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Member Since 22 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 22 2023 06:33

#836747 Give Mashing Mallow Mitts two distinct thumbs!

Posted by aa0007 on 02 January 2014 - 05:26



Look at that. STARE AT IT. And then realize that it looks like the gloves have thumbs that are joined together. It's just a simple fix, really - could we please get the thumbs separated? A drop shadow or a border, or anything to make them distinct really ... I just can't imagine what it must be like fighting when both my thumbs are glued together like that.



#818668 [Ended] Small Semi-Random Avatar Auction

Posted by ghetoghost on 06 November 2013 - 01:39

i'd buy iron man :P 5FSp 


#818475 Oidhche Shamhna Ruby!

Posted by Mister Doom on 04 November 2013 - 15:24

Lets hear it for the community!!


Also lets hear it for HCS, for rewarding our massive effort!

#818473 Oidhche Shamhna Ruby!

Posted by Hoofmaster on 04 November 2013 - 15:19

Success! The community achieved Ruby Tier in the Oidhche Shamhna Global Event!
If you qualified during the event, you'll now find the reward awaiting collection in your character mailbox :)
Also well done to Top 100 Global Quest Contributors who have each received 100 Fallen Sword Points. We've also given everyone who qualified for the Ruby Tier an additional 2 chests since the target was beaten by over 16 million creature kills!
We hope you all enjoyed the event!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#818423 Uber Avatar Auction

Posted by Roan on 04 November 2013 - 03:37

If you Want to know about the Graphics Community go to this topic: http://forums.hunted...showtopic=59152

Not really...

#817846 Uber Avatar Auction

Posted by WarQueen on 29 October 2013 - 05:02

Considering most FS artists put in a lot of work on their pieces to earn 1-3 fsp, I think it's a slap in the face to charge similar prices for text slaps or pieces with 'minor' changes. And highway robbery/rip off to charge people up to 30 fsp for barely changed pieces.

#817408 Fallensword finale quest + reset/darkside options.

Posted by Mister Doom on 25 October 2013 - 07:11

So recently (when the new SE's came out) I started thinking about content. Old content future content and how we seem to just be levelling up into infinity. What if things could be a little different though?

So anyway, here's my idea...

As we get closer to level 2,000 we start to hear rumours in our quests about trouble stirring  in the evil ranks. The dreadlord, risen once more and tired of his 'alliance' with the shadowlord is trying to revive one of our old foes. As we proceed we get entangled in the sinister plot and find out he has resurrected the evil SE xinderoth in order to use his control of xind magic, combined with his own necromancy to overthrow the shadowlord and claim the evil throne for his own!

As we ge more and more caught up it becomes clear that this new duo provides much more of a threat to the status quo than the Shadowlord and we are force into a 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' scenario. Teaming up with our arch nemesis to take them down.

Without going into too much detail, our quest would involve killing lots of Se's, finally attaining the 'Fallen Sword' and using it to finally kill the Dreadlord and the resurrected Xinderoth once and for good. Of course the shadowlord would try and take advantage, which would lead to possibly the single most important aspect of my idea.

At the final point in the quest line (at level 2,000) we'd be given an option.
To use the sword in a self sacrificing way, killing the shadowlord but also ourselves. Resetting ourselves back down to level one.


Twisting the power of the sword to cause all of the other evil beings to serve us and bring down the shadowlord for us.
Enabling us to continue on into 'mirror content' where we would in essence run through almost identical content, except from an evil point of view.

In the first scenario. Getting sent back down to level one, there would obviously have to be some benefits. My thought on this would be to remove all of our skills and access to higher skills, but allow us to keep say one tenth of our points? So 500 skill points. Along with 500 LUP points. However having 500 extra LUP at the beginning of the game would render most of the first portion meaningless, so these points would be hard coded into our stats. Eg we'd get 100 atk, Def, Arm, Dam and Hp.

In the second scenario. The mirror content would be the simpler solution for HCS, as they have to rewrite the quests (to portray us as evil) and alter the creature stats, but the realm maps, creature images and main points of the quests could remain the same.

The other thing I'd like to see after completing the 'End of game' quest is a 'Fallen Sword' Epic sword. Well technically two version. A 'good' which would be a level 1 weapon and an 'evil' which would be a level 2000 weapon. Both would obviously have 'battle stats' fitting for their level, however I believe the enhancement and 'gains' should be identical.

There would also have to be some form of reset at the end of evil content too, though that is certainly far enough away as to not have to think of right now.

#817521 GGT Voting Round 1

Posted by WarQueen on 26 October 2013 - 02:46

I won't be voting but want to say I hope the artists consider auctioning their pieces as there are a few I'd like. Including a couple you want, jsustin. ;)

#817326 2013 Grand Graphics Tournament Round 1 Entry Theme

Posted by ghetoghost on 24 October 2013 - 05:00

About 1/2 who said they were going to enter....

Their loss. Gets me that much closer to that fsp pot!!!

#817212 New Guild. <Please take time to read>

Posted by Removed4427 on 23 October 2013 - 02:54

02:49 23/Oct/13  You have sent minilight 1000 fsp

#816475 GGT AUCTION -- Featuring pieces from many of FS's finest avatar/signature...

Posted by kingkillz on 16 October 2013 - 04:45

Wow.. Deleting your donations because you weren't getting fsp from it? Not cool at all.


I think I know who this is just by memory of the art that was deleted.. All my respect for him/her just plummeted down to zero. 

Can respect go lower than zero? Cause if it can, Then it has!

#815732 Guardeds AVI Auction

Posted by Revitalize on 09 October 2013 - 23:04

thats to inspire the bidding... if you don want to wait pay the bin?

The price for BIN is too damn high!



Posted by ghetoghost on 10 October 2013 - 00:51

Me no speako ingles. GgT sounds wimpy wimpy wimpy. Me avatur an signture aution be hefty hefty hefty. 

#815532 Content Roadmap.

Posted by thisple on 08 October 2013 - 17:47

double xp event around Christmas again :-)  Pretty please, with sugar on top!

#814976 So who's entering the GGT this year? :)

Posted by WarQueen on 04 October 2013 - 20:31

The challenge... the thrill... the excitment... yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's that time again! Time for the Grand Graphics Tournament!! (starting date TBD)


The GGT will test your skills as artists and bring you fame (on the graphics forum atleast) and fortune (tons of shiny fsp)!!


There is no entry fee!

The prize pot will be hundreds of fsp!


If you are interested in participating, please comment below!

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