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Member Since 23 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 23 2016 12:46

#962435 [OCD] OL'Chickens Distillery - 24/7 POTS/ELIXIRS/DRAFTS (now lvl 32+ Food...

Posted by Crofil on 21 April 2016 - 00:41

Debru still working??? lol OCD is still selling?

good to see you :) Susej 

#894535 OCD kicking in..

Posted by Doja on 15 October 2014 - 01:10

Please do not use the term OCD unless it is related to Ol' Chickens Distillery.  Thank you.  :D :D :D

#950272 Activity minigames!

Posted by ernzor on 01 October 2015 - 22:32

I rahter want the level 50 content before this but I think some minigames would be fun. There are times I have nothing to do

I dont know how that possible when you run all 16 chars everyday :P

#901808 Remove cooldown pop up confirm for group summon

Posted by Mongo on 18 November 2014 - 12:45

It is only 10 silver, do we really need to have the annoyance of a going through the confirm and cooldown screen just to do this?  :P


Make it so we just get charged 10 silver every time we use group summon.


Can make it an option in settings if you feel it still needs a confirm for lower levels?

#900758 Remove the 60 day respec...

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 14 November 2014 - 11:32

Its bugged atm so it resets every 10 or 11 days.

Also 60 days is not 120 days. You can choose to reset attribute points or talent points, or BOTH at the same time.


All new players are given free respecs before lvl 15 I believe.


Type in bigger font please:p

#900769 [Suggestion][Cooking] Remove "Spices"

Posted by ZeusIV on 14 November 2014 - 11:57

if you sit down at a table the slow lazy waitress will offer you a menu of low level foods and then take half a day to go and get them for you and charge you an arm and a leg them. do not tip her! the service it terrible


i like the idea for Simple Soft Meat etc

often meat types are in areas where that level fruit grows so you could have a recipe of meat + fruit that can be made in the field on a log fire that gives you emergency nourishment. replace health or give you a 5 minute buff

salt could be made by boiling water, milk/butter by milking a kalgorn, oil by squashing seeds


i suggested somewhere that there could be a portable alchemy bench (log fire + test tube) to make pots while in the field and i think both should be considered


you wouldn't want to do it on the crystal coast cos it is quicker to run to ec but in north nasaroth, blossom ridge, broken shore greenreef, or forbidden isle it would be useful 

#900153 Making friend list and alt characters more manageable

Posted by Ant on 12 November 2014 - 17:59

I think it would be nice if you could add a note on someones name when you ignore them, so you can remember why or make it that you can set your own name headers to add people too.





#899826 REALLY NEED a

Posted by ZeusIV on 11 November 2014 - 13:34

Little widget that shows which server we are on.

If a whole new widget is too much work could you extend the minimap with a new bubble

24guvzX.png<---- that has the server initial on it?

#899799 Realm Map Images Pack

Posted by l3fty on 11 November 2014 - 10:50

Hi everyone,


We've had some requests for our map images to be made available for use in the Eldevin Wiki and fan websites etc. We've put together this .rar file containing all the map images, hopefully some of you will find it useful :D




There is also the pretty map of the world already on the wiki which is really handy for navigating.





You can visit the fan created/maintained wiki here :  http://eldevin.wikia.com/



This is a stop gap until we get time to improve the in game map to make navigation much easier.


Enjoy :D

#897720 Making friend list and alt characters more manageable

Posted by Mongo on 03 November 2014 - 20:59

It is really tedious sometimes, having to add all your friends alts over and over each time they make a new character. Also seeing 16 people online when it is only one (and 15 alts) seems silly, not to mention how confusing it can be when your friend has 16 characters... who can remember all those? I can just about remember my own! :P


I think the whole thing needs an overhaul to become more user friendly.


Some suggestions:



  • Make it a requirement for us to ACCEPT a friend request, before others can add us to their friends list. This is important in the next suggestions for privacy from strangers.
  • Once a friend is added, it will AUTO add all current and future characters they create.
  • The friends list and server screen should include the CHARACTER and MAIN. e.g. "Mongo(Flash)"
  • There is no need to list all of my characters on the server select screen, just the one I am logged with. In the format suggested above "Mongo(Flash)" or if I am logged on my main , just "Mongo"
  • Also I think it would be really great, if someone could just whisper "Mongo" and I would then receive that message, no matter if I am logged on Mongo, Flash or any other character.


So basically we are taking our main character name (account) and incorporating that to include every alternate character.


Also not sure if you fixed it yet as I have not ignored anyone, but if we add a player to ignore it should include all their present and future characters.


If anyone has more suggestions please post, also please post if you think this idea sucks. Thanks.


Actually thinking about it think the other way round would be better, so Main(alt). Here is a quick mock up I done of what our friend list would now look like (hope you don't mind me using you as example Razzy) :P


So Raziel Is logged on his alt Kainn and has accepted my friend request, I now see this:



#897549 Loot Auto Pickup?

Posted by Dampard on 03 November 2014 - 09:15

I am getting seriously fatigued from grinding in halloween city not from killing mobs but from picking up loot. Since there is a keystroke "E" for auto target, I wish there is another key assigned for auto pickup.



#897163 Halloween event - WE CAN DO IT! C'MON! :D

Posted by bloody18 on 01 November 2014 - 07:59


#896687 Bag Slots for the Vault

Posted by Mongo on 29 October 2014 - 15:37

Would find it very useful. That is all.  :)

#883543 Combine Aquamarine and Tourmaline into a single gem

Posted by Bryn on 03 August 2014 - 18:00

Rather than having to chose between the two (or not using them at all, which appears to be the overwhelming case), have a single gem that regenerates both health and mana.  If that is too OP, then drop the regen rating a little.

#881965 DON'T nerf or change ascended rumble!!

Posted by awollsd on 25 July 2014 - 01:26

just spent a couple hours attempting it we didn't make it but damn it was one hell of a fight most fun i've had since old To3 


please don't change at least not till after i am able to beat it consistantly :) 


thanks :)

PS: when/IF you do change it. the only suggested change i would concider is to slightly reduce the frequancy of the prisons. (but again make sure it's a ways off so i've had my fun first) :)

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