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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2018 23:19

#836049 Buff Marketplace

Posted by yotwehc on 30 December 2013 - 15:56

i don't remember having a long talk to a buyer about how their day was or what they ate for breakfast so i don't see how this makes the game less social, nothing ever changes if you think about it everything is still the same.

also please moo moos check if Anti-Deflect is working(Deflected 4 times in a row), maybe tweak it a little.

I guess I'm a boss like that. No, it's not the same. I will occasionally throw in extra buffs based on who is asking and how they ask. Some players selling require a modicum of manners when asking and if complied with you get bonuses as well. I share info with other players also when they are looking for buffs. I also keep a log of the best buffers when my ally/enemy list fills up. No need to do that anymore. Yeah. You say nothing changes. I see lots.

#835965 Buff Marketplace

Posted by yotwehc on 30 December 2013 - 08:33

The more we discuss this idea, the more I'm having buyer's remorse... I did vote for it when we all voted for the roadmap but I'm worried that we are making an improvement to make life easier but making the game less social... For good and ill, buying and selling buffs has promoted interaction. Many of us know the buff thieves, the annoying beggars, but we have also learned to "ally" the generous or superbly friendly buffers while igging the snobbish and expensive high level buffers, etc...


This improvement WILL make life easier but I'm afraid the cost is quite high... food for thought...

#834936 Want a second look at PvP Retaliation (pay back)

Posted by yotwehc on 26 December 2013 - 22:00

All in all its the same thing again and again, its a pvp game full of players who cant handle pvp because its never been put out in a fun and encouraging way and pvpers have always been cast as the bad guys (tho a majority of them are major supporters of the game!)

Not sure why people keep clinging to this statement. Is it true? I though it was a MMORPG game? PVP is the main core of the game? the leveling, auction house, guilds, titans, farming, potion making, etc... just extras to wile time away? Where is this stated? I've played a few MMORPG games and none claim to be a PVP game although almost all have an aspect of it.


My issue is your making a lot of sweeping arguments stated as fact when you have no way of knowing for certain. Could you please share with the rest of us on how you came up with "majority of them are major supporters"? 90% of donations are by pvp'rs? 50%? 25%?


If you don't know this, your really killing your credibility. I'll shut up once you prove me wrong and I don't mind being proven wrong. Just drives me bonkers when I see this stuff over and over with no evidence to back the claims.

#834687 Content Roadmap.

Posted by yotwehc on 25 December 2013 - 18:42

First reaction to "queuing"... can't see an outright detriment to the game. Appears to up gold-sink. Probably not too keen on an upgrade for this, though I can't really defend that position... just a "thought".

Somewhere in there, there is already an additional pot making already, right?

Like I said, first thoughts.

Detriment to queuing is addicts like me won't be logging in every hour. Less logging in = less interacting/ helping guild mates and less revivng the semi dead global chat.

#827789 De-leveling Change Poll

Posted by yotwehc on 09 December 2013 - 18:44

Lets just work on one exploit at a time yeah? Simply because other loophole exploits exist, that means we shouldn't work to close another?

Agreed. But I would start with the most harmful exploits. Here's an idea, let's list all of the exploits and vote on which to deal with first. Again, I have no direct impact in this particular issue but I see overall harm to the game hence I doth protest. We really got bigger fish to fry.
Is this the biggest worst exploit out there? Is it harming the general populations enjoyment of the game? Is it driving away players in droves? If so, yes, this needs to be addressed ASAP.
Hope I can catch you in GC to bounce this back and forth. Jedi absolutely refused to talk about it. And I never see Belaric (I think he's annoyed by the 140 character limit as none of his sentences fit ) :)

#827679 Changes to De-Levelling

Posted by yotwehc on 09 December 2013 - 17:09

Due to the topic I don't think we would ever get a overall majority so in this case I would be looking for at least 50% of players to agree with the change.

I have to say that's a bit disappointing. No ones hands are clean on this issue.
- both levellers and non levellers have taken advantage of this
- your hurting your oldest and loyalist player base
- hate to say it, but without content, this problem would never have existed. I don't think anyone would care if I took advantage of this exploit. But if I were at eoc, the story changes. Those guys did things the old fashioned way without the huge benefits we now get. Why disenfranchise them more?
As passionate as the subject is, 50% to declare the change worthy seems a low bar.
Good luck with this. Either way, I don't see a positive outcome.

#827601 Changes to De-Levelling

Posted by yotwehc on 09 December 2013 - 16:12

I'm sorry, no harm? It makes a complete joke of the BB. As Hoof said it was not their intention for how it was to be used! Free tics toward bounty hunting and stomper medals are akin to offering free GvG RPs. Sitting on a champ 100s or 1000s of levels ahead of your VL with uber global pots is an exploit that is only being addressed. The pots are what has caused this, and they haven't been around but within the last year or so. So no, it is hurting the game. Relevel ALL you want for gxp just go through the realms associated with your AL to do it!

Yah! I'm glad no one else is making a joke of the BB. Oh wait...

#826915 Exploiting XP to boost guild

Posted by yotwehc on 08 December 2013 - 06:04

So what you are saying yotwehc as you actually did quote that your bounties weren't touched for hours. So if someone had touched and finished them as don't see any there anymore. Is you got hit with a 100 stam and in return boarded them so they were hit 10 times on board which does more damage. So basically the person had just lost more xp than you did. Now maybe they 100 stammed you 10 times as you were on the board which would be different scenario, but if not justice would have been done.

All I am simply saying is there was coordination between attacker and and attackee (?) on the BB. Isn't that what all of this is about? Your making a big fuss about how the EOC'rs are doing this but no one cares when non-EOC'rs do the same exact thing. MY mention that the bounties weren't touched for hours is the benefit of being in a PVP guild. No one messes with those in the PVP guilds as either they are scared or not worth the mischief that comes with it. I could go on about Justice too but we're already in Siberia as far as the derail is concerned.

#826571 Exploiting XP to boost guild

Posted by yotwehc on 07 December 2013 - 08:44

Sorry dude but you need to step off that soapbox, and stop the name calling with the abusive accusatory tone. You're always attacking someone, making it personal, and writing like a cornered animal. I get that you're scared about stuff but this is just a game! Levy's only giving an opinion and I, personally, respect his opinion playing the game a whole lot more than your nonconstructive word attacks. Just use logical arguments. Come out of your rabbit hole. Stop trippin.

I'm the name caller? Look in the mirror. lol. hypocrite was the only word I used and if someone is complaining about the easy button the EOC'rs have then they turn around and say smashing bunnies is not an easy button, well... does not compute... Shoe is fitting...


LEt's see... I'm on a soapbox, I'm abusive and accusatory. I'm attacking. I'm making it personal. I'm a cornered animal. I'm non constructive. I'm in a rabbit hole. I'm trippin... yeah... no name calling there. lol...




Now to stay on topic, I summarized previously the issues. Am I wrong? Am i missing something? Someone did point out a hole in my top list suggestion and I don't know how to work it but at least it's a starting point and not the.. err... name calling your doing. Either way, if any action is taken, the top guild list is going to be flawed. If the cows were to implement a change to stop the "exploit" all who have done it to this point have their advantage sealed in stone.


Here's my list again. PLEASE tell me what is wrong.

Much ado about nothing. My suggestions:
GXP "exploit" - make another top list. One with current calculation and one without.
Gold "exploit" - make champions drop less gold. Who farms champions for gold anyway?
Medal "exploit" - I love the hypocrisy. No "easy" button is acceptable. Except when it involves bunnies of course. Lol 


So If your biggest beef is the medal exploit, then yes... it's a problem... but don't push for opening up smashing medal to all hits if your against "easy"

#821081 The Fair Way

Posted by yotwehc on 19 November 2013 - 09:39

Why cant we just leave as it is? o.o

I've been asking this same question. There is no harm if a Titan sits for days. Maybe slow the spawn rate of the big titans but aside from the collussus, all the little titans get cleared in a timely manner.

#820123 component slots

Posted by yotwehc on 15 November 2013 - 18:42

well now everyone has settled down with the new back pack features , which for me are not that much of an improvement as we have lost the quick wear button in exchange for pages segregating gear, ie like with like,, how about doing something with the component slots , we have lost the means to count what we have in our component slots and also lost the means to quick delete surplus or not needed components and when one has over 800 component slots deleting one by one is a royal pain. as for taking an inventory of the said component slots it is near impossible , having to look at individual recipes is time consuming and frustrating angry.png


I've run out of likes so here is my +1
You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day

#819978 The Fair Way

Posted by yotwehc on 15 November 2013 - 00:56

The problem with that is how to create somethingwithout flooding the Epic Market. The better idea is to make the titan move less after 24hrs of a guild secure him. Or something close to that, but...How?

Your contradicting yourself. 1 concern about flooding epic market. 2. Clearing titans faster = more spawns.

#819790 The Fair Way

Posted by yotwehc on 14 November 2013 - 08:21

I'm not sure what the big deal is. If a Titan sticks around for a while, so? Why must it get cleaned up? If it takes a month for it to be killed, great! Tat just means it's not in demand and it takes that much longer for the epic to show up in game. Again, titans are the least broken aspect. Let's stay focused on the roadmap. Then pvp. We have the seasonals right now. It's a great time to be a Titan hunter.

#819384 Full Stam RESET - an FSP Upgrade

Posted by yotwehc on 11 November 2013 - 16:53

We already have the roadmap. Let's stay focused. We all made suggestions, voted and have our road map. Maybe after a few months, HCS can ask for more suggestions.

My personal opinion is we can buy stam currently. Yes it's expensive but then they introduced stam purchases for gold. Now people want more. Sigh. I would love to get a lot of stam for cheaply but do we really want everyone at eoc?

#818821 Tripple exp week

Posted by yotwehc on 06 November 2013 - 17:34

Maybe a parcel of reserve stam to players with lower max stams who have high progress on loyalty medal as a christmas gift from HCS instead? I;m fully aware from last xmas how an xp event can be ridiculous... though the less xp events we have the harder it is for newer players to reach EOC as more content gets added.... Maybe occasional 25% bonus xp weekends staggered opposite of global quests and the like as a more common occurance to reward yearround activity? :/ Just my thoughts on it.

Is that the goal? Get everyone to eoc ASAP? We got the global pots which are essentially huge bonus xp pots. I think if anything, we got way more then you are asking. It's a bit unfair to the eoc'rs who slogged to the top the old fashioned way while we are asking for an easier path. Enjoy what we have. We really got a LOT.

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