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Member Since 18 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2024 01:40

#977748 We need some invasions!

Posted by BigGrim on 09 March 2017 - 15:20

Invasions? Might just look into this. See what's what.


~ Grim

#976000 The Greatest Gothador Player of All Time

Posted by OnionGroove on 27 January 2017 - 01:50

it was once the funnest place on the internet


Yeah, before HC forsook it for the children it loved more...  This was the place to be.  **Sigh**

#959651 Gothador, still a great place to kill spit when mad as hello

Posted by Sadiablo on 23 February 2016 - 05:58

Especially from OG, <3

#959602 Gothador, still a great place to kill spit when mad as hello

Posted by OnionGroove on 22 February 2016 - 03:33

Hugs her OG


Ah, hugs...always good.   :D

#958771 Gothador, still a great place to kill spit when mad as hello

Posted by OnionGroove on 09 February 2016 - 04:04

That is all, carry on.


:D  :lol:  :P

#943170 FrankNStein died almost a year ago and still no Quest in his honour.

Posted by Hoofmaster on 03 August 2015 - 19:27

I'll check with Iago tomorrow and see what happened with this.

#934481 something new

Posted by Sadiablo on 03 June 2015 - 04:34

You didn't, it was just an aftermath post letting the rest of the 10 remaining gothador players we aren't allowed to make those kinds of posts, even though it didn't offend anyone and it wasn't even really political or religious, it just referenced a well known author making a statement to a religious entity. You weren't making a political or religious speech yourself or preaching anything, and if the dozen or less people who actually post keep getting censored now there's going to be zero activity on the forums and then they will be 100% obsolete, instead of only 99.999% obsolete. 


But, on to happier topics now?

#929410 True Insanity

Posted by Mekare on 21 April 2015 - 14:54

It's our insanity that binds us together :P

#927503 future gothador

Posted by Sadiablo on 08 April 2015 - 04:27

Spent a lot of time and money to play by yourself. That's rough.


That's the situation all existing players are in. We poured hundreds of dollars or more into this game to build it up, and to keep it alive. Not just by paying our subs either. By buying USP and paying for websites like The Guild of Wisdom's Book of Wisdom (just as an example) as a player resource since there was never anything implemented server side for that.  Basically, HCS put the game in front of us, said "here are the quests, have fun" and never gave us realm lists, quest databases or anything.

We have done everything ourselves since day one. The only thing we didn't do is create the game, but we keep it alive, research everything, develop places people can go to look for things that are never provided for in the game and contribute all the suggestions that would revamp the game and maybe breathe life back into it, that ultimately all get ignored.


Many of us either have, or know someone who has spent potentially thousands of real life dollars to help get this game up and running or keep it alive. That's on top of the 11+ years we have been playing and spending 20-40+hrs a week leveling up and doing events as a cult to help other players.  We've spent more time and attention on this game than the developers ever have, but sadly.. HCS seems to have the attention span of a humming bird with ADD. 


As soon as they got up to about 90,000 ACTIVE players, they went "Hmm ok, lets go do something else" and out came Fallen Sword,  they got a few players there then "Ah well, off to the next thing" and Sigmastorm came out. Rinse and repeat and you have today. 

Instead of maintaining anything that's been successful, as soon as it gets any margin of success they abandon it and move on to another project and leave everything else behind to rot. 

They've been so focused on IoS games and Android platform games and Eldevin  that they entirely forgot about gothador. 


Yes, I do understand the concept of "Lets see if we can duplicate that success on another project" but, there's a point where you have to stop putting out new stuff every few months that people could really care less about and go back and pay attention to the projects that even made you successful in the first place or kept you in business long enough to do all those other new projects.  And that's not happening. 


People have been asking, begging, venting for fixes to problems that have plagued gothador since the day it went live and they have all been ignored so that something new could be pushed out. That never leads to a successful situation either. Any good business people know that. Put out 1 solid product before moving on to something else, then if it comes up, fix what you have before you put out something new. Don't keep pushing out new stuff that's only half assed while you have a good thing wasting away.  That leaves a sore spot for a lot of ppl who feel neglected and like they've been wasting years and thousands of dollars on a product put out by people who could care less about it.  And if they don't care about it, it's hard for us to continue to care. 

#927465 future gothador

Posted by OnionGroove on 07 April 2015 - 21:45

Restart Gothador from scratch. It was a great idea poorly executed.


Actually, it was well executed.  The issue is there are too many other games HCS has going on for Gothador to matter to them any more.

#927392 future gothador

Posted by marjin on 07 April 2015 - 15:17

Maybe some players were ruining it for others, only in my view it was the cows themselve that really abandoned the game. Sure we complained when another quest came along in a new realm with new useless creatures with either horrible droprates or crap stats while the list of unsolved bugs kept growing. The cows that were capable of fixing bugs left to try to start new games like FS and Eldevin taking years to launch.

Only an apprentice programmer like Yago was left with no more knowledge than how to copy a realm with a quest (kill x creatures for a useless item) in it, fiddle a bit with numbers and make it life without any testing.  And of course asking a number of times what we would like to see implemented. And of course getting good and bad suggestions along with the requirement to look to the bugs first before creating more bugs and more of the same useless stuff while ignoring our suggestions.

Yes, we got 5th Tier, without the promised extras and ridiculous easy quests to get it.


I still suspect one of the reasons they let this game wither away was the hope we would flock to the new games. Maybe some did . Only from me they will never get money on another of their games, especially as they are probably already moving resources away to the next game to be launched in time to come.

I will stay here until it is made impossible to play, after that the internet is large enough to find something without stunted cows messing it up.

#922467 future gothador

Posted by OnionGroove on 04 March 2015 - 23:19

Well, we just have to melt it a bit.   ;)

#905678 Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by Mekare on 28 November 2014 - 19:11

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving filled with lots of love and chocolate, MM. :D

#897966 Let this be a lesson to you...

Posted by OnionGroove on 04 November 2014 - 22:04

YAY!!!  Thank you so much Hoof.  Just in time for my happy birfday, too!   :D

#896976 FrankNStein Dead age 64

Posted by Skallagrime on 30 October 2014 - 23:42

a man of many parts

a part of many here



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