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#901808 Remove cooldown pop up confirm for group summon

Posted by Mongo on 18 November 2014 - 12:45

It is only 10 silver, do we really need to have the annoyance of a going through the confirm and cooldown screen just to do this?  :P


Make it so we just get charged 10 silver every time we use group summon.


Can make it an option in settings if you feel it still needs a confirm for lower levels?

#934771 Last to Post is the Winner

Posted by duktayp on 05 June 2015 - 15:48

 giphy.gif giphy.gif giphy.gif 


giphy.gif giphy.gif giphy.gif



#930957 Make all mounts/emotes unbound

Posted by RISDMAC on 06 May 2015 - 12:23

So this is mainly coming from the fact that I need want the raven wings and have yet to see the troll drop them when I am in the group that kills it - thats if I even see the troll spawn while I am logged in and can get a group together to take it on.


I get that it is a rare item but see no reason for the raven wings / wings of zephyr / plasma disc or any other mounts/emotes/pets to be BOP - items and gear I can understand, but not vanity.


If someone unlucky like me wants to foolishly spend my EP buying mounts that I cant seem to acquire, I should be able to buy from someone willing to overcharge me! :wub: :wub: :wub:

#927953 Play dead emote

Posted by HolyGhost on 10 April 2015 - 16:19

So... Bevayse a majority of us liked how you could fall down with /admin and it was funny...
Make a play dead emote?

#928629 Play dead emote

Posted by redsmokeboy on 15 April 2015 - 03:51

Like: slap emote Pull out white glove slap then across there face, followed bye msg: I challenge you to duel.

#928498 [My compilation] - Making random rolls fun + Sacks + Gems

Posted by Anameisaname on 14 April 2015 - 08:52

What have we learned from the recent 47 weapons? People don't like to work for a possibility of nothing!
The new 47 weapons are only better than 45 fabled weapons if all 3 rolls end up being exactly what you want, that compared to the high price results in people being disappointed because they got nothing for their work. 
But here's the deal, the most probable reason for the displeasure is this mindset of thinking:
"I have to grind for weeks if i can find a group to maybe get enough flakes if i win rolls to craft this weapon to maybe get a proc i want"
See the many uncertainties? 
1) Maybe can't find party 
2) Maybe won't win rolls
3) Maybe won't get good proc
All this in combination with high amount of time/money needed makes people not even want to try, especially because the reward is low. Why is reward low? Because fabled weapons are almost as good as the best possibly lvl 47 ones..
But do you remember at the start of the game, even up to level 45, you had these awesome items that can drop and proc amazing stats! It was fun playing because you never knew what you're gonna get!
You didn't have to pay for them or grind materials, they just dropped whenever.
Look at this magnificent bastard, and it's not even the best tongue.png
Now i'd like both drops and crafts to be Best In Slot, why? To appeal to grindomaniacs and craftomaniacs! 
For example, if we count belt as part of a set, let's say 3 armor types of a set drop in a dungeon and 3 other ones are crafted!
Example, crafted and dungeon drop:
Did i mention a few of the changes i made to these items?
1) The removal of shit rolls - it will be hard to get a good number for a roll but you never get something you won't use on an item!
2) Addition of gem slots - thought health and mana regen gems were useless? Not anymore!
3) More variety - spell power on a glove? Heck yeah!
Now you may want to ask.. Do these hard to get best items make it harder for newbies? 
Nope, and here's why. There is always a low proc on an item like this
When you get that you... Put it up on auction house for real cheap, a newbie can buy it and be ready for dungeons. 
Another thing i'd like is something like this:
I'd like new gems to drop from the level 50 dungeons to give incentive for people who currently have best gems to play! 
These aren't a replacement for normal gems but go in combination with them, that way your hard work isn't deleted but you still have something to work for! 
Maybe even make corrupted gem slots that only hold them and not normal gems? (cows plz)
Now a small suggestion:
Bigger sacks! Make them craftable back and forth using gold for example and some high level rare materials.
I have like a lot of sacks but it's hard to regulate them all, and it's not fun spending an hour playing around with my inventory and then having to do it again tomorrow. 
Another suggestion, legendary amulets!
Look at all that space! Imagine putting a tongue of the boss you killed there.. Or the heart core of an ancient being.. mm 
Anyway, these legendary amulets will drop rarely on any boss lvl 50+, they will improve certain stats and possibly talents!
Also half of them will be crafted using rare materials from bosses or daily/weekly rewards.
Maybe even teach you a new spell.. Possibly? 
These maybe shouldn't have random rolls because they are very rare, maybe only roll a certain number range but that's it.
Better Bosses!
I'll keep this one short, more bosses like the purple arg stone guy who throws rocks at you and you have to move to not die, less bosses like the kaur arg boss that does nothing.
Treya is good for healer/tank, boring for ranged dps..




Revamped LFG system.


The easiest way i can think to do this would be like this: You select which dungeons you want to do, click apply, you are now listed as available to invite for those dungeons and anyone can invite you to their group. Same thing if you need members, open the LFG window and check who's available, inpect and check out their gear, invite.


Hell i just got an idea, you can use the friend system interface for a new lfg system even.





Daily quest Crafting Tab


Explains itself, daily quest items will be in a specific tab, to make it easier to do them. No more double checking the quest guy or keeping a list.





DPS test dummies


Put a few dummies of different levels and give the lvl 47 one stats from treya for example, make them respawn fast and have quite a lot of hp, at least 200k.

Why? To easily test out dps! See if different builds work, what's difference in autoattack vs spell use etc.



Triple talents


Ever wanted to switch between being a mage, healer and a prophmage only by swapping your weapons? Multiple talents should allow LFG proccess to be quite a bit more enjoyable because now there will be no shortage of healers or tanks and everyone can pvp with the build they want!


Anyway that's about it, if someone is against random rolls please say how would you fix the problem of no content after getting the best stuff, which already happened. People can currently get best armor in less than a day, then the only thing they gotta grind are gems, but tanks for example don't need best gems because of a really low cap.
Addition of random rolls and making dungeon drops and crafts BIS means people can play and always have the thrill of the hunt, a piece of gear with amazing rolls can always drop! 
Crafting will be more important than ever and resources will be getting used.
So.. how do you like my suggestions? Please note if i made any mistakes and feel free to rate my amazing paint skills biggrin.png
I tried to make my suggestions very easy for cows to code by the way!

#915455 Safe Places to Play Eldevin

Posted by Mongo on 15 January 2015 - 13:49

I can confirm that my mom's basement is also a safe place to play Eldevin.

#905522 Birthday balloons into vanity items

Posted by Monkeyspanked on 28 November 2014 - 07:36

Could these be made into vanity items...huge waste of bag/vault/bank space otherwise

#898594 High 5 emote.

Posted by ernzor on 07 November 2014 - 02:20

If you put it in, I will hunt down all HCS employees and give them all a high five.


Come to think of it, that could be a good achieve!

#886255 make it so you cant see friends list or who logs in when at trappers atol.

Posted by PhurieDae on 18 August 2014 - 16:43



Killing lower levels in PvP is not "baby-killing". You accept the risk when you enter a PvP zone. Farm elsewhere if you don't think the risk is acceptable, or bank your materials more often.


We would like to improve the social system to allow people more control over who can and can't see them online - so, yes, this may allow players to go invisible, or control who can add them as a friend. This is a step we feel is needed to give players peace and privacy when playing. At the same time we are working on ways to improve PvP balance so that everyone is boosted to a more level playing field while in TA, giving even lower levels a stronger chance to fight back and increasing the risk for hunters.


You certainly shouldn't be losing 90% of your materials on death so if you are, please submit a ticket with screenshots and times/servers so we can check our logs. There was an issue where, if the player logged out or disconnected after dying and still in TA, they lost their materials twice (so around 50%, then around another 50% of what they had left). This was fixed in the last patch so it shouldn't be a problem any more.

#886088 make it so you cant see friends list or who logs in when at trappers atol.

Posted by Mongo on 18 August 2014 - 00:14

#885837 Highlighting quest items in the crafting overview

Posted by Savanc on 16 August 2014 - 10:23

For some quests you need to make crafted items. The obvious example are the daily crafting quests, but some other quests also require you to craft certain item (for example a level 28 quest in Illaneska called Assisting The Watch which requires 3 weapons of different levels).


When crafting I always double or triple check to make sure I have the right item as I don't want to waste materials on making the wrong items. Yet I still make a few mistakes now and then. And I doubt I am the only one doing that.


I thought an easy helping tool would be to have items that are required for a quest will be highlighted in the crafting overview (or otherwise stand out from the rest of the items). This will help people avoid making crafting mistakes which will benefit their enjoyment of the game and in turn everyone's general happiness. :D

#848781 Autofill sacks option

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 09:45

I would love a rightclick function on materials with the option "autofill in sack".


If this is toggled on, this material gets automatically filled into sacks, if toggled off it doesnt

#846550 Gem stat preview!

Posted by Mongo on 05 February 2014 - 14:59

Not important really, but I would like to see a preview of what my stats would be before I hit the embed confirmation button.


Would be cool!  :P

#846555 Gem stat preview!

Posted by RISDMAC on 05 February 2014 - 15:06

I think this goes hand in hand with a preview of how my stats will be affected by adding to my attributes...

Yes please to both! 😄

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