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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2024 19:26

#994220 Join us on Discord!

Posted by KeS on 25 September 2018 - 22:28

good to see some peeps are still kicking

#1008701 Development Update

Posted by ATPoseidon on 02 December 2022 - 16:14

Blizzard uses a term called "Maintenance Mode" where a game no longer receives content updates, but receives support and bug fixes.


Can we officially announce that Eldevin is in Maintenance Mode so it is pretty clear and curb any expectations?

The only reason the game is not shut down is because it doesn't cost anything to run it. My guess is it runs on the same server as HC's more successful games and running an additional VM on that uses next to no resources while ocassionally fooling someone into spending $20... why not?

Now, since that is very obviously the case... can we treat it as such please? When games shut down, they usually make everything free and let the few remaining fans enjoy the game to the fullest for whatever time is left.

Now, I'm NOT suggesting we remove the store and give everyone the best gear and stuff like that, but I'm sure it wouldn't take a lot of resources to make the game less aggrevating for the ocassional new player that stumbles in. Here's some ideas:

- Reduce the overal price of Store items, bringing it closer to "micro-transaction" values, which might actually encourage people to buy some things and play the game for longer. It certainly happened with me. I gave up on Eldevin mostly due to the inventory restrictions and I wasn't about to spend $50 to get a decent amount of bags/sacks. But I found out that the Premium Steam Packs have gone on 90% off sale in the past. Cue making new account (using forum through Steam is horrible and I can't attach an e-mail to the Steam account...), and add those packs to the wishlist. Lo and behold Autumn Sale, they went on 90% off again. Last 3 bag slots, Level 3 Riding and 3x64 slot bags for like $4... Hell yes! And here I am, playing again.


- Make Trapper's Atoll a high level area (entry requirement 40+) or increase the buff it gives to lower level players (Although that might make lower level players way too powerful). If you keep an eye on Discord, or the Steam discussions page, you will see that almost every new player that posts on there is immediately enchanted with the game. That's because the game has great PvE ideas and crafting systems that would attract people who enjoy Runescape and other games that heavily rely on gathering and crafting. And then it was f***ed up. Every single one of those posts I'm talking about goes like this "Love this game, I wanna play it, but I keep getting killed by X player" You tried to please the PKers and the PKers are toxic. "Uh well it says before you enter it's a PvP area, if you don't like it, don't play." Well guess what... They aren't! We can't ignore PvP (I'd love to, but I know better) and we can't disable it, neither will you assign resources to do major changes to Trapper's Atoll, so just make it off limits for longer, so people are not immediately discouraged by players trying to get 10000 kills achievement (which in its own right is insane...).


- Reduce the tedium of certain activities. The game can be improved a lot by simply adjust a few variables in the code, that wouldn't take that much time or effort. Here's some suggestions:
  - Increase Riding speed bonuses. It doesn't have to be huge, but 25/50/75% would be a good bump. Getting around is a big part of the game and dragon handlers are expensive while gold is scarce!
  - Increase all action speeds by... 10%? What I mean by that is, we're talking about heavy repetition when it comes to crafting, gathering, etc. If people don't have multiple monitors, to do several things at once... Nobody wants to stare at the screen at a tiny loading bar as we craft 200 pieces of cloth. Much like PvP, we can't remove that aspect of the game, but we can make it a little less tedious.

  - Optimize certain actions. The main example here is farming. I'm guessing there was a time where the plan was to have multiple types of Scarecrows, Compost and Crop Dust. Clearly that is no longer the case and we have a single type of each. Well since that is the case, why oh why do I get a window to input the item? It needlessly increases farming time by so much even if you use the Ctrl+Click shortcut. Just remove that. "Add Scarecrow" should do exactly that, check your inventory if you have one and automatically starts the action. There doesn't need to be additional input. There's probably more cases where this can be done, but I can't think of them right now.

  - Increase stack size. As I mentioned earlier, what turned me away from the game, toxic PKers aside, was the limited storage. The basket/bucket system is definitely unique and I actually like it in a weird way, but inventory space is still severely impeded by stack sizes. Once again, there's no need to go crazy, but it would help new players a whole lot if you just double everything. Processed material 5>10, raw material 10>20, filler material 25>50. 

I feel like none of these changes will significantly or in any way negatively change the core gameplay of the game, while certainly making it a more pleasant and approachable experience for everyone.

I'm convinced implementing any of these changes can be done by a single person in less than a working day (of course any price changes have to go through Marketing/Financy, I know...) and I would happily offer my services as a volunteer if you're looking to do so  :P

I know it's a long shot at best, but I'm hoping for this post to gain some traction, get at least a little something going on!

#987243 Development Update

Posted by kidref on 12 November 2017 - 20:35

wish list 2017

lv 50 cap (but no stats like we always lose dammage/haste/crit/doge)
lv 49/50 dung
lv 49/50 Eldevin kite shild


who can send it to santa?

#981396 Development Update

Posted by KeS on 02 June 2017 - 18:45

need to finish my set (need chest piece)......

#964347 Development Update

Posted by xrxr1 on 13 June 2016 - 00:07

it is sad news but Iwill still be around . If anyone is thinking of leaving the game feel free to send your unwanted / no longer needed goodies to me  :D  .

P.S. If you do feel so inclined I am usuallyon OC server IGN xrwiz

#963894 Development Update

Posted by ernzor on 02 June 2016 - 22:43

Is really sad read this, I know about some players quit and r supporting this game maybe they still supporting, waiting for the updates, i can give u some names lahara, ben, ernzor, mog,and others. 

Definitely me, I am still following the game and come to the forums daily and try to login once a week or so to catch up with the few that are online.


I actually probably prompted this post, as a few hours before he posted here, he responded to some of my skype questions about Eldevin.


I would 100% come back and be one of its biggest supporters if this game had updates both in content and improvements. I feel at the moment though that I have finished (which is an odd word for this sort of game) as much as I can here, and my time can be better spent elsewhere. Dont get me wrong, I did countless hours of grinding here, and I do not mind that one bit, but I dont really have anything to even grind for any more (only TA kills but was getting about 10 a day last time I tried as no one went there anymore). So right now, I spend my gaming time elsewhere, but I would most certainly come back again if there was more to do.


I know with the small dev team, when there was a dev team for Eldevin, updates can and do take a while. Now with even less people that time is going to increase even more.


There have been many great ideas to implement that would drastically increase the longevity of the game, from better rewards/drops, rarer rewards/drops, unique drops, custom craftables, more PvP maps, more PvP modes, bring back group queue pvp, expand the guild system to include guildhouse, GvG, guild emblems and gear, and even your own level 50 and also completing the ascended dungeons. Quite a lot more can be added to that list too, thats just off the top of my head.


How about to drive some development hours and get the lvl 50 content out (and maybe more depending on how much is raised) you guys run another "founder" pack scheme, call it something else, and have different rewards, but something similar. Could even run it through kickstarter or something like that, so those investing could see what each goal would get us. To get you guys rolling and releasing content again thats one thing I could think of.


But please, dont do that if it will just go back to how it is now afterwards. Like others have said, this game didnt get the following it deserved for a few reasons, one being a lack of timely updates. If we have a couple of people to stick around to release small upgrades (new weapons, mobs, minor quests) that doesn't require huge updates (world maps etc). Perhaps even let users design things if there is a way you can incorporate user design into the game.


Anyway, TLDR - I would 100% be back if this game was active in the devs eyes

#963891 Development Update

Posted by Undjuvion on 02 June 2016 - 21:31

2 things to say about this


1: when in beta we got told the game would be released at upto lvl 50. which was WRONG should have stayed in beta till it was done till at least lvl 45 and all sorted.



2: not enough advertising, just gettting it on steam was not enough and point 1 has made loads not stay as there was many bugs.


true, u dont become an author, write half a book, put it on stands and go wow hmmmm, why is noone happy with my book, its half done, ill give up!

#963858 Development Update

Posted by mmhm on 02 June 2016 - 12:45

This could have been The game.  :unsure:

#909186 Eldevin Buy & Sell IRC channel (Worldwide)

Posted by Ant on 13 December 2014 - 14:50


Zorgs IRC guide: https://forums.hunte...hunted-cow-irc/


There are many other ways to connect to IRC:

  • Chatzilla (firefox addon) can set to flash when messages are received
  • Hexchat
  • MIRC


Why not come say hello in ##ETrading


If using browser go to http://webchat.freenode.net

Server: irc.freenode.net
Port: 6667
Channel: ##ETrading
No spamming
No URL's
Don't ask for op
HCS Rules apply including offensive names.



IRC has been out many years so you may need to add other symbols to your name to get desired name such as _- after it.

Once you have desired name don't forget to register it.


To register your name /msg NickServ REGISTER password email

I suggest to use the freenode tab to do this and also use a random password you use nowhere else.


Once registered you will need to identify yourself using this command:

/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password

#992231 Development Update

Posted by Fizban on 09 June 2018 - 21:02


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

#992004 eldevin funding for final lvls

Posted by Fizban on 22 May 2018 - 20:55

Although I am touched that there are still people who find the game worth playing and worth donating to, I am saddened that HCS still don't do enough to make this game better and nicer. Gamers shouldn't have to crowdfund or anything like that to play their game. In the very beginning gamers have put down the money to start this game off. That's where HCS studios should have made an effort themselves. I have played Eldevin for a very long time until there just weren't anymore updates. We need updates, higher level caps, new quests (really... another Love Bites-quest? After all that time???)


I have had a great time on Eldevin and I miss it. I would pay to keep on playing, but then I would like something in return. Eldevin points, better gear, new content... just like any other game. I think it is wrong to pay and not get anything. Crowdfunding 10.000 euro's or dollars or pounds so HCS can invest it in one of their others games is just wrong.


Eldevin could be as big as Runescape, WoW or any other online game. It is a shame HCS doesn't put in the effort.

and this is exactly what would happen, all monies from donations etc would be spent on other HCS games, where do you think all the cash we have paid so far gone? other HCS games ofc, devs would love the idea of players funding other games as they have no intention whatsoever of supporting this game, and yes, this game could be massive in the right hands :mellow:

#990166 eldevin funding for final lvls

Posted by Brioche on 16 February 2018 - 01:21

I'd donate a penny to hear HCS's thoughts.


Posted by Removed51002 on 03 October 2017 - 13:26

Can we get a shout out for all the players that remember the legacy? That can remember the power of the doubler buff and the good old infernus and frostbite sets. The Emissaries were for the rich and frostbite for the poor. There were a time where there was no buff market. Dark days my friends but in guilds we managed by typing endlessly 'buffs plz' until an angel fills your log.

How many actives have hit double digits? Can i see some hands? :D i dont want to feel so old xD


Posted by Removed4427 on 03 October 2017 - 18:05

when the game was a few months old. if you pause around you'll see the names of some old-timers


#982716 Discord Server

Posted by Ben on 16 July 2017 - 23:18


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