its path unlocked behind the dragon, but it might be different for everyone.  The screen will display a message saying its unlocked though.

#821540 Repair costs - extremely high

Posted by Sage on 21 November 2013 - 04:21

Another screenshot of repairs


#821412 Nidaros Fair Quest - "Show of Strength - Option for Archer please

Posted by Sage on 20 November 2013 - 18:49

You cannot use any bow equipment while in the Nidaros Arena, you're only allowed the sword or staff.  Envenom will not work there.  We need option for Rangers.  Rangers are omitted from exceptional weapons in a lot of the quests including fighting the plagued.  Pretty simple request in my opinion.  I would like to have my odds of completing evened up with those who are melee and mage based characters.

#821382 Nidaros Fair Quest - "Show of Strength - Option for Archer please

Posted by Sage on 20 November 2013 - 16:11

I'd like to have a bow option rather than spend all that time and wreck my armor.  It now costs over 2 gold to repair and replacing the gold is not that easy.

#821378 Heroic Bow for Rangers to fight plagued

Posted by Sage on 20 November 2013 - 15:53

Would love to see a heroic bow for rangers to fight the plagued.  Melee get blade of mercy, mages get staff of redemption, rangers get nothing and have to carry weapons we do not normally use just to fight plagued.  Hope you can incorporate heroic bow or crossbow for rangers too please.

#821361 Nidaros Fair Quest - "Show of Strength - Option for Archer please

Posted by Sage on 20 November 2013 - 14:45

Nidaros Fair Quest - Please add option for archer for "Show of Strength" at the Nidaros Arena.  There is no option for it, only mages and melee.  With all points in ranger I can't complete.

#820728 Quest Unsanctioned Magic

Posted by Sage on 17 November 2013 - 18:42

Gogsy, go back to Intrepid Inn and get the other bottle, its in the next button down.  Says Finest and has quest marker on it.

#820313 Pricing Changes

Posted by Sage on 16 November 2013 - 18:22

I don't agree with the 'slight' increase, we supply nearly all the ingredients, plus time and effort spent collecting them.  That in itself should be worth something.  I am paying more for the secondary ingredients than for completed crafted items sell for.  Why craft at all if not for some profit.

#820310 Azraq Ranger Helm missing

Posted by Sage on 16 November 2013 - 17:58

There is no option to craft the Level 10 Azraq Ranger Helm at the leatherworking shop.  The only Azraq helm available to craft is melee Azraq Hunter helm.

#820305 Inventory

Posted by Sage on 16 November 2013 - 17:42

My frustration rate has gone through the roof today.  I am sadly considering not playing at all.  Going backwards in coins constantly is not fun and games are suppose to be fun not drain every ounce of energy you put into something.  The buy high sell for less formula is not working for me.  I play to have fun and this is fast becoming a pain to play.  Prices for items are too high.  Prices to repair and the rate of repair is twice normal.  Crafted items sell for less than the materials bought to construct.  A quick fix for this is needed soon.

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