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Member Since 09 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 06 2014 10:19

#834396 Gathering/Crafting boredom dissolving.

Posted by Bryn on 24 December 2013 - 18:17

I still love this idea.  Going one step further, I'd like to see random critters spawn next to you to protect their nodes (nothing too dangerous, but not 1-hit either).  This would be a great anti-botting tool since you cannot gather while in combat.  And, if the critters drop mats, all the better. :D

#815795 Thoughts & Suggestions...

Posted by PoloDef on 10 October 2013 - 13:57

Hello fellow beta players,


After playing the game, exploring, crafting for a bit, I have come up with some suggestions on how to improve the experience for the players. Some of these suggestions you may or may not have already seen, all thoughts on them are welcome.If they somehow help the developers in anyway, it will be an honour.


Graphical Quality

  • Nothing to suggest here. I personally love the old-school vibe of the game itself. The character animations and textures overall fit together.
  • HD textures are not needed nor probably possible when considering its a browser based Java game.


  • Being able to completely play the game with the mouse is a nice touch.
  • The actual camera positioning only gives a small view of the area especially outdoors. Allowing greater view distance could be less irritating.
  • Mouse clicking is very irritating. When clicking on a moving npc, your character will run to the spot but not interact until your close enough then you must click again

Skill Sources (Tress/Deposits/Fishing)

  • Deposits could be more varied to differentiate from afar.
  • More tree variations.
  • Fishing spots look good


  • Melee is slightly underpowered in my opinion as opposed to range or magic.


  • Sounds FANTASTIC. All I could say is to add a bit more sounds for people or npc's such as muttering or background chatter to give a more MMO'ish effect.


  • The story quests are better then most MMO search and bring back style of quests.
  • I found the skill quests quite enjoyable to complete, both informative and fun.
  • Perhaps if you were to add cut scenes into the quests more often it would make then feel more vibrant? or alive?

Thats pretty much everything I have seen that could be improved SO FAR.I will improve/update list the further I play.


If I made a error above please notify me.


Also, feel free to add ANY SUGGESTIONS into this list/topic.And devs, keep up the good work!


Thanks -PoloDef





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