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Member Since 01 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2015 12:26

#857449 Variety in Play Style

Posted by lester on 25 March 2014 - 20:40

I would like to play with different builds in this game and that is limited to talents and armors in this game.I suggest that there should be a talent on each row of all the classes that can benefit at least most of the other classes(I know this is partially added I'm just asking for more variety Ex:In the assassin tree there can be a talent that reads - Damage done to by your arrows do 30% more Damage if target is Poisoned, something like that.).I would like to see more hybrid comps for each class such as range/mage warrior/ranger etc.The armor in the game needs to be modified as well for different play styles such as a chest piece that normally gives + 35 Melee  there could be a different item that just gives

+ 20 Melee+ 20 Range instead for a ranger/warrior play style.This along with gems will make a big variety in builds.


What do ya think?

#857125 LOOT WOOT

Posted by lester on 24 March 2014 - 02:22

Sorry I still would not PVP doesn't matter what loot you get .

Not even for a Klondike Bar?

#856775 LOOT WOOT

Posted by lester on 21 March 2014 - 11:54

Why not every time you do a pvp game you get a token and the amount of tokens you get is based on if you won or not and  how you performed and you can exchange those tokens for gold crate , items ,etc.Then people would actually look forward into those items thus getting people to play pvp.


Posted by lester on 01 January 2014 - 02:55

I would like HCS to make a item that when applied to a vanity item makes it glow bright and this item can be sold from the Eldevin Shop for Ep or gold, I would like to BADAZZLE MY CHARACTER. ^_^

#836404 Durability loss in PVP zone/ TreeFolk DPS

Posted by lester on 31 December 2013 - 23:57

Those Tree Folk remind me of D claw rushers from Runescape.One of the most annoying creatures in this game. <_<

#836205 Getting a buff when soloing a Dungeon.

Posted by lester on 31 December 2013 - 01:07

I would like to get a buff if I do*a Dungeon by myself either that or the creatures inside the dungeons gets a de-buff basically what I want is to set a Dungeons difficulty based on the amount of players that are entering.

Many people can't do dungeons since the population is low and there is a high level difference this would help people do dungeons on there own without waiting till the game get heavily populated.I don't know if this was posted before but I think it would be a great add to this game early on.

#835478 PvP Balance and Attribute Balance (assessed problems and remedies)

Posted by lester on 29 December 2013 - 05:50

I would rather like that everyone that joins PvP has a NEW fully customize-able talent tree and attribute page with the skill points of that of the max level cap, and has all of the skills unlocked to put on their skill bar which solves pay 2 win aspects of pvp and with this new setup you can make different builds for PvP and trying out what works best.I would also like the ability to have free re-specs for these PvP builds in order for teams to adjust their builds in different ways without affecting PvE.

#834986 Potions in PvP

Posted by lester on 27 December 2013 - 01:11

Please Ban potions being used in pvp... There is a difference between a 800 health potion and 1 that heals 3000 and its really unbalanced it is just a minor easy fix suggestion.

#834367 Random Boss Events,Duel-Arena,Mini-Games and more.

Posted by lester on 24 December 2013 - 15:35

Hello I have played many great mmorpg games throughout my time,and I would like to make some suggestions on implementing bits and pieces of what made those games spark.


1)(I know I have said this in a recent post but i am bringing it up again) Once you get out of the tutorial area there should be a random event boss that low level players can work together to bring it down and upon death give a fair amount of exp and loot to everyone who pitched in , now the boss will not do as much damage as the Ohdar bosses, so make it to get stronger for how many players are present to the fight and have a buff on the boss that reduces every ones stat to a certain degree of the zone they are in.(Example if you fight the boss in Othalo your stats are reduced to a lvl 2-5 player.) Which stops high level players to 1-hit KO these bosses and ruin the experience for low level players.Also it would give out a message on your screen if the  boss has appeared or not and it should have its own little icon on the map with the bosses name.I made this suggestion because I don't think its a good idea just to give the new players a basic tutorial and say "Now that you know how to play go out there and grind  sport!." With this implemented players would look forward into more bosses, and content.


2)Mini-games, these mini games will be thought of by HCS and the rewards will differentiate from crafting/gathering/currency/item rewards and it gives people the choice of leveling their gathering and crafting without have to grind so much for it.I would also act like pest control from Runescape.


3)I would like to see staking matches that is a 1 vs 1 and you can put in currency or items to bet, kinda like Runescape duel arena system.It gives people who are good at fighting each other to make money and not just grind in PvE.Now to make this PvP fair and all , you would have to make a separate attribute page,talent page,and skill bar designated for PvP and give the player all the skills to work with;these are fully customize-able and you can lock in a skill bar/attribute page/Talent page to use it quickly after each match , which reduces restarting your whole page again with this boring process;This makes PvP alot about skill and not all about level. This is a important suggestion because it attracts players who are more into PvP than PvE increasing the population and HCS money pool.


4)I would like to implement smart casting which allows us to cast AoE type abilities that shows you where the radius is first when you click the spell and then you have to click again to cast it,smart casting will enable us to skip that first step and cast away.This will be very useful for pvp when you have to cast your AoE snare to stop pursuers.



I will continue to update this post please leave any feed back when possible.

#834362 Rotten Green Apples, Damaged Copper Bar, etc

Posted by lester on 24 December 2013 - 14:53

I would agree with this if foraging was all fun and rainbows and sunshine it is quite a hassle going long distances for nodes or finding a good spot that doesn't have aggressive mobs.

#832077 Your 5 most wanted things to add to Eldevin

Posted by lester on 18 December 2013 - 01:22

1)Difference in melee i am sick and tired of being sick and tired of these melee weapons having the same stats,daggers should have a faster attack speed better focus and low damage.


2)I want heroic items to have a unique stat like a heroic staff would have -10% mana cost on all spells to make them actually valuable and actually act like a heroic item and make heroic sell for more to vendors, why must my lvl 17 green copper mail cost 10 more silver than my heroic lvl 17 spiked sandals.


3)I would like to see random events like in guild wars 2 and see a bunch of people crowding around a big dragon trying to attack a farm and everyone works together and defeats this dragon and everyone will get loot depending on their characters effort.


4)I would like to see gathering skills that make money on their own and not having to sell anything to vendors or other players to gain profit like pick-pocketing NPC's would generate money the player can use, or have a rare chance to loot a weapon.


5)I would like to have races that don't affect a characters stat, i play a assassin i would like to be some type of midget class.#Dwarf.

#828209 My Eldevin suggestions

Posted by lester on 09 December 2013 - 23:24



-Higher level crafting tools

Reason:To gather materials faster ,example would be a higher level pick that mines faster , or gets more ore.


-Pick-pocketing(Gathering Skill)

Reason:You would have a high chance to get rare mats,chance to grab coins,and to unlock hidden chests with the keys you get from a guard.


-Follow people through doors.

Reason:It is quite annoying following a friend through a door since you have to click the door your self ,beats the whole purpose of letting the "Taxi" do all the work.


-Boss battle events.

My suggestion on what I want it to be.I would like to get a message on my screen saying "Boss has appeared near you." and on the map it would have a boss icon and you would see many players working together to defeat this boss and every one will get a drop and EXP depending on their effort.

Reason:This builds up the community of Eldevin, I have seen  this done in Guild Wars 2 and it is what defined the game.


-Trade Channel.

Reason:Self explanatory.



I would continue to update this post as I think of more ideas.


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