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Member Since 16 Dec 2020
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2022 04:29

#1002646 Towers => Orbs

Posted by moonfrost on 26 December 2020 - 13:02

First of all, I'm in no way speaking for myself.  Second of all, these last 2 statements reinforce my position.  This idea as it stands reeks of separatism.  It says, get to EoC and be in a TOP tier guild or just don't play the game.   I'm not talking about myself, never was, I could care less.... 


Ladder tokens and Arena tokens are in themselves non transferrable, are they not?  Many many flaws with the list.  


I'm done trying to help people in this game, it's becoming quite obvious that I'm a joke to even so called friends in this game.  You guys run it, you guys help the myriad of new confused players coming in on the half finished app every day.  You guys let them know why THEY don't cut the grade cuz they aren't at EoC and in TED....

That's hilarious, we've been accepting members far below the EOC threshold for years now and have been helping them grow and get stronger in the game. Besides meeting our requirements to join TED as far as stamina and level(which usually is case by case and not all new members have those requirements met) we look at the players activity in game. Their willingness to learn new aspects and teach other players strategy with the aspects of the game that they do know is a big selling point when trying to join us. But with that policy of giving players chances, we also don't tolerate laziness in our guild like Kit said. If you can't be bothered helping out the guild and thereby helping yourself, its last call at the Evil Dead bar and you can see yourself on out.


All the players in our guild share one common thing...they are all helpful to one another in some form. Most of our EOC players started in TED long before they were close to EOC, in fact most were pvpers who not only changed the landscape of pvp as this game knows it but also could care less about levels. Personally, I've played the game for over 13 years and still don't even have a year at EOC...54% to ruby Top 100 medal. But if you look, I mean really look, at our guild list you will see many of us have ruby and diamond medals in many different aspects of the game. We have arena masters, SE slayers, Titan slaughterers, high level composers and of course we have many players very well versed in the art of PVP. We vigorously defend ourselves as a guild against all comers and have always followed this philosophy.  


That is why we recruit how we do. I'm not trying to just fill ranks with whoever wants in, I want players that want to thrive in the game, that want to learn other aspects and want to finally reach EOC or whatever their level goal is while playing more parts of the game than just leveling. For that reason, the list and ideas provided by Mary are certainly within our reach. And keep in mind as well before knocking us for being selective in our recruiting or for being elitists. You've never needed to be the best to be in TED, you've needed to be hungry to learn the game and to be able to return the favor by helping others to learn the game as well. By doing that, by being selfless in your approach to the game, you become the best.


All of the resources and items mentioned by Mary can be achieved with a little work. And honestly, this list is perfectly spread out to require players of all levels and background in this game to work together to achieve. Sure, the big guilds like TED and others are always going to get these new items first, thats just how games like this work. We've put in the years growing as a guild and recruiting as we have. Why is it our fault that because of that and because of creating a guild atmosphere where players want to help each other? If anything, this list promotes diversity in guilds and would create situations where newer low level players could join up and thrive as long as they had a willingness to listen and grow with us.


I personally think this would be a great idea to implement into the game. Maybe a little bit at first but then over time all of it. This would really bring together guilds to do what they're supposed to be there for...teamwork.


And the 'woe is me' attitude gets you nowhere. Put yourself out there and apply what you've learned over the years of playing and I bet you'll see progress. You find a guild of any level that has the same like-minded players who are selfless and you'll watch that guild grow over time. You'll get the big items that help you and the guild and suddenly it won't be 'woe is me' but more along the lines of 'look at my guild, I'm so proud'. 


That being said...there are players in the game that would love a shot to be in TED or one of the other big guilds. We'll look at anyone who applies that at least is close to our requirements, as always. However, if you're level 500 with 5k stamina and have, just as an example a silver SE medal and enjoy hunting SE's, don't be afraid to apply. We may or may not say yes, but we will tell you why not and what you should work on to eventually be part of our guild. Any player that actively wants to be better in the game and has shown a willingness to learn and thrive is always a welcome addition to any guild. Considering this post promotes teamwork, I believe this is a great idea to implement for not only players in the game but for guilds as a whole.

#1002594 Changes to Arterial Strike

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 24 December 2020 - 02:06

Honestly, I can't be mad about that, I can't remember anyone doing anything similar in what, 12+ years the buff is around?


I've never thought of Arterial Strike besides it being an useless buff, as much as I want to be angry that people had the chance to use an 'exploit' to level up like crazy without doing much, the mechanics were there, everything was working as intended, no one was breaking any rules...I'd put it in a similar realm as farming an EOC Elite/Champion just for GXP, something that wasn't intended, but within the game mechanics...It's somewhere between a 'cheater' and a 'genious' move, since no rules were broken, genious it is then.


And yes, the change is very much needed, this shouldn't be a 'common thing to do', but without MoM discovering it no one else would, or never did...And I believe EP and others from MoM also agree that it's a stupid mechanic that shouldn't be in the game at all.

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