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#848156 Bounty system still flawed

Posted by watagashi on 12 February 2014 - 11:08

I think expiration on bountys is pretty lame especially if the player paid for them doesnt get the gold and tickets back.

It became a situation where some people decided they could declare as a player or as a group that you were not allowed to clear them. 

And its done in such a way that nobody has a pm to send you it just happens and you get pounded. Of course everyone that does it also happens to have a reason to want to stay high up on the smasher list and other things that,,, well it happens. 


People are getting around the system and enjoying the bountys that expire. Which is why I think you should return that back to the way it once was where it simply stayed up there untill clear. 


The other thing,, all the time I get the crap kicked out of me and if I bother to ask,, because sometimes im told why. Its almost always cuz I did something to someone whos waited a long time to get me back. So long that I forgot them and how funny I thought it was then :D


Maybe thats how this happened, but bountys should not expire either way. 

#845380 Ladder issues

Posted by watagashi on 31 January 2014 - 10:21

Speaking of rewards, wasnt there gonna be another set of gear and even bound pots??

I think content is going to be 2x the highest level gear available for tokens,, this could be one reason at least for 1000 and up for lack of activity, theres nothing to make. Giving us another round like the first one, that pvpers would really use would also attract more activity.


And I disagree with the notion that I can REMAIN opted in,, without knowing who ill be dealing with the next round, take hits be it one 10 stam from one other guy or 100s from 2-3,, more than that and I get interested in seeing if I can beat them,, either way are you saying people who didnt win didnt lose anything??? I sandbag my level growth by staying in pvp ladder and still lose at least a level each reset,,,,, I didnt participate? I didnt earn 3rd??? 

At least one person made at least one attack that counted,,usually its more

Im not sitting here naked if I dodge,,, and I do,, I get 2nds and even 1sts! Its sometimes more enjoyable than attacking.

And yes I get a day where I decide ill take first this time, or someone has gotten a bit out of hand with the 100s compared to rating gain and I got to pound them for a day but otherwise im just waiting for the ladder to get exciting enough to fight over again!


Im not receiving rewards for nothing, im receiving them for participating :)

#844784 Catch up the other content update

Posted by watagashi on 29 January 2014 - 22:09

Was looking at dev roadmap and the thread for new content roadmap too and made me think,,,,


RP items went up to level 800 and its been years since the last update to those.


PvP ladder tokens have had 2 sets of items released, looked around and didnt see anything over 900 with these (wikki says no recipes for the DP sphere so it may be they werent added). A big thread debated it a while ago and new pvp gear that wasnt bound and potions that were was supposed to be comming sometime.)

Both the items and recipes that use pvp arena items seem to stop around 900, I dont do arenas much nor am a high lev so I didnt notice but have heard complaints that the arenas themselves dont go past 1200!

(cant believe this is true that arena champs actually dont have arenas to enter for 500+ levels of gear they have access too!)


While composing has sort of made it extinct it seems that also around 900 the recipes, game creatures, plants and other components for brewed pots stopped as well


Is there a way that these can be considered and maybe added with a existing planned update (Add New Unique Items and Medals to Guild Conflict (23rd Jan 2014) ,, this would be a great time for RP items too!!!) Or add it on roadmap please? With content planned past 2000 these other areas are now missing out on half the game.


I cant think of anyone who wouldnt want this other than those who have to code it and make the images, I am amazed more havent noticed this and brought it up especially those who are at EoC who are really missing out now.



#839869 Buff Market Improvements

Posted by watagashi on 11 January 2014 - 22:28

I wonder if this buff market thing has a cost to place lists... there's no info about it... but i could swear i got 1 fsp ripped off while I was placing my 5 lists. Can you enlight us about it, Hoof?

its there today, not sure when it was put in but didnt charge me yesterday (that I noticed). Still think this is gonna be a game breaker if you have to pay to advertise doubler for 25k. Just means featured is all high priced buffs people will avoid and go back to the slow old way (bothering chat for them)

#839858 Write protection

Posted by watagashi on 11 January 2014 - 21:47

As I nearly just broke the ffd folgoredens set because it looked just like the unforged ones I finally decided to stop trying to sell and just break I would like to ask again for this feature! Its just too easy to make a mistake on the break down screen!


Otherwise please consider these ideas to help reduce the danger of errors on break down,,

forged gear changes to a different color

ability to move items around on the break down screen list, taking one you want to keep safe from the end of the list to the beginning would help a lot too.

Or just put in this idea and protect items from accidental clicks for all the issues listed on the op

#839686 Buff Market Live!

Posted by watagashi on 11 January 2014 - 07:49

You cannot request your own Buff Package.
Why not? I trust that im good for it!!

#839564 Buff Market Live!

Posted by watagashi on 10 January 2014 - 22:52

Oh one other thing I just noticed,,,can we get a way to exclude or ignore offers by a player? Especially featured ones. Things like this are being featured for no real reason I can see but to troll that page and it would be nice to be able to make them vanish and just see genuine and reasonable offers on the featured screen.

Buff List: RageRage [69]
69,696,969 Gold

#837343 upgraded elemental epics

Posted by watagashi on 04 January 2014 - 20:27

This subject has come up a couple times and today it became glaringly apparent that there are so many available now its almost not worth the stam to to the quest as so many are for sale so cheap. As these were intended to be a quest and personal achievement to the players who got their own I would like to suggest a couple ways to keep them useful and something the person who earned it wants to keep.


The elemental guys also stay out for a long time and its got a lot to do with a trend of players not bothering to do these quests instead buying one from AH.


An idea to add a 5th epic that required the other 4 to make has been around a while, perhaps its time to rethink that and add it to a level that is missing some?

This idea would reduce all the available ones for sale atm as many level 1200s (just a random level that could work for this) have not saved the ones they earned. It also encourages more players to get one of their own as it will become pretty highly sought out for the high levs who want the new 5th one.


Or do like santork and make a upgraded version, perhaps at 200 for the air, 400 for earth and so on?

This idea would also work to reduce the amount available for sale on all elemental epics but also give a choice,,, and I think one that should have some pros and cons such as higher stats and maybe another +1 stam gain in exchange for it being bound! Bound would make people decide if they want to keep theirs and upgrade or leave it and allow it to be used or sold by another.


Finally one other idea thrown around is add some kind of area or content or quests that you must do the other or others in order to unlock it. A couple suggested examples,,,

A new elite with a side quest attached for each elemental, you must pass the weapon quest to unlock and then can hunt the elite who should have some nice set at that level that wraps around the epic and enhances it. A 100 elemental air armor, helm and boot set would be pretty cool and maybe even find a way to include the epic so when 4 parts are all worn the epic counts as a set and gets around the fact that epics are getting the poor end of the stick when it comes to buffs.

A "revisit" with new titans that are 1k above the origional, the new quest attached to it makes you use the old epic to hunt this titan and when those required kills are reached you get your old epic upgraded to a new one 1k above the old. For example a 1100 can go back and attack the elder air guardian 2000 times to be able to upgrade his old air jav into a 1100 one. Same for the 300 and so on. this one I really like as we also could add elementals to 1000 then elder ones to 2000.

The last suggested idea would be make a set of recipes that use an elemental epic, make them a one shot bound pot with some sick choices for the buffs it gives, something like a leveling pack on par with a global chest or pvp pack on par with a darksun chest would take a lot of these epics off the market. Perhaps even set it to a quest so you can only do it once and maybe even make it unlocked after you earn your own epic before you can do this.


Long and short the elemental epics are getting older and many are available in AH so people are not doing them like they used to. This is one easy way to learn the ropes on titan hunting and I think the game suffers because people arent doing this anymore. A couple ways to eliminate the old ones while encouraging people to get one of their own again would go far to help fix these problems.


Pros, more titan hunting both on the elementals and the players who catch the bug by doing these and become pro titan hunters then. Less elemental epics in AH= price goes up. This not only encourages more people to get one of their own but also is a nice way for them to make a bit of FSP when they are done with them. Nobodys gonna complain if we revisit them and make a upgraded version,, everyone loves epics! And finally it will bring a lot more fun to these quests and encourage players to try them.


The only real cons are the time to implement this and the polls to decide which option would work best. Im sure some out there dont want elemental epics above 1k but for the most part this is just a great gift to all players from 100-2000!


#837136 should pvp ladder hits be non-bountable?

Posted by watagashi on 03 January 2014 - 17:46

Had a poll on this months ago and is planned to be put in on roadmap,,,, Change PvP Ladder hits to not be bountyable (17th Feb 2014)

#837108 Write protection

Posted by watagashi on 03 January 2014 - 15:28

Its getting a bit confused so please let me be specific,,,,


There was a idea for personal tagging like a guild store and included things like being able to loan out gear and get it back and such,,, I hate that idea, dont think it would work as it messes up game economy, current tag system and could be vastly abused. Its something id love to see as Ripple and I could share our gear easier without both being around at the same time,,, but,,

I could also buy a pile of arena gear and have people pay me to recall it and use it

I could "rent" gear

Anyone could make 4 multis and use their packs for storage


This is not a post for that idea at all


This post is only to ask for a way to turn on and off a type of write protection for gear you own to prevent accidentally dropping, selling, trading or fragmenting it. I feel this would be a helpful addition to existing and future systems in the game and should be added asap.

#836923 Write protection

Posted by watagashi on 02 January 2014 - 22:08

The subject came up today,, anyone else old enough to remember cassette tapes and the lil tab you could break off so you could never record over it again (unless you put tape over it a wad of paper in the lil hole or etc), the same thing was done on floppy disks (what cavemen used to make computers the size of your house play Zork with) 

Well the subject of "personal tagging" also has come up a bit lately as well as a couple instances of accidents involving dropping junk, listing the LE you forged instead of the regular old drop out of the big pile you got in the event and as always theres someone who dropped that quest item they needed later.

I dont like the personal tagging idea and think it would be abused but couldnt we add a kind of write protection to items in the game??


Items would have a option to protect them, A screen where you can select a item and turn protection on or off,,items with the protection turned on,,,


Cant be dropped, dont even show on drop screen which is an added bonus as it also shows only the pertinent items on those screens so it will be a theme for "pros" here.


Dont show as option on secure trade, AH listing or send screens (again reduction in the mass amounts of items some of us see on that screen in addition to taking the risk of error out here.)


Dont show on break down items screen. Currently I own a poor twisted cherub shield and have to juggle it around to insure it is at the end of the items I want to keep as a flashy golden stop sign,,, theres got to be a better way than that!


Quest items that are required later can automatically come write protected, it will help to prevent the regular problems this sees as well as serve a fair warning that the item is needed and should not be tossed.


I think this idea will help the game in many ways, no longer will support be tied up with replacement of quest items, accidentally composed stuff and other small  but annoying problems that can happen when we arent paying enough attention to things :P It will also save time and be a lot easier and more enjoyable for us to list AH, trade, drop, compose,,etc 


Perhaps this can be slipped into the roadmap along with something it is part of? Such as composing or AH revamps? The only real con I can see is time to put it in. I cant think of anyone who would be angry over an option to protect items they want to keep!

#836077 Its a small problem but VERY annoying

Posted by watagashi on 30 December 2013 - 17:25

I find that on pretty regular occasions the action buttons get a bit mixed up, at first I blamed myself and sausage finger syndrome but Ripple has cursed it as well and just now clicked assemble group button, got the notification I got beat by a creature and ,,, Kill Streak: 0




It happens a lot for group form button but have also seen it several times with the "eye" icon too.


Is there any way to fix this please? Its kind of annoying when you know you clicked the right button but got thrown into a fight you would not have tried to do without a group, kill streak isnt an important thing to me but someone in the top list would be pretty upset to lose theirs in this way.

#835906 Want a second look at PvP Retaliation (pay back)

Posted by watagashi on 30 December 2013 - 04:29

Some people just abuse PvP, I got hit on the BB  a few years back, 100 stam and level 1000, using bone crunching buffs, I lost ten levels, so leveling compared to pvp does not cover it, I gave up pvp'ing I only hit for prestige, so now I take away the option of peoples irrelevant excuses, the bottom line is, it's fun to smash someone to pieces so I see the good side of it, but it's not fun when it happend to me lol, so now ive took the option away, live and let die i say, but if you have the option dont cry about it, and getting back to the point Hoof can we get a trial run first if possible?

I wasnt gonna reply any more to this but your post caught my attention. How did this happen exactly??? Cuz as I read it one lvl 1000 player hit you for 100s and took 10 levels on one bounty,, even on 2 one player cannot take 10 levels by themselves ergo you got on the wrong side of a guild who rounded up at least 4 hitters with at least 2 available bountys. 

An d this is a perfect example of how retaliation works just fine in FS when you hit some a couple times and earned the wrath of some of his friends. When you get hit once and butthurt over some gold you forgot to put away and cant find anyone to donate their stam on your cause then its not a issue the cows need to add special attention to either.

#835826 Buff Marketplace

Posted by watagashi on 30 December 2013 - 02:10

To me its a door you dont want to open,,,


Because my next suggestion is for an automation that checks my pvp targets and auto hits anyone over 2 million in gold out


Then ill ask to set a specific titan and send me automatically to hunt it if im offline


Then ill want a way to set up my gvG targets and go have a sandwich while I auto hit the list


Then I would really like to auto enter and auto change my gear for arenas :P


I think a system to help online players ell buffs is pleanty of help there,, if we allow offline buff sales then we should allow the silly things I mentioned and then we may as well just check in once a day to see how much we have grown without doing anything on our own 

#835797 Buff Marketplace

Posted by watagashi on 30 December 2013 - 01:56

Gold to bank would be unjustified punishment to PvP players.

And a little too much automation for my taste

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