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Offline Last Active Jun 22 2024 17:54

#943163 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by PointyHair on 03 August 2015 - 19:14

Haters gonna hate, vocal minority, yada yada yada. As human beings we are all resistant to change to one degree or another.


Low level players, why did you put yourself in titan league if you believe you have no chance of remaining there? What didn't you understand about the qualification process? The whole point of a titan league is that it is the best of the best. If you are not, then you don't belong there, do you?


Personally I've had very little interest in PvP over the years as it always seemed extremely elitist and expensive to do well. This update changes a lot of that and makes it worthwhile for an average player to participate. Obviously I'm not going to be titan league any time soon, maybe not ever, but it is an achievable goal and apparently a lot of fun along the way.

I can't believe anyone is seriously interested in going back to the ladders. Players making agreements about who will finish in which slot was a complete farce.


And, even the haters can't say anything about the new bounty board.


On a more serious note, the bounty board needs a timer since last attack. otherwise i'm either clicking continuously or i loose interest altogether.

#942891 FSH Update 1500 - Modernising and Performance Enhancement

Posted by PointyHair on 02 August 2015 - 20:59

Hi, and thanks for your continued work on this! I'm having an issue with the combat evaluator. It always shows a massive excess of damage. Screenshot attached. My current character damage is around 6000.


Edit: It doesn't like my screenshot. Evaluator says I have 33000 extra damage, yet I can't 1-hit the creature. Can email it to you if you like.

Yes well spotted. I knew it was in there somewhere! Is fixed for the next release :)

"# Hits to kill it?" is still correct.

#939080 FSH Update 1500 - Modernising and Performance Enhancement

Posted by PointyHair on 16 July 2015 - 21:04

This is another major release. It is the beginning of a process of modernising
the code-base for improved performance in modern browsers and better
maintainability for developers. The process is on-going but I felt that the
performance improvements I have seen so far were worth a release in their own
I am aware that some of you are loosing your settings from time to time, or
settings are not being saved from one session to another. As we rely on local
storage at the moment you should check that this storage is accessible to FSH
and that it isn't full up. Press ctrl-shift-J to look for error messages.
Quick extract now also shows fragment stashes.
==Revision 1500 (PointyHair)==
  # (major) FS: Linting 1 + small bug fixes
  # (major) FS: Linting 2 - Remove prototype extensions
  # (major) FS: Start removing GM_ functions
  # (major) FS: Linting 3 - Consistent quotes
  # (major) FS: Refactor system defaults startup routines for performance
  # (major) FS: Update Save Prefs routine
  # (minor) FS: Refactor ParseRelicData
  # (minor) FS: Bug Fixes
  # (minor) FS: Remove more startup functions. Handle TM better.
  # (minor) FS: Remove old functions
==Revision 1502 (PointyHair)==
  # (minor) FS: Restore InvMgr Counter
  # (minor) FS: Fix format of default templeAlertLastUpdate

#935801 FSH Update 1499 - Composing and other enhancements

Posted by PointyHair on 16 June 2015 - 20:14

This is my first major functionality release. I will appreciate your feedback either here or on GitHub.
There is a new preference, "Disable Composing Prompts". If you do a lot of composing and find the prompts annoying then this is for you. If you compose while drunk then this is probably not for you. There are new buttons in composing. [Quick Create] which will create a single potion based on the template selection without a page refresh. [Create All] which will create all potions if they have a valid template selected. If they are all successful it will refresh the page.
I have been able to restore "Auto Fill Min Bid Price" function in AH by checking the box for you. We will also sort by current bid by default. Does this need to be a preference? It wasn't before. There is now a [Cancel All] button in AH. It can only cancel auctions that it can see so a maximum of 20 per page. On the upside it means you can use the filters to only cancel auctions of a certain type. The code for this is a bit ugly. You'll notice some odd page refresh behaviour. I am having to move on to some of the more resource intensive operations but I wanted to get this out there now and I'll come back and tidy it up later.
Quick extract will now only show resources. This screen, the trade screen and the inventory managers have been updated to use asynchronous calls. This is important as synchronous calls are deprecated and will be removed in future browser versions. Synchronous calls are detrimental to the browsing experience, they make it look as if the browser has locked up.
==Revision 1499 (PointyHair)==
  # (major) FS: Composing enhancements
  # (minor) FS: Fix Profile Inventory Select All
  # (minor) FS: Move JQ_Wrapper after GM_ shim
  # (minor) FS: Update buff list
  # (minor) FS: Remove more Old UI code
  # (minor) FS: Remove old AH functions
  # (minor) FS: Fix Quick Extract
  # (minor) FS: Fix trade screen
  # (minor) FS: Remove synchronous calls from inventory manager

#933653 FSH Update 1498 - Removal of legacy code

Posted by PointyHair on 26 May 2015 - 19:37

This update is largely a tidy up of the codebase. There's still plenty more to do though!
==Revision 1498 (PointyHair)==
  # (minor) FS: Show all quest steps in UFSG instead of Quest Book
  # (minor) FS: Fix combat viewer since 20150511 UI update
  # (minor) FS: Remove various bits of legacy code
  # (minor) FS: Turn code to remove guild avatar border into function
  # (minor) FS: New guild log messages (TODO Titans)
  # (minor) FS: Updated internal references from Google to GitHub
  # (minor) FS: Remove Titan Log
  # (minor) FS: Remove Create Maps
  # (minor) FS: Remove ShowGoldOnFindPlayer per HCS request
  # (minor) FS: Remove UFSG widgets
  # (minor) FS: Remove old guild log
  # (minor) FS: Remove Check Items
  # (minor) FS: Remove Inject Skills Page
  # (minor) FS: Remove Old UI code
  # (minor) FS: Remove Show AH Price in Inventory Manager
  # (minor) FS: Comment out old AH functions

#932709 New Content. 2476 - 2500.

Posted by PointyHair on 16 May 2015 - 12:12

would be nice if the icon lit up in segments during cooldown

#932537 FSH Update 1497 - Move to GitHub

Posted by PointyHair on 14 May 2015 - 18:53

With the impending closure of Google Code, Fallen Sword Helper has been
moved to GitHub. The new URL is:
Those of you running GreaseMonkey and TamperMonkey can wait for Yuuzhan
to do the final commit to Google Code which will update the download
location for you.
Other that the move, there are a couple of fixes for Chrome so we should
have a level playing field for future updates, Chrome users will no
longer get broken Guild Chat and empty mailboxes will no longer break
FSH. :)
==Revision 1497 (PointyHair)==
  # (minor) FS: Update headers for GitHub
  # (minor) FS: Fix missing jQuery in UFSG for Chrome
  # (minor) FS: Fix Guild Chat layout and empty mailbox

#921695 Update 2.65

Posted by PointyHair on 26 February 2015 - 20:11

Tooltips should no longer stay on the page when switching backpack / auction pages.

Well done. Can you do World and Guild Store next please?

#917814 FSH Update 1493

Posted by PointyHair on 01 February 2015 - 11:49

Are we going to be able to queue composing potions in the next update? I have seen your bio and see there is a way that this

can be done.

Err, dunno what made you think that. I just list my pots so that guildies can order them.


It's a great idea, but I think it would be seen as automation. First let the cows know, and get their permission, before putting in as a feature.


It would be seen as automation, but i'm pretty much 100% sure that it's already happening ...


I think it depends how you expect it to work. I'm currently thinking about optionally removing the confirmations around instant finish and discard. This could be extended to a "fast instant finish" and "fast discard option" that prevents the page refresh in the browser but I'd have to check with the cows on that one. Maybe a "create all" button as well.

In terms of queuing, we could tell FSH which template you wanted to use so that it came up as default when you go to the composing page. Once a pot has been made it drops off the queue and the next one becomes the default. This is new functionality so there would need to be overwhelming support from the community to make it happen and would be a medium/long term effort.

We don't have any telemetry available so we have no idea which functionality is being used and which isn't, other than that which we ourselves use. One of my priority tasks is to remove unnecessary functions in an attempt to slim down the code base to something more manageable. At the same time trying to conform it to using common techniques. As you can imagine over the years with several developers adding bits there are many different techniques in use, some more efficient than others.

#915333 FSH Update 1492 - Big update

Posted by PointyHair on 14 January 2015 - 23:05

Any chance you could get the coloring in the player logs for Allies, Enemies, and Guild Members (Blue, Red, and Green) to work again, PointyHair? (Using chrome) 

Well spotted. Fix in next release.


Thank you for updates!


Setup is not being saved. I have to set it up on every single log in.

Any chance to fix it please?

You must have a browser setting that is deleting your local storage. Something like remove history on exit or you're running private window. Don't know why you'd want to do that but the only thing I can suggest is export your settings to notepad and import them in your next session.


How do you manually update helper for FF ??  just by reinstalling it??  :)


#914438 FSH Update 1491

Posted by PointyHair on 09 January 2015 - 16:08

Thanks kenwyl I'll get those merged in.


I just wanted to point out that automatic update hasn't worked for a very long time. I'm looking into several alternatives so watch this space!

#905873 Update v2.60

Posted by PointyHair on 30 November 2014 - 11:15

I'm generally happy with the composing changes, a few less button clicks are welcome. I know how difficult UI design is. Given that most people will have at most 10 templates I'm wondering about having up to 10 buttons but it would be very busy.

Discard and Discard All are useful options. I often wondered why potions didn't go to mailbox. A discard option in the mailbox would probably be useful too.

I like the midnight resets. It makes it more flexible. I don't have to worry about doing my instant finishes as early as possible. I realise there are a few people who were able to time their bank depo's to their hunts. Dunno how they do that, there can't be that many. Bank depo's are expensive but maybe it's worth increasing the maximum number of depo's?

#889016 Update v2.50

Posted by PointyHair on 10 September 2014 - 06:54

I dunno about the rest of you but I use the self buff button in the Guild Online Members list in the top right hand corner.


As for the highlighting/Low lighting, thanks but wouldn't it be an idea to start with the first player in the list selected? I didn't find clicking on them particularly intuitive.

#878407 Fallen Sword Helper down 7/11/14?

Posted by PointyHair on 11 July 2014 - 14:31

You will probably find that Firefox has helpfully updated your Greasemonkey to the new hotness v2.0 which is incompatible. You'll have to downgrade to 1.15 and turn off auto updates for now.

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