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Member Since 07 Feb 2013
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#964035 Failed to connect: Master Database []

Posted by Filletminion on 05 June 2016 - 12:57

Seems a player texted hoof directly to alert him to the issue.

#963641 Ladder Prize costs.

Posted by Filletminion on 26 May 2016 - 11:07

I fail to see why pvp Ladder items are crystaline at all. why do sets in this area of the game have 50 durability and nothing else from any of the other game rewards?

#963512 Online Players

Posted by Filletminion on 21 May 2016 - 02:27

I came back to the game just on 2 years ago after a year away, At the time I was told there were around 3600 "active" players.


I use a number of checks to measure activity during donation events I monitor 60$ donations and compare with previous years These days they run at around 15% of what they were in 2011'12.


Players do take 45 minutes to time out now when I started that was 15 minutes.


Massive stam tanks exist to create xp largely and do almost nothing else in game except arena normally.


The less people level the fewer bounties will be posted.


Stamina and the time it takes to gain really is why the game is so limited, you cannot play all of the game and increase stamina So people have to pick and choose between playing the game and waiting to level.


Levelling ultimately gives players the ability to play all of it, being at eoc allows players to sit still and if they have 70 to 100 k max stam they can level 2 times a year at current content rates and play the parts that interest them in quiet times.


Pvp is seen as not profitable and bad for character development as it hinders your ability to get to eoc, On the plus side though Via understanding PVP and the understanding of buffs and equipment it Allows players to be more efficient at all facets of the game and use less stamina to gain more xp/gold.

#962894 New Content. 2926 - 2950.

Posted by Filletminion on 03 May 2016 - 10:05

Then contact Support please.


#962827 gvg needs to b fixed

Posted by Filletminion on 30 April 2016 - 06:29

so one player taking 100 hits then countering attacking 100 times is team work

Pardon,,one player cannot initiate and do 100 attacks that take 4 players minimum....but 1 player can defend and return 100 hits..and frequently do..

#962702 gvg needs to b fixed

Posted by Filletminion on 27 April 2016 - 09:47

Don't talk to me about easy.


For PvP they put up a list of 25 names that can be attacked under the find player link.


Then they put a link on the player bio page to make even easier..


Then they added a GvG link on the player bio page.  Easier yet.


All for  PvP.


Nice huh?


Easy huh?

And even easier to defend but you just want it given to you for 0 effort, and that is not going to be happening.

#962606 question about mutiny

Posted by Filletminion on 25 April 2016 - 08:39

Personally I think players who are just trying to take over a guild, should be barred from doing so...Players who build guilds as Mary said may have something go wrong for them personally that stops them playing for a period of time only to return and find 1000's of $ and Hours of time have been Stolen.

#962529 gvg needs to b fixed

Posted by Filletminion on 23 April 2016 - 05:00

big negative- and is why i am pretty much in my own guild - being told what to do with your stamina and how you should play the game...being told i have to use my stam to do a titan hunt or smash someone on the bb to protect a guildmate..big huge negative..it is not all rosy being in a guild..

Actually being in a guild and playing a game  is realising it is not all about you. That said if you have to be told how to use stamina to help your guild then I wouldn't want you as a member.The last 2 weeks for me Have seen 50 k stam used defending Relics and GVG and PVP clearing friends.

#962449 New Arena Potions Added!

Posted by Filletminion on 21 April 2016 - 10:10

Doing a 15 round combat with AS1150 on will only give 1 kills Gold, will cost 50% more stam than 1 hit strategy using high conserve.


Create increased risk of losing kill streaks and dd bonus in "one" combat.


Using AS 1150 hunting strategy will not be available unless players know and understand buffs and setups gear very well.


You could have players dropping 1 k stamina in a failed combat I think that is a bonus for the game.


Secondly using As1150 would require the ability to a:either plan hunts in Advance or b: be able to react and Adjust quickly to each levels critter.  Because time will be ticking on our buffs as we hunt..


I think some Guilds would benefit very well from the way they work internally from this being added owing to their teamplay strategy in gaining Xp...

#962390 New GvG idea

Posted by Filletminion on 20 April 2016 - 11:21

Yes there is, gear repair. By all means hit inactive players but allow the GUILD to repair the damaged gear.





Guild should be able to repair Guild tagged equipment , with the addition of a new structure Similar to Master Blacksmith with Gold to repair coming from the guild bank.

#962000 GvG injustice and problems?

Posted by Filletminion on 09 April 2016 - 03:44

Lol It is so easy to defend and win gvgs it just involves teamwork..sadly the Op Admits they do not want to use stam buffing guildies.


Also the op knows about mastersmith yet still carries on  about repair costs So let me get this right you want to lower repair costs but you do not want to use Mastersmith?


A member of my guild was attacked and defended v composed pots over night the attacker lost 2 of 14 attacks and we returned 75 hits with no loses, Our defender had buffs from a level 800 and 1840 player and a properly designed setup on to help them defend.


All it takes is Teamwork.

#961999 Legendary Rampage!

Posted by Filletminion on 09 April 2016 - 03:28

Some sets had been in short supply lately at least one of these Le will increase them. Nice event.

#961853 New GvG idea

Posted by Filletminion on 06 April 2016 - 08:42

GvG is  not optional.  To be optional it needs an opt out option.


If a guild is attacked and lets it go, they tend to be hit every time the cool  down time is over.


Constant GvG has the ability to kill a persons enjoyment of a game, if that happens they tend to go looking for another game.


Damage to the gear of offline players can be quiet expensive, in excess of 100k. This I have seen listed in bios and have experienced it too.


Yes, yes, I have been told about black smith potion. Rah rah whoopeee... Maybe it'll work good, maybe it won't. Flip a coin, take a chance.


However, whatever. .................................

All I hear is I don't like it , protect me.  When are you going to accept you are in control of what happens ,guilds do not like paying to initiate gvg's and losing them the easiest way to stop is learn the game and beat them. Play the Whole game understand it dynamically and you will enjoy all of it..the game is not a series of unrelated segments to pick and choose from.

#961647 Updated and New Arena Potions

Posted by Filletminion on 01 April 2016 - 21:14

Fortify Rockskin Evade I think would be good, but am saying this based on sh 400 plus meaning traditional build types are no longer needed .


Nice update :) Arterial Strike 500 would be cool


#960958 Travelling Composing

Posted by Filletminion on 20 March 2016 - 03:13


And Hoofmaster Still has not said that...

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