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Member Since 07 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2023 08:22

#981923 Support - Introduction

Posted by Filletminion on 22 June 2017 - 11:38

Welcome to the Team.

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#981835 Double XP Incoming and LE Event!

Posted by Filletminion on 18 June 2017 - 07:45

Aww just at the mention of an xp event the load on the servers increases and the poor hamsters are just being flogged PETA has noticed this however and have filed a High Court injunction, And Peta ( People Eating Tasty Animals) have filed a counter claim, both are scheduled to be herd while the bovines anxiously await their fate.


The result is sure to be tasty !

#981770 2 xp event!

Posted by Filletminion on 15 June 2017 - 03:54

Owing to unprecedented Legal action by PETA against HCS over their inhumane Treatment of Bovines and the Poor Hamsters who power the servers all Xp events have been ordered to cease forthwith.


In a statement to parliament Teresa July said of the decision handed down at the olde bailey .....poppycock! throw another steak on the barbie as parliament again descended into bedlam and divisive name calling.


Further the Science community has taken offence at the ammount of Methane these cows are producing and demanded they cut emisions in line with the Paris accord effective immediately.

#981557 2 xp event!

Posted by Filletminion on 08 June 2017 - 11:22

It maybe an idea to say create a bound potion for players that gives Double xp for its duration. this would remove the need to create a hundred odd levels of content for eoc quests etc.. just spitballin here...

#981556 Zombie Yeomen VIII

Posted by Filletminion on 08 June 2017 - 11:16

cheers grim and i really want to do this but with a double xp event looming this month dont want to risk burning all my stam

Even if there was such an event we only need 30 to 40 k stam to complete said content..if 100 levels were added.


But this is about a global event  thanks Grim :)

#981443 YOUR Reasons for:

Posted by Filletminion on 04 June 2017 - 08:15

PLEASE if you post in this thread do not comment on anything someone else says. I am asking for YOUR thoughts and reasons only. 


So, I have some questions if you feel like answering them please do so. 


1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

7. How often do you log on to FS?

8. How long have you been playing FS?

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)




1 I play to find new challenges do things I haven't done before.


2 When playing "my way" I use whatever is needed to achieve my goal.


3 I use buffs and potions because they are designed to be used, Further the better you understand them the more efficiently you can use them.


4 I do use global chat, Socialising is what  makes the game , realising it is played by a wide spread of ages and races breaks down barriers.


5 I have played all aspects of the game some have held my attention. I have made a point of playing without Guides I believe they detract from the game.


6 I choose to play the game Simply to miss this area or that is not playing all of the game. it is like playing Monopoly and saying you refuse to roll the dice or poker and saying you will not shuffle the deck to play a game to ME you need to play all of it.


7 Daily for hours most days.


8   dec 2008 So coming up 9 years


9 Yes I first joined my current guild in 2010 and have come and gone several times but the people in it and our friends in game are why I keep coming back.

I joined FS with a group of players from another game, we have had an ongoing war for 11 or 12 years now with long periods of peace in these past couple of years.


10 level 5 I think but maybe 15.

#979510 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Filletminion on 13 April 2017 - 23:33

maybe the best solution is to remove buffs of any level entirely from PVP...That way it ceases to be about who has the most fsp or the highest level buffer, but instead returns to who can design the best setups..


None of us are entitled to more because we have spent  hundreds of millions in gold or thousands of fsp Self interest needs to take second place here.

#977598 Elite Pack now available!

Posted by Filletminion on 05 March 2017 - 23:20

It has obviously been popular with 81 in game atm.

#977462 Elite Pack now available!

Posted by Filletminion on 03 March 2017 - 20:39

Hmm Hopefully someone does not have a short term cash flow problem...Sure looks like it.

#976594 The need for gold

Posted by Filletminion on 11 February 2017 - 23:43

Its still possible to make hundreds of fsp a week and Gold despite no content at Eoc , it requires players to do more than level though and thats what makes this game great all the options it offers.

#974560 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Filletminion on 28 December 2016 - 23:06

So if it's a simple matter of virtual numbers what irks you to leave the virtual numbers alone? (No xp loss). Lol. Your argument goes both ways ;-p

No If you need to understand why Risk is essential to great games, you are totally missing the whole point.

#974076 Any news on FS App?

Posted by Filletminion on 18 December 2016 - 06:25



Hoping to have a beta with some core features ready to start having some players try out before the end of the year :)

12 days to go then ..have players who are included in said beta been notified?

#973000 Upcoming Double XP Event!

Posted by Filletminion on 05 December 2016 - 11:41

Not been announced yet. Keep your eyes peeled.


~ Grim

ahh but for a lot it would need to payout before an xp event.. so they can buy current stam.

#972796 Christmas Spirit HCS should help give back

Posted by Filletminion on 01 December 2016 - 10:41

that would be 100 stam gain more an hour to bleed away..

#972164 Tiered Inferno Hammers!

Posted by Filletminion on 20 November 2016 - 00:26

Yes. Well this wouldn't be FS if everyone didn't want their win button

Except it does not achieve that. a level 325 / 420 weapon is a better hunting alternative, a level 100 epic is a better stam gain alternative making 32 hammers from scratch doing 4 invents to make each one and then 32 invents assuming no fails along the way For 1 extra stam gain is insanity..

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