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Member Since 14 May 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2017 12:23

#890187 PvP XP / XP through PvP

Posted by clock96 on 18 September 2014 - 23:46

Guys, lets not ask for a lot so that HCS don't have to do a lot, let's start with less prizes, HCS can add more each month, new buffs will take a lot of time to design, BG is the one who should say what the rewards should be (as he knows what HCS can fastly do), maybe PvP potions that already exist to begin with, and no PvP XP will be cashed in for rewardes, its not Prestige, if you cash it in for rewards then how can you level up ? High levels won't attack low levels so no benefit for high levels and PvP XP shall have nothing to do with bounty board IMO so no need to talk about low levels attacks on high levels on board

#889755 PvP XP / XP through PvP

Posted by clock96 on 15 September 2014 - 14:50

I agree that it will be a whole new aspect that will atract most of the PvPers and even levellers who are at the EoC who are sitting with tons of stam and just waiting for another content update that they reach its end in one hunt, this can fill their free time in the game, don't know why HCS maybe by anyway against this, PvPers like it and levellers like it so nothing will stop it

#889691 the arena

Posted by clock96 on 15 September 2014 - 00:54

Reading this, I saw some posts blaming arena pros for owning arena items and determining arena items prices, why blame them ? I am personally not close to being an arena pro, but they implemented time and gold and more to get to where they are, instead of blaming them, learn from them so you can be a pro like them, isn't their fault for being pros, however will be nice to see some gold tournaments a long with tocken tournaments, about new arenas coming up, its already shuffled, remember the days were there was no high level arenas ? Only low level ones ? High levels said more high level arenas should be added, HCS already made it for all level ranges, if we say less low level ones then we will regret it one day when we need the low level ones, also you guys want more low level players to play arena, right ? So why delete the arenas they will enter ????!!! Focus on one thing guys lol

#889635 PvP XP / XP through PvP

Posted by clock96 on 14 September 2014 - 14:32

Original Post Updated

Hey there everyone :) So I had a couple of ideas and plz read very carefully, will explain each idea alone so things don't get mixed, I know this may sound crazy, don't know if someone brought these ideas before but let's see the ideas :-

IDEA 1 :-
What about everyonre gets a PvP level, just like levellers have a level, PvP levels can be earned as XP from attacking others, don't know how many XP from each attack but this is for HCS to determine and calculate, maybe some XP from bounty attacks do, also XP should vary according to stam used in the attacks, PvP level will be added under your ordinary level, I made this example to illustrate :-
Level: 300 XP: 268, 816, 574
VL: 303
PvP level: 5 PvP XP: 5,000,000 ( example )

Maybe add an option in the attack system along with "Normal or ladder attack" "Bounty Combat" "Guild Conflict Combat" , it would be "XP attack" in this form of attack levellers won't loose ordinary XP from levelling, maybe just loose PvP XP (If the player has any), if you attack someone and loose you will loose PvP XP, if this attack can be bountied then while on board you shouldn't loose PvP XP, just ordinary XP like any bounty, however you can gain and loose PvP XP when you are clearing someone on board. Maybe even new PvP items in the future with PvP level on them not ordinary level.

IDEA 2:-

Same as first idea however, there is no PvP level or XP system, by the attack you will get ordinary XP so you will level and PvP at the same time :) I think this will bring way more people into PvP and would be fair for PvPers to level while PvPing.

UPDATE!!! Now the PvP XP attack will be added to "Normal or ladder attack" So the PvP attack shall be as follows:-

Player lost XXXXX XP
Player lost 300,000 gold of which clock96 stole 200,000 gold
Clock96 gained 10 PvP prestige
Clock96 gained XXXXXX PvP XP, Player lost XXXXXX PvP XP

→So no "safe" PvP
→the attack now can be bountied
→no new special attack mode
→Same ordinary ranges
→if someone has 0 PvP XP (For example: -10,000) , he will start loosing a percent from his PvP enhancements,
→want to get your PvP enhancements up again ? Then participate in PvP and get PvP XP and level up in PvP,
→on bounty board ? You will loose normal XP and a tiny PvP XP (according to stam used on you in the attack)

▶Did I make this clear now ? Any questions plz post and make your question straight forward, thanks

Those were the two ideas, I like the first idea more cuz I know the second idea will cause a lot of problems with levellers, but feep free to post what you think about both and which idea you like more, plz don't judge my idea by my level, I would have been in the thousands range if it wasn't for my love for PvP, that's everything I wanted to say, thx for having time to read this and let me know what you think and say any additions you want to see, hopefully HCS can implement the best idea ( the 1st idea is better IMO) sure my idea isn't perfect but together we can make it perfect :) thx everyone ;) Also I hope to hear what a staff member from HCS think

Sorry for any spelling mistakes as I typed this from mobile.

#886230 Who is going to Host the new GGT & Who is going to Participate ?

Posted by clock96 on 18 August 2014 - 15:16

GGT. I vaguely remember the first couple. If I remember correctly, there was an auction of sorts to raise FSPs for the winner. Will something along these lines be added? I am looking to add some pieces to my collection. And seeing how I can never find good renders. Auctions let me find really cool things :)

Yeah I am sure there will be an auction before the GGT to raise fsps to the winners :)

#851842 50 Fsp+ Guild Avatar Contest

Posted by clock96 on 26 February 2014 - 20:46

Still need an entry ? ;)



#849114 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by clock96 on 14 February 2014 - 00:09

Hey there, I would like to see what you can do with a couple....


Both should have the text "ShadowRB" and "Shinigami" and "LWS"


Here are the links to the 2 I would like to have done please....


1~ http://somnivore.dev...r-III-188339744


2~ http://cyberunique.d...bankai-63619968


Thank you in advance :)

 finished the first one, will post them both when I finish the second.

#846074 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by clock96 on 03 February 2014 - 21:42


Welcome to my GFX shop, here you can post all your requests and orders, some of the orders I take in-game, but here is better so I can keep track, here is SOME examples of my work, you can see the rest on the link below the avi/sigs examples :) Shop Banner made by me ;)

IMPORTANT: before you continue to see avi/sig examples, plz know that I am lazy in updating them and this work is very old and I consider it very bac now actually xD so for my latest work plz look at my avatar examples link in photobuket, thx :D











You can see other examples in this link : http://s981.photobuc.../?sort=3&page=1

Avatar: 5-7 fsp
Signature: 6-8 fsp

you can pay more as a tip :)

~Newly Added~ All avis from now on will come with a bonus of "B&W" (Black & White) format, just ASK for it if you want it

Note: You can supply a render or stock or theme if you want

A Must: you must tell me what you want as text

Please specify if you want an avatar or a signature

Feel free to order as much as you like ;)


#823071 2013 Grand Graphics Tournament Round 4 Theme

Posted by clock96 on 29 November 2013 - 19:42

gratz guys for making it round 4 , I would have loved to work in this theme :) my favorite

#792465 GvG and New Players.

Posted by clock96 on 31 May 2013 - 14:49

I think all players starting from 25+ should GvG it is a fun thing to do :)

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