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Member Since 01 Dec 2013
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#866444 New Proffession-Slayer- and others

Posted by lester on 01 May 2014 - 23:13

The devs can call it something else like bounty hunter or w.e .

I've noticed the major lack of variety in weapons, you are limited to a few options and few hybrid builds and that is mostly because of the weapons fault.


Weapons that have Rolls like:


Increase DMG to :Poisoned,slowed,stunned,bleed,and snared foes.


Chance on crit to increase lifesteal by 30% for 5 seconds

Chance on crit to do increased crit dmg by 200% for 5 seconds

Chance on crit to increase attack speed by 100% for 5 seconds



Chance on heal crit to reduce incoming dmg by 20% for 5 seconds

Chance on crit to slow targets by 30% for 3 seconds


or even armor that has stats like 20% chance when hit by a magical attack to create a shield that blocks 500 magic damage.


These items will be rare drops from rare monsters that can only be killed by a certain "Slayer" level and you have to start small with small mini bosses and work your way up to big bosses that have a chance to drop these rare type of items making a goal for people to invest time into getting this maxed out and I know that this profession does not go with the usual craft a potion,meal and stuff maybe we can make a list of new professions that have to do with combat?


I'd also like to class story factions , like a story of an archer where you hunt down wild beasts or a assassin where you have to assassinate certain targets without being spotted by guards and get good weapons and armor that is helpful for that class.I  liked the idea of that arena where you have to fight a group of enemies and get to the champion fighter and win a title of Champion slayer like that.



#862023 Risk n Reward System for PvP

Posted by lester on 11 April 2014 - 12:12

If this hasn't been posted already I would be suprised , but I'm lazy to look for the post.

PvP doesen't really have a risk and reward system.I would like to suggest to add in a arena where you can 1 vs 1 another person similar in Runescapes Duel arena system.You can stake items , gold, and EP.You can also edit the fight in so you can't move(No kiting) No CC(Crowd Control) , only auto attacks etc.This is a good addition for a population this small, 1 vs 1 battles are a lot easier to find, gives end players something to do and risk.This gives PvP players a source of income reward for the amount of skill they have on the pvp aspect of the game.This game will attract alot of competitive pvp players aswell.I would really like this to be implemented.I'm currently taking a break on the game until the PvP is reworked.I know a countless of other players are doing the same,this will probably motivate me and others to play again.

#861913 Update on Crafting

Posted by lester on 11 April 2014 - 01:10

I suggest that there should be a list for gathering instead of just crafting.I would like to recieve a message when you reach lvl 16 saying "Congratulations you've reached level 16 Foraging you can now gather this , this,and this".When you click on a gathering skill a tool should pop up and when you click it, it should list all the possible things you can gather at the level, maybe even a hint to where to find them, like near lakes for fish or in forests for skinning etc.

#861295 Smart casting skills

Posted by lester on 09 April 2014 - 00:14

I don't know if this is added yet, if it isn't then it should.


I would like that the skills that require you to select a area and shows that exact radius of who will be affected have a option in the Options tool bar to smart cast it, meaning that if I hover a certain area and press the skill it will activate where my cursor is .The benefit is that I don't have to click again.This will be really useful since I'm used to it because of LoL it will especially be useful for rangers since they have many of those abilities (Creeping vines,burning arrow,monsoon,storm etc)

#860309 Too low repairs cost

Posted by lester on 04 April 2014 - 20:48


Would you like to donate to the Tenzo's Charity Foundation?The money is distributed evenly to everyone who needs the money and has the name "Tenzo".A great cause. ;)

#859948 Quest:The Taste of Victory

Posted by lester on 03 April 2014 - 21:41

You have to kill the elder bears for their hearts.Out of 5 bears I only got 2 hearts.Shouldn't all the bears have hearts? Or does logic not apply to that?

#859484 Remove NPC Potions

Posted by lester on 02 April 2014 - 19:57

i do got an idea though, they simply could maintain the level 40 potions but not add 41-50 npc potions, those would be exlusive to crafters.

Sir I dear say you act like 1-40 foraging is as easy as drinking tea sir, you should give it a go sport,no one is going to want to train something that is useful in the last 10 levels.I dear say to  remove  those unholy NPC pots , if this game actually does become "El numero uno" I don't want to sell my pots similar to what the NPC has to offer , because as we speak ladies and gentleman the NPC is taking our consumers(I'm afraid to said this but they are taking over our jobs) and is also putting a permanent price our beloved potions, take it out and we as the ladies and gentleman the ones the future depend on we will be un-shackled with these set prices.


I have edited thee post.

#859276 Trapper Atoll

Posted by lester on 01 April 2014 - 22:17

Please remove durability lose on Trappers Atoll , pvp is meant to be fun , you can't have that with repair bills...

#858492 Foraging + Farming

Posted by lester on 29 March 2014 - 02:44

You get a Fruit seed lets say a Apple Seed aye.You plant the seed, water it and all the boring other stuff ,kill the insects yada yada and boom a apple tree grew gaining you some farming exp awesome , when you harvest it you need the right foraging level and it grants you foraging xp see how that works and you should get a lot more fruits from it than the normal tree/bush since its like fresh and stuff but mostly it takes a lot of time to grow it rather than let it just to spawn.Gives us a different way to train our foraging and takes out the moving to location to location aspect of foraging so you can just relax and click away.This will also help make the economy grow in the future (Probably in 1 year when we get 200 players)we have the workers who harvest the fruits from the farms to sell on the auction to alchemist , who then check this out makes the potions,then the alchemists  sell it to other the players  ain't this a great idea? Its a great working chain.


I like professions that have more than one way to train, everyone loves choices am i right?

#858459 I'm Sick n Tired of Bein Sick N Tired

Posted by lester on 28 March 2014 - 22:15

I'm getting real tired of spamming world chat for ASV and TR to get my Set armor and money from the daily chests and getting no results since we are never able to find tanks/healer.I would like to have a dungeon at  that i can solo to get relics to buy the armor . I really hate relying on other players to get good money and better gear.


All i'm asking is a dungeon that any class can solo by themselves with enough strategy and pots to get through and  to get relics and  ok loot.You can make the dungeon last long.Just please give us a alternative to get the relics and loot w/o relying on tanks and prophets.



You can make solo arenas that give relics for that certain level.

#858271 Footballs and other throwable items.

Posted by lester on 27 March 2014 - 23:52

I suggest that when you kick the foot ball to another player , the other player has 1 min to kick it back or it will return to the owners inventory thus preventing people running off with the foot ball or other throw-able items, only way to give it to someone is by trading.

Small suggestion 

#857584 Vanity for Proffesions

Posted by lester on 26 March 2014 - 12:07

I would like to see Vanity clothes for all proffesions for example for Alchemy , the set would be a labcoat or something, Fishing would be a straw hat with overalls and mud boots.Maybe get this at the max level of the skill or even give them a set ability like alchemy has a 5% chance to make a second potion for free? Nothing combat wise though.You can even give existing vanitys a set stat like the Santa set would allow you to do a special emote or something.

#857583 WBG Needs to be changed

Posted by lester on 26 March 2014 - 11:58

World bosses takes what 10 mins or more to complete you get to the 9 min mark almost killed it but your allies get wiped?Then you retrry get to the 10 min mark and complete yes! Victory right?Only to know that you used 20 mins of your time not getting  a single drop from the boss.


To fix this give the bosses a set amount of health for one person then for each person in the room give the boss bonus health and when it is killed everyone gets one item for their efforts.


Or better yet give everyone a boss chest when it gets killed example would be..


You have slained Shade! You have recieved Legendary Shade Chest!

Then you have a chance  to get  many items and make it tradable to make a market for them.


#857579 Future Content

Posted by lester on 26 March 2014 - 11:42

I like more Mini-Games you can do by your self , all the fun things now-a-days require a group with a healer... a tank etc.

I would like to get online and start a mini game and not advertise world chat for a healer and tank for 30 mins.

#857537 New Class And Talents!

Posted by lester on 26 March 2014 - 03:28


The Necromancer-Type(Sorcery)-Main abilities->To summon a limited amount of minions and reanimate corpses and also providing minimum tanking for allies and de-buffing monsters.


Example of Curses

Curse a monster/player to take 10% more damage from all attacks (This ability cannot be stacked).

Curse a monster/player to take bleed damage when hit by minions this can be stacked up to 3 times.

Curses a target into dealing 20% less damage.



Assassin Talents

Goring Assault-Stabs target for 100% of DPS +  .5% of the targets MAX Health 

Shadow Step-Teleports behind target leaving behind a clone within 5 seconds can be re-activated to teleport to the original location.

Decoy-Summons clone near location causing threat if attacked reduce all cool down by 10 seconds


Ranger Talents

On the Hunt-Gains 20% increased movement speed when chasing fleeing enemies.

Deep wound-Deals 30% more damage to foes that are poisoned.

Final strike-Every 5th auto attack you do 40% more dmg


Prophet Talents

Mana Chain-Target ally takes no damage for 3 seconds

instead all the damage is taken from your mana pool.

Body Transportation-Reviving a ally teleports them to your location and healing them for 200% of spell healing.


Warrior Talents

Coward-Target must be fleeing,Charges the target knocking him down for 1.5 seconds and do 50% more damage while the target is knocked down.





We need these talents :P 

They probably have to be tweaked.

Made this up on the go, will keep updating.

Some of these talents were made mostly for PvP.

The Necromancer class was thought of for players who like to play with the company of their "Pets"

for solo playing, and to be helpful with World Bosses imagine a room with a army of minions.

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