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#960916 Travelling Composing

Posted by Filletminion on 19 March 2016 - 13:17

Composing was originally suggested as a way of removing excess gear from the game, making LE items regain some value and allowing for more frequent LE and crystalline events.


When first implemented composing was solely player bound.  Requests were made to allow guild bound and HCS agreed.  This opened up the possibility to sell composed pots within a guild. 


This opened up the possibility to become a traveling composer and therefore maybe profit from composing.  One player saw this opportunity and HCS saw nothing wrong with it so allowed it (after a debate on the forums).

Actually Hoofmaster has never stated that in the forums or game.

#960904 Travelling Composing

Posted by Filletminion on 19 March 2016 - 05:12

What does that select minority have a certain amount of fsp lol you don't know it might go to guild upgrades Ect I only have 200 on hand what do you have 2k lol its just like you can make fsp composing you can make fsp Titan hunting farming gvging scavinging pvp On the ladder in the areana it's not there fault no one else is willing to do it

Most high composers don't even give pots away to guildies they charge a little less or require stuff so yea it cost it's just I mean put in the effert to get there your self

Actually Several Guilds with Home grown level 60 composers have free pots for their members for all types of game play...

#960895 New GvG idea

Posted by Filletminion on 19 March 2016 - 00:21

Also on another Note before this GvG thread dies off... Why is an Unresolved Hit considered a miss? I have never understood this and think it is honestly BS... If it is Unresolved shouldn't it not count toward neither a loss or a win? But be kinf of like deflect where its unresolved so it more a draw and should just be counted as such... For example say your on hit 15 of the 25 max hits you can do while initiating a conflict ( not defending) and on your 16th swing it ends in Unresolved... Shouldn't it stay 15 / 25 like the hit never happened being NOBODY LOSS... Correct me if im wrong on this but it does not make sense to me

No it should always be a loss you as the Attacker can choose to start the combat. First rule of gvg is patience never start a combat you are not sure of winning unless time limits your ability to complete attacks.

#960890 Travelling Composing

Posted by Filletminion on 18 March 2016 - 23:42

The game is in front of us all to play, we can all play any part of it any day or time we choose. That said every single player has the same option to increase their composing level..If guilds do not develop and support their own composers, why should they benefit from others who have?


It is a guild activity members in 2 guilds I have been in have all supported and given their composers frags and gold to assist their levelling and ultimately their guilds ease of gameplay. Do these "travellers" then support their guilds and give fsps from their profits.. or do they see themselves as individuals owing nothing to those who supported them?


The whole premise of composing was as a guild team benefit and it created the greatest single gold/stamina sink the game has known. That has been bypassed now. I for one would like to know What Hoofmasters Plans are to address it.

#960443 Equipment and Composing

Posted by Filletminion on 08 March 2016 - 10:47

I'd love to learn how they do it but somehow they won't tell me.


you wont learn it in your guild...Simple as that no one there to teach you. Further you need to help yourself Study and understand experiment all game buffs have descriptions you need to memorise them all...then you need to combine that with equivalent knowledge of gear combinations..

#960337 website down?

Posted by Filletminion on 07 March 2016 - 07:13

Don't worry someone has figured out how to put speed bumps, and null zones in cyber space.

They have mastered it over the last 8 years or so :)

#960224 New GvG idea

Posted by Filletminion on 05 March 2016 - 10:35

100% master blacksmith enhancement will reduce repair costs by 50%...

#960219 Equipment and Composing

Posted by Filletminion on 05 March 2016 - 10:02

sets have grown by 1000's of damage pre the new 2880 setup I have upgraded 5 times since 2275 Combined with composing it is getting quite silly, if I go "old School" and use sh 175 ew 1725 and all damage buffs with wither you can 1 hit kill 99% of champs and gain Ok bonus xp, With Composing you do not need ew 1725 you do not need the damage buffs outside coa and sh, and with wither you can almost guarantee you will have enough d with DD buff to 1 hit elites.


Players no longer need to buy damage pots or buffs together with increased stam banks players increasingly profit from hunts meaning there is even more income and less to spend it on.


I can go back further 2 areas of the game were originally challenging to 1 hit through 185 area and 1100 to 1221 or so composing has made them easy players can 1 hit at will gear has not substantially improved but buffs have and composing is driving that.

#960216 New GvG idea

Posted by Filletminion on 05 March 2016 - 09:49

160,000 gold in 4 days for me during this last week.


(just a factual statement: facts should be facts)


And I certainly would not like being leached if someone started a GVG during my hunt.

So a grand total of 16 critters during a hunt...a negligable amount at our levels.


#960042 New GvG idea

Posted by Filletminion on 02 March 2016 - 10:28

Usually they don't attack a vigilant defending guild, they attack a guild whos members are in stam gear and offline.  A sleeping guild, some guilds have members that do not play on weekends. That means by the time they come back online the GvG is a done deal.


I have personally experienced that before it's why I was very happy to get access to the internet at home. :) My neighbor is a very nice person. :)

Actually at the top end of the tree they do it is the best way to advance..the people who attack guilds as you descibe are just rp farmers and are easy to beat 99% of the time. It just takes a guild that understands what buffs do and knows their limitations..

#959972 New GvG idea

Posted by Filletminion on 01 March 2016 - 04:36


yotwehc understood my main point of the suggestion.


If you go through each guilds' log and focus on GvG, you will find the same attacking guilds because of easy RP.

This scenario is being played over and over:

An attacking guild's member initiated the GvG where 1-3 of their lower level members have multiple easy targets in the defending guild.

The attacking guild has the following advantages:

  1. Multiple easy defenseless targets
  2. Defending guild doesn't have a chance to counter or push back
  3. If defending guild counters, most of the attacking guild's members are buffed
  4. If defending guild buffs the targets, just wait until the buffs run out of time.  This is where my proposal comes into play to give the defending guild the incentive and chance to push back the attacking guild.

The attacking guild has NO disadvantages.


The defending guild has the following disadvantages:

  1. They can't counter or push back right away because the attackers are fully buffed
  2. The number of targets are limited
  3. There is no incentive to counter or push back the GvG

The defending guild has NO advantages.

  • With my proposal, the defending guild has 1 advantage and incentive to counter.


Actually most of what you say is an advantage for the Attacking guild is actually a disadvantage for them if they attack a vigilant defending guild. it is amazing how often a skilled defending guild will draw or win at worst. Most of the guilds that you describe as easy targets are the ones who log out when they see a gvg against them insteaad of buffing guildies based on the incoming attackers level.  the game is about them as individuals instead of about the guild.

#959937 Equipment and Composing

Posted by Filletminion on 29 February 2016 - 10:58

 We have people complaining week in and out composing is overpowered that the stats we get are just crazy, and then new sets are added that offer 100 more d here and there and we all rush out and ff perfect sets....Seems we dont know what we want half the time... Maybe we all should step back and think a little about all the clamouring and how it sounds to HCS a wall of white noise.


Division is what damaged the community groups guilds allies enemies people like you and I we are all players in one game called Fallensword when will we start behaving like it?

#959659 We should Get Our Fsps Or Gold Back?

Posted by Filletminion on 23 February 2016 - 09:28

Since the bounty hunters are not themselves exempt from being bountied. This just means as well as me suffering the initial attack, more of my friends get put on the BB and smacked.
Since pvp'ers tend to have more 'pvp friends' that actually enjoy this type of thing. Once again this entire scenario ends up in favour of 'the pvper'.
This game has become so one-sided when it comes to pvp, with the alliances and collaborations between pvp'ers and pvp guilds they can pretty much dominate anything remotely pvp-related. Since they also have become an extremely vocal minority within the forums now, they also conspire to derail, defame and basically destroy any ideas put forward that jeopardises this stranglehold. It is quite plain to see the effect this has had on the game, yet for some bizarre reason Hoofmaster consistently seems to listen to their self interested nonsense.
It is what it is though I suppose. This game is still a fun 20 minutes or so every now and then.

If Levellers so outnumber Pvpers in game if you stood as one you would win based on your logic.Your own post just admitted as much.

#959098 Suggetion/idea: Make PvP Ladder not work with buffs, other reworks

Posted by Filletminion on 14 February 2016 - 04:51

bro, what you saying for ladder already player shindrak saying long ago


I underlining his idea and my reply to him is same to you


I underlining answer

Of Course shin wants to play arena v 2 without buffs He is an Arena expert, When I suggested arena have moves removed and have buffs instead his answer was opposite of mine (understandably) everyone seems to want the game dumbed down to cater to their laziness.


Nerf, nerf, nerf..  All of you that have them are still using them. lol

Well they are great I can now hunt without ew beserk fury enchant armor shield glove boots amulet or any other damage increasing buff and still get overkill to work 100% of the time. Meaning by using sh 400 plus I can get more xp per kill.I would be an idiot not too and your solution is for me to cease using an update that I and others have spent hundreds of millions gaining..and if we did not we would not be able to compete in playing all of the game.

#958205 Something to help combat the simplicity of levelling these days.

Posted by Filletminion on 31 January 2016 - 11:17

I started the thread and, by default, I championed Composing ?


Maybe I did - when it first launched - in its initial 50 level cap, but pandering to those who wanted the cap raising from 50 to 60 (and thus making some of the already high level potions, even higher level) was most definitely not championed by me. I was against it, just as I am against it being raised even further.


I was against it then because I could see what it would become, just as I am now, but reality is it will never be nerfed So another solution needs to be found.

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