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#1006636 Remind who has already reached the top of mountain

Posted by Pardoux on 08 January 2022 - 01:28

Just as a heads up - Evilbry wasn't banned - he asked for his account to be terminated.

#1006006 Fallen Sword App Update (v.0.9.0)

Posted by Treelink on 28 October 2021 - 18:57

I use the app mainly for:

  • Watching ads for FSP and
  • Composing, which includes
  • Withdrawing money from bank

Unfortunately the latest update made all 3 things worse. (Sorry!! I wanted to like the update  :D )


When watching ads, I used to be able to watch 5 in a row, before the app would tell me that no more ads were available.

After the update, I can watch an ad. Then wait 20 seconds or so. Then maybe the watch button becomes pressable again, but often not.

The consequence already now, is that I usually just watch the one ad, and not nearly as often. I'm guessing you somehow do want me to watch more ads, so that's unfortunate  ;)


Composing is difficult now. Count the number of actions required for me to discard 4 potions, and brew 4 new ones:


1: Hit the artisan icon

2: Go to composing tab

3: Go to potions in progress

4: Hit the trash-bin icon that discards all potions

5: Hit confirm

6: Go to potion creator tab

7: Hit save/load potion template

8: Choose the relevant template

9: Hit brew

10: Go back to the potion creator tab

11: Hit brew

12: Go back to the potion creator tab

13: Hit brew

14: Go back to the potion creator tab

15: Hit brew


Finally withdrawing money seems bugged. If you enter a number you want to withdraw, the button to withdraw will be greyed out. Using the slider works, but is impractical.


I really love the new visuals.. But just for the old way of composing, I'd revert my app version in a second if I could. Sorry!  :)

#1005996 Fallen Sword App Update (v.0.9.0)

Posted by EpicPiety on 28 October 2021 - 13:05

I'm against gold being taken directly from the bank (Even for buff marketplace). 

#1005205 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by BigGrim on 14 September 2021 - 15:18

Hi there everyone.
Got through the thread today and here are the changes I've made. Changes are in bold.
Change Potion of Intensity to:
Doubler 1500 Loyalty 200
Change Auspice of Ancients to:
Conserve 400 Loyalty 200
Change Scholars Draft to:
Adept Learner 400 Loyalty 250
Librarian 400
Potion of Ultimate Global Acceleration Cost reduced to 1000.
Move Fast Track Draft from Caves and upgrade to buff level 200. Loyalty: 100.
Here are 13 new proposed potions and their loyalty costs.
Warriors Elixir. Loyalty: 500
Fury Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Berserk Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Dark Curse Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Enchanted Weapon Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Wither Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Shatter Armor Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Potion of the Quester. Loyalty:  500
Find Item Level : 1000 Duration : 120m
Quest Finder Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Quest Hunter Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Potion of Precision Strike. Loyalty:  500
Arterial Strike Level :  1000 Duration : 120m
Forgemaster Draft. Loyalty:  500
Epic Forge Level :  200 Duration : 120m
Epic Craft Level : 200 Duration :120m
Magical Carapace. Loyalty:  500
Defensive Aura Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Shield Wall Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Sorcerous Scales. Loyalty:  500
Layered Armor Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Armor Boost Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Hunting Lord Potion. Loyalty:  1000
Doubler Level : 3000 Duration : 120m
Potion of the Divine Hunter. Loyalty:   2000
Doubler Level : 5000 Duration : 120m
Potion of Divine Knowledge. Loyalty:  750
Adept Learner Level : 600 Duration : 120m
Librarian Level : 600 Duration : 120m
Rampage Potion. Loyalty:  1000
Animal Magnetism Level : 450 Duration : 120m
Conserve Level : 550 Duration : 120m
Alchemist Prized Potion. Loyalty:  500
Distil removed.
Brewing Master Level :  500 Duration : 120m
Potion of Supreme Global Acceleration. Loyalty 750
Global Booster 1000
Potion of Devilish Global Acceleration. Loyalty 2000.
Global Booster 2000
Potion of Godly Global Acceleration. Loyalty 3000.
Global Booster 3000
Again, feedback on these new changes are welcome.
~ Grim

#1005050 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Artzik on 08 September 2021 - 17:50

no to all buffs that are higher than donation chests (epic), triple no to distil its game killer, no need for bigger distill than zbrew 150 ever. doubler 3k and 5k are ok to stay, global doublers too, just remove one 0 from cost

#1004035 Possible Relic Alterations

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 11 June 2021 - 01:57

This might be a bit extreme, but either way...

Everyone is talking about increasing the Stam Gain over 25, so what if...


Make every single Relic give +1 Stam Gain as base.


1 - That would make the idea behind the Relics means something, now most of them are just useless...In theory Relics are an important part of the lore of the game.

2 - Every Relic would be important to keep, not mattering the size or level of your guild.

3 - It'd give an extra bonus to lower lvl players, and help those starting out to achieve their goals faster.


*It might need more conversation about how to apply it to +2 and +4 stam gain Relics.

Plus a few other changes:


- Relics without an active guild defender on the last 7 days should lose their bonuses completelly, but the control stay within the Guild.
That would force guild members to defend it instead of capturing and leaving it...If there is one guildmember sitting on the Relic and he leaves to hunt, the Guild lose all the bonuses immediately...And the control should stay within the guild to avoid abuse of people going around and capturing all the relics and dropping after 1 second.


- If the 'drop the Relic' button is ever created it should have a cooldown on it, maybe 48 hours...imo.

#1003980 New Content! 4776 - 4800!

Posted by Pardoux on 03 June 2021 - 20:37

Major content for top players, only content you release is for the top players, how about you release 1 thing that effects the overall game.


"only content you release is for the top players" - this line gets trotted out WAY too often ... 

You are Level 660 - thus you have 4200 new levels of content for you to explore. How many more do you want ?

"how about you release 1 thing that Affects the overall game" ? - you mean like ... oh, let's see :-

Double XP Composing Events
Double XP Levelling Events

and, most other special events....


Where else do you think that they're gonna release content ? - in the middle, so we end up with, for instance, Level 700, Level 700a, Level 700b, Level 700c etc

I wish lower level players would just embrace the massive amount of gameplay they have ahead of them ....

#1003778 Fallen Sword's Most Influential - Past and Present

Posted by shindrak on 03 May 2021 - 18:08

1. EpicPiety  A great leader and Team player ,i dealt with him before  his leadership and he was a team player and still..

2. iceman66 A great leader also team player not just at FFS even before long time

    Both of the above keeping the competition in the game which is very influencing for lots of players.


3. mzzery   Been a friendly player for most of the players for a long while , Game need lots of players like this.


4.Undjuvion  I think everyone knows this  famous Name from FSBOX :) but i know him from long time since i was meeting him in Arena very friendly ,cool and  free drama player.


5.I will keep #5 for multiple names without reason because 5 names unfair for lots of players who were active and around for a while  maybe i dont chat much with them but they have been there for so long and  you can call them top FS players lol




Pointyhair FSH dev , i dont use it at all but  ofcourse FSHELPER were and still a big thing for players and the game

#1003769 Fallen Sword's Most Influential - Past and Present

Posted by Undjuvion on 03 May 2021 - 13:42

I think ascertaining the most influencial is unlikely to be a new player, how could they have done so much to influence the game, i dont feel anyone who is recognised is gimme gimme attention, they are prob humbled and more trying to allow the fun in, why should all threads be so business like, ill abstain my votes at least for now i think, pondering as i write this....


First thoughts are names like Leos3000, Shindrak and Iceman66 for such vast roles in paramount positions both leadership and activity wise, to some PvP greats like Luisspamer, Moonfrost, StangValle, KitiaraLi, Abhorrence and Mzzery who have shown intense signs of Intellect amongst their prowess and situation handling, to some names that stood out in the past like AndyPearce, Davros81, Bilops, CucuBauBau, AuntBea, TDA, Terraneus and CHMICHELLE in various places and articulated well and forged the way for many, a light for many, Boatsnhos, HOFFA and Josh1404 stand out for setting benchmarks, as do many of the Crab collective formerly known as those from Mischief and Mayhem who have educated FS consistently for a while now, Pardoux always around doing something also, Belaric has had many epic posts of such exquisite intellect and reflectiveness, EpicPiety has made his name known and leading his dynasty, Shardoom was a day to day name for the longest time, PointyHair for his efforts with the Helper which affects most players, Cajunb4 is uber magnanomous, these names are basically a drop in a bowl of water, these are some that I think should be well common to what we see in this thread, i know I am missing MANY UBER names, i shall abstain for now, honourable mentions are no foul tho!


i wish i could write another 25+ names tho my post is becoming, obtuse!

#1002646 Towers => Orbs

Posted by moonfrost on 26 December 2020 - 13:02

First of all, I'm in no way speaking for myself.  Second of all, these last 2 statements reinforce my position.  This idea as it stands reeks of separatism.  It says, get to EoC and be in a TOP tier guild or just don't play the game.   I'm not talking about myself, never was, I could care less.... 


Ladder tokens and Arena tokens are in themselves non transferrable, are they not?  Many many flaws with the list.  


I'm done trying to help people in this game, it's becoming quite obvious that I'm a joke to even so called friends in this game.  You guys run it, you guys help the myriad of new confused players coming in on the half finished app every day.  You guys let them know why THEY don't cut the grade cuz they aren't at EoC and in TED....

That's hilarious, we've been accepting members far below the EOC threshold for years now and have been helping them grow and get stronger in the game. Besides meeting our requirements to join TED as far as stamina and level(which usually is case by case and not all new members have those requirements met) we look at the players activity in game. Their willingness to learn new aspects and teach other players strategy with the aspects of the game that they do know is a big selling point when trying to join us. But with that policy of giving players chances, we also don't tolerate laziness in our guild like Kit said. If you can't be bothered helping out the guild and thereby helping yourself, its last call at the Evil Dead bar and you can see yourself on out.


All the players in our guild share one common thing...they are all helpful to one another in some form. Most of our EOC players started in TED long before they were close to EOC, in fact most were pvpers who not only changed the landscape of pvp as this game knows it but also could care less about levels. Personally, I've played the game for over 13 years and still don't even have a year at EOC...54% to ruby Top 100 medal. But if you look, I mean really look, at our guild list you will see many of us have ruby and diamond medals in many different aspects of the game. We have arena masters, SE slayers, Titan slaughterers, high level composers and of course we have many players very well versed in the art of PVP. We vigorously defend ourselves as a guild against all comers and have always followed this philosophy.  


That is why we recruit how we do. I'm not trying to just fill ranks with whoever wants in, I want players that want to thrive in the game, that want to learn other aspects and want to finally reach EOC or whatever their level goal is while playing more parts of the game than just leveling. For that reason, the list and ideas provided by Mary are certainly within our reach. And keep in mind as well before knocking us for being selective in our recruiting or for being elitists. You've never needed to be the best to be in TED, you've needed to be hungry to learn the game and to be able to return the favor by helping others to learn the game as well. By doing that, by being selfless in your approach to the game, you become the best.


All of the resources and items mentioned by Mary can be achieved with a little work. And honestly, this list is perfectly spread out to require players of all levels and background in this game to work together to achieve. Sure, the big guilds like TED and others are always going to get these new items first, thats just how games like this work. We've put in the years growing as a guild and recruiting as we have. Why is it our fault that because of that and because of creating a guild atmosphere where players want to help each other? If anything, this list promotes diversity in guilds and would create situations where newer low level players could join up and thrive as long as they had a willingness to listen and grow with us.


I personally think this would be a great idea to implement into the game. Maybe a little bit at first but then over time all of it. This would really bring together guilds to do what they're supposed to be there for...teamwork.


And the 'woe is me' attitude gets you nowhere. Put yourself out there and apply what you've learned over the years of playing and I bet you'll see progress. You find a guild of any level that has the same like-minded players who are selfless and you'll watch that guild grow over time. You'll get the big items that help you and the guild and suddenly it won't be 'woe is me' but more along the lines of 'look at my guild, I'm so proud'. 


That being said...there are players in the game that would love a shot to be in TED or one of the other big guilds. We'll look at anyone who applies that at least is close to our requirements, as always. However, if you're level 500 with 5k stamina and have, just as an example a silver SE medal and enjoy hunting SE's, don't be afraid to apply. We may or may not say yes, but we will tell you why not and what you should work on to eventually be part of our guild. Any player that actively wants to be better in the game and has shown a willingness to learn and thrive is always a welcome addition to any guild. Considering this post promotes teamwork, I believe this is a great idea to implement for not only players in the game but for guilds as a whole.

#1002648 Towers => Orbs

Posted by Mzzery on 27 December 2020 - 04:51

I don't have the time to read the entire thread, but I've read some, and I just want to say this:

I am a gamer. I have a TON of games, thousands of them, most of the latest big ones etc... many many of them are MMORPGs, and have a ton of things to do and many levels in them to obtain. That being said... 


I don't understand how something that is not attainable for all at level 1 is a bad thing?


I do not play games where a goal is attainable at low levels on week one. Why would I? I love having stuff to strive for. An achievement in a game is no bigger than the struggle to achieve it. Why would I feel any kind of satisfaction about an "achievement" that took no work? This is a bit harder than the "guild achievements" in FS, with the "kill 50,000 with a group" etc... we were first to get that one, but others have too, since. SMALL guilds, NOT at EOC... it's attainable... just takes team work.


This suggestion by Mary is no different.


And as for not everyone getting in to TED: Why, sure, we could do that.. we have a limit though, 124, just like anyone else. That's up to HCS, not us. And we, just like everyone else, like to make sure we fill our ranks with people that actually want to enjoy the game together with others, and not just "use" us. Is that really all that weird? Do other guilds not feel that it is better with positive people that help each other, than people that just want to gain selfishly by being in the guild? Is TED unique in that?

#1002649 Towers => Orbs

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 27 December 2020 - 05:56

I honestly thought the whole point of this thread was about creating the demand for specific items, not about the reward itself...Isn't that the idea? To create the demand for less desired items (in some cases) and with that help players make profit?


I never saw it as "I want more stamina gain, and that's the way to do it', but as "the market is crashing and we need something to do with the excess of items in the game".


Sure the items can be tweaked, maybe insert some more "obtainable" stuff so players can sell theirs and make a profit, if one of the slots needed was, let's say, 100 Skally Boots, imagine what it'd do to the demand for it, and for those lower level players who want to hunt it, the same for GvG, Ladder, Arena or whatever, the prize itself isn't as important as creating the demand...Composing gave a way for lower level player to farm frags if they want, plus got rid of unwanted items, and became a huge gold sink...It's a very similar concept.

#1002500 Towers => Orbs

Posted by Corrupted on 18 December 2020 - 12:49

I think if something promotes activity within the game is good for the game as a whole.

Involving players from multiple facets of the game (Arena, Ladder, Titan, so on) can be good too. Very few players have access to *all* the resources on this list. I think most players will find themselves taking to the market to get their hands on these upgrades. Eventually, a shortage of goods will happen and everyone (little guy included) will try to get their hands on anything they can sell at a profit.

It will create activity in the long term, because even if they "big guys" don't take long to get it, the "smaller guys" will have something to work on for the long term.

The list might need some tweaking (less Hunted Cow items, higher # of lower Epics because of availability) but beyond that, I think something like this could benefit *everyone*. Some will just get it faster than others, that's all. Which is not a new thing, but hey.

#1002299 global chests

Posted by BigGrim on 30 November 2020 - 09:20

activeh1, keep personal attacks off the forums.


They will stay bound. This prevents exploitation and people creating clone accounts for minimal expenditure.


~ Grim

#1002075 Sending/Trading Items

Posted by moonfrost on 05 November 2020 - 00:56

I'd like to see an option implemented for the 'send player' or 'trade player' screens where it allows you to choose items based on folder. More than once I've had multiple copies of sets and sent a secure trade for the very set I have saved in my arena suits causing me to have to resave the set after realizing I traded the wrong items.


By being able to select the folders it would also be easier to find certain items to trade or send. Especially for those of us who have 500+bp spots full of stuff.

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