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Member Since 19 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active May 25 2017 14:21

#895195 [STEAM] related suggestion.

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 18 October 2014 - 10:21

I agree with everything for once lol

#894162 Friends online bugged ~ not showing

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 13 October 2014 - 15:33

Oky doke... EU server, account was "Zook" his alt that was online was "Samoorai" I have both on my friends list, but neither showed online on the server select screen.


It has happened with others on my list too over the past couple of days, but this is the one I noticed a couple of times today.

I didnt give you any permission to name me. Be sure to check your mail for a letter to the court, i just sued you. :ph34r:

#894051 Mana costs.

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 12 October 2014 - 20:05

If you base this at a lvl 8 char, you should wait and see how it is at higher levels.

#894007 Allow arranging items in our backpack while foraging etc.

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 12 October 2014 - 14:52

Move things faster  you slowpoke <.<

#885838 Highlighting quest items in the crafting overview

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 16 August 2014 - 10:37

No Savanc, I wont 'Hit Like! :)'

But I say it here. I like this idea :P

#884610 Top Lists are backwards

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 10 August 2014 - 16:24

I like seeing you on the bottom :ph34r:

#868205 Ascended loot

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 12 May 2014 - 10:29

Why should everything you do in this game be a profit? If you dont wipe during the runs you dont lose any gold whatsoever!
And lets say you wipe twice each run. Thats like 40g-50g total or so. Just go out and loot for an hour or do some professions. No game works in the way that you get profit whatever you do.

Also you ru for tokens that you buy Fabled Gear from. You dont need to buy another 100 flakes and/or rems to craft them either. Its pretyt much cheaper than jewelryset and other lvl 45 gear that you can craft. It only takes more time.

#864659 Potions overwrite each other now ??

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 23 April 2014 - 10:55

Just give us the option to use 3 or 4 total buffs from Pots/Food. Meaning we could used 4 food if we eanted or 2 of each.

#862370 We Need something on the sidetrack

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 12 April 2014 - 20:04

Daily Races around Eldevin Palace

#862323 Ranger Fabled weapon change from bow to crossbow?

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 12 April 2014 - 14:46

I think bow should have higher dps than xbow so it somethign that players will choose between

Higer base dps or faster animations and beeing able to kite.

And then make Fabled Bow and Fabled Xbow that both works in the set.

#862272 Please stop in and show Warriors some love!!

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 12 April 2014 - 09:47

Warriors do have some quite strong single target abilities which can be used very effectivly in PvP.

#862059 Make privacy a priority?

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 11 April 2014 - 18:28

Yes please!

Want this so much and want it now.

  • Ant likes this

#861857 __

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 10 April 2014 - 21:29


Ok Zook. So I respec after a freebie to try something new and completely screw up. Lets say I make it pretty unbearable to play. Now I must sit and wait for the next hotfix where they "might" give another freebie. They don't always and you know that.

You cant blame HCS for your mistake tho...

I know plenty of players that respec often, paying the EP for it and they dont complain about it. The only thing I wanna see is that we can Reset EITHER Talents or Attributes for a LOWER cost. Instaed of having to pay 250ep no matter what we choose to reset.
Reset both = 250EP
Reset Talents = 150 EP
Reset Attributes = 150 EP
Thats something I would use way more than the current way it is. I already suggested this tho, and they said they think about it. I understand this wont be one of their top priorities anyway, so if it doesnt happen, or dont happen soon Im still happy with how it is.

#861644 __

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 10 April 2014 - 10:13

Also, they have given free repsecs with pretty much every update. Way less than 60 days

#861642 Shadowcaster and Intensify Spirit (Prophet Talent)

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 10 April 2014 - 10:06

So I finally found whats making it impossible, for any group that has me as healer, to defeat Shadowcaster.


Intensify Spirit

-  Your Critical Heals increase the targets maximum health by 10% for 15 seconds


This is a talent that works on Revitalize, Crimson Chain and Dark Prayer. Crimson Chain beeing my main source of healing and is used to keep everyone healthy at Shadowcaster. Crimson Chain/Dark Prayer will then apply Intensify Spirit to our tank from time to time, and when Shadowcaster steals that buff he gains 10% max HP but also 10% more current HP. If he dont have max HP already, he wont lose the extra 10% current HP when Intensify Spirit runs out on him.

So if Shadowcaster has 1m hp left and gets Intensify Spirit he gains about 128k HP as about 10% of his max HP. Basicly healing himself up to 1.128m HP. When buff runs out he would stay at the HP we took him down to again. Which sometimes is less than he healed for.


3 times now, have I been in a group and taking him down to 900k HP before he wipes us. While other healers have beaten him.

  • Ben likes this

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