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Member Since 16 Nov 2018
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2023 12:21

#1003642 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by Undjuvion on 14 April 2021 - 18:00

a medal for placing bounties, call it retribution.

#1003396 Game Update v3.1.0

Posted by moneypants on 31 March 2021 - 15:57

Some people are never happy. as a ladder player. taking a break at the moment the number of times i have gotten deflect 192 5 or 6 times in a row ruining a anti deflect 300 says its op. thank you for the nerf most ladder players sit in epics and relied on the 192 deflect buff it was so lame. I think deflect shouldnt be a thing on the ladder. Then theses wannbe pvpers wouldnt sit in epics 24/7 use a composer pot then hit and then back into epics and then your spent 4-7 hours trying to take the lead while they sit unbuffed in epics with a deflect 192, few other buffs, hi 5 to that nerf

#1001180 Observations of a "new" player

Posted by Treelink on 11 August 2020 - 11:26

Ok, so I'm not a new player. Far from it. I played this game periodically between 2007 and 2011 and just got back a few weeks ago. I noticed the app that is in beta, and got intrigued that I'd be able to play the game on the toil.. on my mobile.


Here's some observations that I made coming back:



When I got my account back, I had gained a whooping ~150 levels. I jumped from around level 550 to level 703. While this is pretty damn cool, I also quickly realized the downside. All my gear was useless for my level. I didn't have enough gold to buy any meaningful equipment. My location on the world map (Some level 500-something map) did no longer make sense.

In the end I joined a guild, borrowed their gear, portalled back to Krul Island and found my way. But ironically it wasn't cool to level up 150 times. There's a lot of content that I'll never really get to play, and it took some effort to get back into it. I would not have minded one bit, if there had been a cap, maybe after a month, where I simply couldn't gain any more XP, no matter my XP gain per hour.


Getting started with the app

I absolutely LOVE the app. In many ways it's even better than the browser version. Getting started was not easy though. On my end I needed to recover my old account. That actually went smoothly. Then I helped my wife create an account. She never played before. So she downloaded the app, and was told you couldn't create an account there. OK, it is a beta after all. So we went to a computer and created an account for her. Done. But on the app, she kept being logged in with some kind of guest account. It took us a while to figure out how to actually link her app to her Hunted Cow account and set a player name for her. That experience can become smoother, and you likely know this already.


Finding help

Not having played the game for almost 10 years, I figured I should find some 'getting started' material. I was quite pleased to find the "Guides" section under "Resources". I was however immediately less impressed when many of these pages returned 404 or similar. But at least the essential help still exists: The wiki, which really could use some updates, levelling guides which are essential and the ultimate fallen sword guide which largely works as one could hope for. The "Guides" menu on Fallen Sword could really use a clean-up though.


Using the app

Fallen Sword is a big game. Not just the world, but also in terms of what you can do. I was impressed with how well this was fitted into the app. It's actually easy enough to navigate and works very well. Even in the details, it's a very nice UI. I was impressed that there was a specific layout just for Summon Shield Imp for example. There are also things that I would find natural to have, which doesn't exist, but again the app is in beta. Few examples:

  • I'd love to get a notification to remind be to pray to a god, or to remind me that my stamina is maxed.
  • I would love if log messages were more interactive. On a message like "Player <playername> sent you <amount> gold for the Buff Package '<packagename>'" I would like to be able to click playername to see the player, or packagename to see the package I'm selling.
  • Oh and I miss the game stats. 300 is online. You're in rank 4.500 today. Overall though: I'm very impressed with the app. My wife thought it looked cool as well.

Using the browser

  • It took me a while to figure out that the menu was broken, and that I didn't see everything the menu had to show. It might be because I'm using the new Edge (Chromium) browser. I reverted to the old theme for an easy fix. Later i found out that Fallen Sword Helper solved the display issue.

Getting my wife started

She finally managed to link her accounts and was all set up. I was thrilled to see she was put in a tutorial area. That didn't exist the last time I played. To my dismay, she didn't get to mountain path before she had a lot of questions.

  • ​She got confused about movement in "Murky Goblin Depths" because the area looks unlike any other.
  • She never realized that she received items that she could equip
  • She wasn't sure how to proceed with the quests she was given (And to be fair, she's not one to just experiment away until she gets it)
  • She didn't know what to do after finishing the last quest in Mountain Ravine (Go to Mountain Path, start exploring!)
  • She had no idea where to put skill points and stats after reaching level 2

Later on I realized that she never realized the fundamentals. Namely that:

  • You have a pool of stamina, it drains when you move or attack, and you get some back every hour
  • When you attack something, you get to go first. Oh, and it's turn based.
  • To kill something you at least need ATT > DEF and DMG > ARM
  • Your gear breaks over time
  • You lose XP and money if you die
  • The main purpose of the game (at least at your level) is to level up and do quests
  • You might not always have quests to complete, in which case you will need to grind


Why she might give up

One thing left me unimpressed. A thing that is not really specific to the app, nor the browser version. It'll likely be the reason my wife, god forbid, will go back to play some shitty match-3-game.


I'll use my wife as the example here.

After teaching her the fundamentals, she actually did pretty well for herself. We joined a guild together, she geared up, gained some levels, did a few quests, sold stuff in the auction house.


With regular intervals however, she would be stuck or have questions. I realized over time that there was a pattern to it. I realized this, because on every occasion, I would answer the same thing: Let me look that up for you. Let me find that for you. The issue is that the game is not self-contained. You need to look outside the game every so often.


If a quest is not self-explanatory, you will need to look it up on the ultimate fallen sword guide (Where do I get this Quest Item? A shop. OK. Where do I find this shop? Area X. OK. Where do I find area X? Realm Y. OK. How do I get to Realm Y? You need the guide for all of this. It should have been in the game, and my wife will keep asking me until she gets annoyed and drops the game.


In the same vein she will ask about gear. What gear can I get for my level? Is there anything that's better than what I'm wearing? Well, you can search the auction house, but that's half an answer. Instead I resort to leveling guides on the wiki to find what's good. The ultimate guide can serve as lookup as well. But both things are still external to the actual game, be it browser version or app.

I soon started levelling myself, and found that I couldn't really do this on my phone; I needed the extra tabs with external help. The wiki so that I could see where I was going, how to get from A to B. And the guide, mostly to look up quests and items. I don't have that on the phone, and thus I'm back to playing on my laptop, rather than on the t... On my phone.


Why I might keep playing for a while

I definitely still need a laptop to level up and kill mobs. I can't live without the wiki or UFSG in the current game. But I do find that I keep swapping between mobile and laptop. The app makes it incredibly easy to check in once in a while, update your auctions, check your log, chat, pray, monitor your stamina gain and so forth. I definitely want to see this app finished. See if it draws in new players, see if you will add anything that might pull me away from my laptop entirely. The game was always fun. But it did require a lot of open tabs and a computer. If one day it might only require a mobile phone with 1 app installed, then I'm here for a long time.


I hope all of this feedback is useful for something. I loved this game back in the day, and kind of still do. It's unique in so many ways and always was. I love the improvements you've made. The buff market blew me away. The app is a such a cool upgrade to a browser game that I thought would die, but which now again has a chance. I'm really looking forward to see what will happen after the beta. Happy developing! :)

#1000842 relic capture

Posted by Morgwyn on 07 July 2020 - 12:32


Exactly how does nerfing PvP (again) help?  There's been way too much of that in the past 13 years for my taste and I rarely PvP anymore....  I can't steal *xxxxx*'s gold if my guild and theirs are in a dispute over a relic?  Unacceptable.... 


How far would you take this?  Do you want to restrict GvG in the same way?  What about ladder participants?  If there's a disputed relic and the only players in that tier are in those respective guilds, do they not participate that round?  Do we not take a bounty on the opposing guild?  None of these options make any sense, not would they help.....

I wish BG would ring in on this. 


The point is and you refuse to see it, that bullying is not the way to keep a struggling game alive.

You and a few others in this thread are moving away from the core point:




Sorry for the capitals, but that is the bottom line.

Scaring and bullying other players is just weakness really.


Show your SKILLS and keep the relic the way you should be doing it.

#953723 Its all TOM's fault

Posted by Undjuvion on 22 November 2015 - 07:57

Forum has another spam thread. TOM's fault.  <_<


wanted to like that but outta votes ;O

#983382 Free animated avatars

Posted by activeh1 on 01 August 2017 - 07:44

no evil clowns for evil clown month ? :angry: :angry: :angry:

#982715 Free animated avatars

Posted by activeh1 on 16 July 2017 - 22:46

you have out done yourself again ,great work




and they are free

#982526 Free animated avatars

Posted by BigGrim on 13 July 2017 - 15:35



Female Space Marines are Heresy! :P

#995158 Guild Tagging

Posted by yotekiller on 06 January 2019 - 13:21

I think this whole discussion is a solution looking for a problem. The existing system has worked all these years and it's not broken now so why are we trying to fix it? Gear is accessible to everyone, not just the rich. I fail to see how this is a bad thing.

#995163 Guild Tagging

Posted by BadPenny on 06 January 2019 - 18:46

I think this whole discussion is a solution looking for a problem. The existing system has worked all these years and it's not broken now so why are we trying to fix it? Gear is accessible to everyone, not just the rich. I fail to see how this is a bad thing.

Can I hear an AMEN?

#995095 Guild Tagging

Posted by activeh1 on 03 January 2019 - 05:58



Seems a long time ago when AM didn't work on LEs - they spawned a certain number every 10mins I think it was and you had lots of people in a realm killing the LEs on the spot and racing against others to find any remaining then waiting till they respawned again - was a lot more fun back then - I think it should have stayed like this



hell yes it was crazy back then ,were people and stuff flying in all directions

#995077 Guild Tagging

Posted by BadPenny on 02 January 2019 - 06:11

Perhaps set a level limit on gear that can be Guild Tagged ? - maybe that could be the answer to the "problem"


New sets are. for the greatest part, simplicity itself to obtain and cheap as chips, especially those released into the realms.


Personally, I can't even remember the last time I used any guild tagged gear, I have a BP full of different stuff (some good, some rubbish and some indifferent - I really need to sort that out ...)


So, yeah, perhaps limit guild tagging to Level 500 items and lower - above that, you have to provide your own stuff ..


Do that and I'm out of the game entirely.  I can't afford 175 dots for each item of  a 2 piece set I need to use right now.  I've only found this particular set in the AH once, and I haven't had 350 dots at one time in years and years.  It's also not an easily farmed set, which is what I would normally do.... As a result,  I have to use the guild tagged set.  I'm sure this isn't the only rare and/or expensive set in the game, and that I'm not the only one with this dilemma.



I sincerely hope that Hoof does what's best for the whole community, and not just those with deep pockets.....   Sorry, I feel limiting the availability to just lower levels is too drastic of a measure, as much as scrapping guild tagging or making tagged items have a limited shelf life, and that any of those options will kill off half the veteran population.  TBH, FS isn't hi-tech enough to attract or keep the interest of most new gamers, so the life of the game needs to be considered...

#993486 Join us on Discord!

Posted by activeh1 on 14 August 2018 - 21:26

have used it on other games ,but as said before by others not sure if it works for fs ,but we will see

#993485 Join us on Discord!

Posted by Undjuvion on 14 August 2018 - 20:59

i would have liked to have seen this added to global chat, so people could click a headset button to listen, a mic button to talk, as it is, this seems segregated from the game so i prob wont use it, if u guys think it is a good thing, im all for it tho, i do think it will be good for some tho, maybe many :-)

#983205 Fallen Sword Wiki

Posted by cucullainn on 28 July 2017 - 19:45

So much for the wiki. It will be missed. Guess we're stuck with just the UFSG now. What a shame. To think of all the hard work I did adding and fixing in it, for the last two years. So much time wasted. So sad! :(

Due to an issue with the backup setup on the server it was on, we've had to restore it from a much older database backup from 2014.

You may find that a lot of the newer content is missing from the wiki and also if you've changed your password on the wiki since that backup you will need to either reset it or change it again.

So concerned player here. What's stopping this from happening to the game?

Yes Now I am Too worried about the game. What precautions are you taking? To ensure this Doesn't Happen to the game

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