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Member Since 13 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 18 2023 12:35

#982321 Fallen Sword App Update (June 2017)

Posted by Hoofmaster on 06 July 2017 - 15:39

Hi all,


Just wanted to give you all an update on the Fallen Sword app!


After we released the initial beta, we've been mainly focused on converting the server-side of the game to work with the app and also working on implementing the features within the new game client.


There's a lot of work to be done on it still but we're making good progress. Once we get a little further with this, we'll aim to get the next alpha update (v0.2) released - hopefully towards the end of July / early August :)


You can find out more information on the beta milestones here:


#980992 Fallen Sword App Feedback (v0.1)

Posted by Hoofmaster on 17 May 2017 - 20:32

The next update for the app is taking a little longer than we expected, but I just wanted to let you know we are busy with it and hope to have it ready soon!


The main focus of the next update is to improve the stability of the app and make it easier to add more features in the future. Although you won't see a lot of 'visual' changes, there will be a lot of improvements 'under the hood' :)

#980437 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Hoofmaster on 03 May 2017 - 22:01

I'd like HCS to give players an answer to this one. 16 pages and 6 weeks have passed. How much more reflection is needed?


We will be taking a look at it, but no timescale on it just yet sorry.

#979992 Fallen Sword App Feedback (v0.1)

Posted by Hoofmaster on 21 April 2017 - 16:09

I use the app occasionally to do dq's  For the past 3 days, I had to kill x number of champs, and since it's a small realm, I usually kill Dire Wolf champs....  These champs have the exact same pic as their lesser common brothers.  Hopefully something​ can be added to highlight the champs?  I certainly don't expect you to go through the entire critter database and change pics for champs, but it's tedious to look at each beast to pick which one to hit...


Aye we're going to add either symbols or different border colors / styles to the creatures to make it easier to tell what class / rarity they are.

#979984 Suggested new addition to the Daily Quest

Posted by Hoofmaster on 21 April 2017 - 13:15

I like this idea :)

#979963 Just a thought

Posted by Hoofmaster on 21 April 2017 - 02:55

Sure we could look at adding that :)

#979932 Lag

Posted by Hoofmaster on 20 April 2017 - 15:03

Excellent decision hoof. Have not seen so much disdain so quickly to an update so I think this is most wise. Thank you. Will smash some more kills I think. Nicely done. :D


It's not something we wanted to do in the first place, just hope the other changes we make helps prevent this happening again. Note my post before that you may see some errors if you perform actions too fast, but that's just to do with the flood control on the servers and not something we can really change.

#979923 Lag

Posted by Hoofmaster on 20 April 2017 - 13:50

We made some further changes today which should remove the need for the refresh. Hopefully we won't need to re-add it, but if it continues to be an issue after today's changes then it's likely we will have to.


Note you may experience page errors if you perform actions too fast on the server (for example by clicking a creature multiple times quickly) - this is normal and part of the flood control on the server-side of the game. If you do encounter an error, refresh the page and it should be ok again.

#979886 Lag

Posted by Hoofmaster on 19 April 2017 - 21:37

I am on the new map, same problem


You should only be able to attack a creature once until the result of the combat comes back regardless of it being on the old or new map.

#979880 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Hoofmaster on 19 April 2017 - 21:28

Why is there a Dispel Curse 500 in the Easter Eggs?


As far as I remember that's not new, but it's something we can look at when we review the skills.

#979877 Lag

Posted by Hoofmaster on 19 April 2017 - 21:11

Ahh okay making it hard to do a Bounty...


Apologies - will be as quick as I can :)

#979875 Lag

Posted by Hoofmaster on 19 April 2017 - 21:08

Yup I posted in the chat about it - just working on some database stuff for the next 20 minutes or so but should be ok after that :)

#979616 This AGAIN....

Posted by Hoofmaster on 16 April 2017 - 19:58

We'll do our best to get this issue resolved this week. Unfortunately we need to see it happening to find out what's causing it and it tends to resolve itself quite quickly. Zorg setup some extra logging on the database server today which should help us figure out what's causing the issue tho!

#979562 Good Friday...and No Easter Event??

Posted by Hoofmaster on 15 April 2017 - 09:25

We've not forgotten about the event :)

Zorg was working on some changes on Friday to hopefully fix the database connection issue people have been seeing recently so we held off on starting the event.

We'll be starting the event sometime between now and the end of the day on Tues :)

#979505 This AGAIN....

Posted by Hoofmaster on 13 April 2017 - 19:27

Failed to connect: Master Database []

again ...

Just checked and it looks ok at the moment. Will look into this further next week and hopefully stop it from happening.

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