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#1006514 Epics: Not Looking so Epic

Posted by Toreth on 21 December 2021 - 23:51

I started taking a look at the breakdown of stats that epics have and their viability here in the last few months and had to ask, "why are the epics used in multiple aspects at lower levels, but neglected for anything aside from stamina gain past a certain threshold?" That caused me to investigate into what the reason behind that might be, and the results? Fairly shocking.


Stat Points Per Level of Epic Item.png

As seen by the above, the stat point allocation per level exponentially decreases until it eventually levels off to roughly 2 stat points per level of the epic item. But what if it's just the old epics bringing the average down?


Recent Epics.png

Given this graph, we see the same general shape, and these are only epics with item numbers of 14000 or greater; that means items added to the game within the last four years or so.


Both of these show the decrease in stat point value for epic items, but that still doesn't show why they aren't necessarily used - let's take a deeper look into this as well.


Below are a series of graphs that show stat point allocation per level based on rarity of items across a select few levels. These levels were selected to show the variation in stat point allocation for the rarities, however, all levels where an epic is located were conducted.


Disclaimer: For items that belong to a set, the set bonus to the item was applied by taking the total number of stat points in the set bonus and distributing them equally across the number of items in the set. Why was this done? The use of Coordinated Buffs is too much for epics to make up for losing.


Stat Point Distribution - Level 100.png

Stat Points Distribution - Level 300.png

Stat Point Distribution - Level 1000.png

Stat Point Distribution - Level 3900.png

Stat Point Distribution - Level 4500.png


As seen by the graphs, at level 100, the epics are valued higher than even items with set bonuses, which greatly increases their viability in those other aspects outside of "stam gain use," however, at level 300, only 200 levels higher, that gap shrinks considerably. And at 1000? Epics have the same value as a Unique Set Item.


The later two levels provided then show just how skewed the stat points are away from epic items as Legendary set items have a full stat point extra per level at 3900 than an epic, and at 4500, our highest epic before the recent release of the Snorra Amulet is even slightly less than Unique Set Items.


What's the fix? Well, I would suggest making a flat Stat Point Allocation per Level to Epics at 4x the level and distributing them that way. This would immediately increase epic viability in arena, offline use (aside from stam gain), and add another variable to work around even in regular PvP or 1-Hit usage. Multiple +7 items in the same slot where players "don't necessarily care" about the upgrade because of the stam gain being the same now becomes a nearly "must-have" for other uses as well.


A simple fix in making them 4x would drastically improve the market demand for the items immediately, and circulation would be at an all time high; increased activity for these items is only good for the game.

#1005077 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by sweetlou on 08 September 2021 - 19:56

Please do not add distil 250, please it's going to break the game. Distil doesn't need to go any higher than zombie brew at 150.

FYI: Dispel Curse500 and DC375: game breakers! So, don't have any problem with more. The cat's out of the bag. I do like the big doublers and an AM500. New players will benefit more than those already at EOC. Btw, great addition to additional PvP range!

#1005126 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by insaner6 on 09 September 2021 - 20:30

i love the proposed buffs.

keep the distil 250, make it more expensive.


#1005037 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by BigGrim on 08 September 2021 - 17:11

Hi there everyone.
Update, posted page 7.
Got through the thread today and here are the changes I've made. Changes are in bold.
Change Potion of Intensity to:
Doubler 1500 Loyalty 200
Change Auspice of Ancients to:
Conserve 400 Loyalty 200
Change Scholars Draft to:
Adept Learner 400 Loyalty 250
Librarian 400
Potion of Ultimate Global Acceleration Cost reduced to 1000.
Move Fast Track Draft from Caves and upgrade to buff level 200. Loyalty: 100.
Here are 13 new proposed potions and their loyalty costs.
Warriors Elixir. Loyalty: 500
Fury Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Berserk Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Dark Curse Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Enchanted Weapon Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Wither Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Shatter Armor Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Potion of the Quester. Loyalty:  500
Find Item Level : 1000 Duration : 120m
Quest Finder Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Quest Hunter Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Potion of Precision Strike. Loyalty:  500
Arterial Strike Level :  1000 Duration : 120m
Forgemaster Draft. Loyalty:  500
Epic Forge Level :  200 Duration : 120m
Epic Craft Level : 200 Duration :120m
Magical Carapace. Loyalty:  500
Defensive Aura Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Shield Wall Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Sorcerous Scales. Loyalty:  500
Layered Armor Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Armor Boost Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Hunting Lord Potion. Loyalty:  1000
Doubler Level : 3000 Duration : 120m
Potion of the Divine Hunter. Loyalty:   2000
Doubler Level : 5000 Duration : 120m
Potion of Divine Knowledge. Loyalty:  750
Adept Learner Level : 600 Duration : 120m
Librarian Level : 600 Duration : 120m
Rampage Potion. Loyalty:  1000
Animal Magnetism Level : 450 Duration : 120m
Conserve Level : 550 Duration : 120m
Alchemist Prized Potion. Loyalty:  500
Distil removed.
Brewing Master Level :  500 Duration : 120m
Potion of Supreme Global Acceleration. Loyalty 750
Global Booster 1000
Potion of Devilish Global Acceleration. Loyalty 2000.
Global Booster 2000
Potion of Godly Global Acceleration. Loyalty 3000.
Global Booster 3000
Again, feedback on these new changes are welcome.
Original Post
Today we are posting these proposed changes and additions to Loyalty Potions. These changes and additions are due to a combination scouring the forums for ideas as well as some ideas of our own.
Existing Potions:
This is what exists at the moment.
Courageous Draft. Loyalty: 10.
Adept Learner 100
Librarian 100
Animal Magnetism 100
Doubler 50
Adventurer Elixir. Loyalty: 10.
Fury 100
Berserk 100
Enchant Weapon 100
Enchanted Armor 100
Auspice of Ancients. Loyalty: 50.
Conserve 180
Scholars Draft. Loyalty: 50.
Adept Learner 180
Sacrifice Potion. Loyalty: 100.
Sacrifice 200
Potion of Intensity. Loyalty: 150.
Doubler 1200
Everlasting Potion. Loyalty: 500.
Unbreakable 200
Fleeting Potion. Loyalty: 750.
Light Foot 1250
Potion of Minor Global Acceleration. Loyalty 25.
Global Booster 50
Potion of Global Acceleration. Loyalty 50.
Global Booster 100
Potion of Major Global Acceleration. Loyalty 100.
Global Booster 150
Potion of Superior Global Acceleration. Loyalty 150.
Global Booster 200
Potion of Extreme Global Acceleration. Loyalty 450.
Global Booster 500
Potion of Ultimate Global Acceleration. Loyalty 1200.
Global Booster 1500 
Here are a few changes we are considering to existing potions.
Change Potion of Intensity to:
Doubler 1500 Loyalty 200
Change Auspice of Ancients to:
Conserve 440 Loyalty 100
Change Scholars Draft to:
Adept Learner 400 Loyalty 250
Librarian 400
Potion of Ultimate Global Acceleration Cost reduced to 1000.
Move Fast Track Draft from Caves and upgrade to buff level 200. Loyalty: 100.
Here are 13 new proposed potions and their loyalty costs.
Warriors Elixir. Loyalty: 750
Fury Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Berserk Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Dark Curse Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Enchanted Weapon Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Wither Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Shatter Armor Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Potion of the Quester. Loyalty:  500
Find Item Level : 400 Duration : 120m
Quest Finder Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Quest Hunter Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Potion of Precision Strike. Loyalty:  500
Arterial Strike Level :  1000 Duration : 120m
Forgemaster Draft. Loyalty:  150
Epic Forge Level :  200 Duration : 120m
Magical Carapace. Loyalty:  500
Defensive Aura Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Layered Armor Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Hunting Lord Potion. Loyalty:  500
Doubler Level : 3000 Duration : 120m
Potion of the Divine Hunter. Loyalty:   1000
Doubler Level : 5000 Duration : 120m
Potion of Divine Knowledge. Loyalty:  750
Adept Learner Level : 1000 Duration : 120m
Librarian Level : 900 Duration : 120m
Rampage Potion. Loyalty:  750
Animal Magnetism Level : 500 Duration : 120m
Conserve Level : 1000 Duration : 120m
Alchemist Prized Potion. Loyalty:  750
Distil Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Brewing Master Level :  500 Duration : 120m
Potion of Supreme Global Acceleration. Loyalty 2000
Global Booster 1000
Potion of Devilish Global Acceleration. Loyalty 3000.
Global Booster 1500
Potion of Godly Global Acceleration. Loyalty 5000.
Global Booster 2000
We look forward to your feedback on these proposals. We also welcome any additional ideas you may have.
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1005088 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Pardoux on 08 September 2021 - 21:37

Personally, I think the few pots that are being mentioned as very overpowered ARE very overpowered but I disagree that they will hurt donations.

After all, most donations get a lot of allegiance tokens too, so, from a business perspective, which is how THEY have to look at it, it makes sense.  Players still get epic pots PLUS, NOW, very useful Allegiance Tokens. So, donating players win, and the cows theoretically win too.

That said, I still think that the AL / LIB / CONS / Distil etc proposed changes are FAR too much.

What happened to bringing in all the NEW potion/buffs that are listed in skills, but not yet implemented ? - wouldn't this have been a good way to do it ?

#1004580 Fallen Sword Roadmap Jul - Oct 2021

Posted by Arioche on 26 July 2021 - 12:26

Hello everyone!
Today we would like to share with you all the current roadmap for Jul - Oct 2021!
Please note that everything is subject to change. The next roadmap will be released in September.
~ Fallen Sword Team

#975723 Game Update v2.9342

Posted by grimnok on 20 January 2017 - 18:36


In this latest update we have fixed the following issues:

We've also been listening to your feedback and will be adding some new Master Realms to the game later today!



With all due respect, feedback shouldn't be required to get master realms put in. They should be available with content, or if intentionally not with content, a fixed period of time after content is issued (a week or two).

#924717 Current state of the game

Posted by sweetlou on 25 March 2015 - 02:42

It will just be words..

That they are but it means something that much more when it comes from the boss. I want to trust what he says. That means something to most people. If some kind of commitment to renew the game's development can't be made I will respect that and move on. I expect truth and honesty. It's what all players deserve.

#924527 Current state of the game

Posted by DeadParrot on 24 March 2015 - 00:09

In case all of you do not know me....this is an edited version of a PM.  Names have been changed to....well, not upset anyone.  I would like to mention that player and customer relations have improved and become more "curved" than in prior years.
Dear *Developer*, 
My name is "DeadParrot".  I am 43 years old.  I hold a Master's Degree in Education, I am married and have 3 children; 2 of which now own their own home, and I'm a Renfrew, Scotland descendant (I don't admit this often).  I have played this game long before this current character, with integrity and respect.  Here is a more detailed specified account of my Open Letter and subsequent post as you seem to be asking.
I joined your game in September 2007 under the character name Seqenenre after being referred by an unknown player in Warbook (a Facebook game).  I built a wonderful reputation in Monty Python and fell in love with FS and the thrill it gave me. (My character was deleted after a breech by a house renter but was not given a chance to plead my case).  As a leveler, I loved the edge PvP and theft, gave me.  Retribution was only 5 bounty levels away.  Honour was prevalent.  I also loved YOUR involvement in the game, a grassroots developer who had an original idea and brought it to fruition.  Hoof WAS FS.  I was friends with Phool, Radulycan, TenaciousC, Knarlz, TDA, and many others.  Since your dream of Gothic Ages was coming to be realized, your guidance in FS diminished.  The FS community has seen a transition from yourself to others,  [Self Edit]  As it became apparent that you were more focused on bringing Gothic Ages to light (awesome dream), we saw the degradation of FS over several years.  
I, personally, will watch, without monetary investment, to see if Fallensword has changed personnel for the better. In the meantime I will spend my dollars elsewhere. Thank you for listening; I hope you realize it IS representative of a large portion of your remaining FS population.
Best regards,

#815241 Hellforging on behalf of hoof

Posted by Leos3000 on 07 October 2013 - 00:48

I have not forged an Item in a few hundred levels because it is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE and unpractical. I will give some simple numbers and suggestions based on Constants.


2 things are needed to get more people spending gold on Forging a Constant gain percentage and a Constant Cost





Gain 1%

Cost 100k Gold + 2 fsp



Gain 1% (2% total)

Cost 200k Gold + 2 fsp



Gain 1% (3% total)

Cost 300k Gold + 2 fsp



Gain 1% (4% total)

Cost 400k Gold + 2 fsp



Gain 4% (8% total)

Cost 800k Gold + 2 fsp


So a FFed item would


Cost: 1.8 million Gold + 10 FSP

Bonus: 8%


I would start this around level 800 and have it apply to the rest of the levels.


*The idea of the 5th forging doubling the gain is based on the current gains from Forging where the 5th forge gives double the bouns of the 1st 4 forgings, this also gives people more incentive to fully forge an item and not stop at 3 or 4.

#814800 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Mister Doom on 03 October 2013 - 23:06

Posted Yesterday, 23:27

Lellarell, on 02 Oct 2013 - 04:07, said:snapback.png


Can you let us know how you'd see this working? :)


How about...


Level 2,000 requirement.

It activates from the skill page.

Requires maximum amount of points put into it first. (175)

Lets you input coordinates directly, map name and X/Y coordinates for instantaneous travel. (via a few additional boxes)

Flat cost of 100 stamina per Teleport.



Would also come with the added benefit of stopping people constantly nagging you guys about adding master realms.

Players would be able to simply 'warp' to the new content from their relics/titan grounds/SE hunting grounds.


Another great thing about Teleport functioning like this, people won't be able to profit from it. No one would be able to sell it, you'd actually have to level up and earn the skill yourself.

#814777 Next Roadmap...

Posted by levy1977 on 03 October 2013 - 21:38

Biggest thing that needs to change, is the pace at which you release CONTENT.


FIX: Release content faster (obviously)


128 stamina an hour with Epics, do the math, need to release content to burn that stamina every day/week/month


SUGGESTION: Have your team work on content all the way to level 2000 than do a mirror content release.

Have your team working on levels 1 through 2000 and adding something like "Greater" or "Master" to the creatures, titans, super elites, etc.


EXAMPLE: level 2001 is in the Master Mountain Path and the Master Rat needs to be killed.



I know Quest are going to take time to invent for the 2000 levels, but those can be added after the content is released or just rename them like you would the creatures and change a few things in the story line.


RESULT: By adding 2000 levels of content (maybe as a Christmas or Easter present) you open the game up for all the end of content players, allowing us to have breathing room, this would also spark credit card usage, and explaination to newer players about end of content that is in a much happier light.


Good Luck :)

#814314 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Removed7845 on 02 October 2013 - 03:53

What about the Karma points and personal Achievements? and taking advantage of the crazy ideas i'm having, how about a game of cards to have something to do meantime we have full stam?, maybe the cards can be obtained from the creatures in realms (not all, or it will be a enormous quantity of cards) and use some system to use them as the Final Fantasy VIII and IX system.

#814310 Next Roadmap...

Posted by iceman66 on 02 October 2013 - 03:45

I've seen it brought up several times already, but what ever happened to teleport? There was overwhelming acceptance to that buff and it just never happened.  That is a bit upsetting, but I still think it can be implemented and used widely.

#814305 Next Roadmap...

Posted by iceman66 on 02 October 2013 - 03:31

I am open to the costings being change, as I understand where you are coming from.


What I was looking for was a more usable formula as the levels increase. a set 5% means there's a useful bonus based on how much you forge.

Perhaps if we looked at a set % gain per forge, we could have a set cost as well?


For sure mate, I like the sounds of that.  At least with a set %, it wouldn't feel like money wasted and it would retain it's usefulness.  I think anything more than a 10% set bonus/stat bonus would be too much.  It would have to be less than that.  I'm just jiving here.  I think we can come to some sort of change though :)  Although looking at it now, if we got a 2% set bonus/forge that would be sweet.  Means 10% would be the highest and easy to see.

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