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Member Since 03 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2023 03:49

#984809 Bring it back into play?

Posted by Lapunny on 04 September 2017 - 14:44

This game gives me and probably others crazy feelings inside and sure there are plenty of things to fix, but deal with what you can the more effort you put into this the more money you will find in it, definitely from me.  I got a month of hulu (which I was planning on getting in a week for the cost no doubt) and instead I got that and 2200 Eldevin points, which is helping me as a new player give myself a better hold.   I want to see this game have a long and proud run even though I don't know what is going on with the dev team personally, I hope you can all see the crystal gym this game can be.

#984756 Servers NEEDS a REBOOT

Posted by KeS on 02 September 2017 - 00:37

EU server booted people now its seems to be off line or at least unstable; US server still standing but some people report being booted from US server as well

#983510 Development Update

Posted by Luke Hardy on 04 August 2017 - 11:46

Hi all,

I hope you are well and thanks Moj for keeping us up to date.

All I can say is I've recently logged in and started playing casually again, even if you guys don't remember me (IGN: Misfit), there is no denying that nostalgia does come rushing back.

It's a brilliant game that fundamentally has a broken economy and poor support for the client/mechanics.

Despite this I strongly believe that with a economic fix most of the issue can be overlooked IMO.

Without trade and economic stability things like skilling becomes unbareable and money making if you don't like mob grinding is hard to come by. With an exchange these issues wouldn't exist. Most of the gamers, experienced MMORPG players will disagree I feel.

Essentially build us an economy and structure and the game will follow - this is not a hard task.

For now, add me and I'll see you around,

Luke. (Misfit)

#983372 Can't access my account

Posted by Spirit on 01 August 2017 - 00:43

Are you using the Steam version? Sounds like it's possible you haven't connected your Hunted Cow account to your Steam account. If not using Steam, try creating a support ticket (link is below).

When you log into the Hunted Cow forums, go to your Account tab, and then go to Edit Account option on the lower right part of the screen (next to where the games are listed). Then look for Third Party Services and select the Steam icon. Click on it and follow any instructions it may give you to connect.

If you're still having issues connecting to Steam, can also create a support ticket where HCS staff can link it for you.


#981481 Trade System

Posted by davidutz on 05 June 2017 - 12:50

How about a trading system using the present trade system :


what we have  now :  u right click a player  hit trade  a trade window opens u add the items  u hit confirm, the other players' hits confirm then 1 more round of confirmations and trade si done 


what i suggest based on the current trade system u set up a stall  like an NPC like all over eldevin 

 and u haw  the same 30 spots for sale as u have now in trade  u put and item there and u set a price to it like the NPC .  the player comes opens your stall  sees what u have clicks on an item and they have to confirm 2 times if they want to buy ( the seller gets 2 auto confirm because he is assuming the price of the trade because he set it )  after the second confirm  the EP / Gold is transferred to the seller mail  or directly in hand  or what is simpler 




1.  make the 30 slots trade window upgradeable like the normal bags 

2.  u can only sell when u are on line 

3. this idea can be upgraded more with use of the crafting system as for every 10 levels u can craft a new looking stall for every profession too look different  .. or something but that is for future upgrades  or ideas.



seems simple to me ..  minimum effort maximum effect 





#981269 better reward from worldbosses

Posted by kidref on 27 May 2017 - 13:53

We have suggest his long time, but time to bump and get the hand from the coffe and start working to made better loot/reward when we kill worldboss. and i know you have more or less stop update eldevin but if you add like 2 lv/year i think more play

#979679 Job Vacancy - Unity Game Developer

Posted by Brenzlo Xate on 17 April 2017 - 22:02

Ah the Unity game engine. Most of the games I've played on the Unity engine were well optimized and beautiful. Hopefully you guys can come up with an MMORPG on that engine. Hmm maybe an Eldevin revision? eh? eh? ;) ;) ;)

#979678 Events

Posted by Brenzlo Xate on 17 April 2017 - 21:52

I don't care if the devs listen or not. I just wanna say that I want a Hooters somewhere near TR maybe at the northern side of EC. It's okay if you just put it outside the wall, maybe even next to Ben's statue. Thanks!


EDIT: That's one vote for "Others?".

#978805 I have bought huntedcow for $1...

Posted by duktayp on 02 April 2017 - 21:01


#978744 Guild Funds

Posted by Brenzlo Xate on 01 April 2017 - 16:01

Hes only doing this because he has been caught out.

LOL geez one of the rare moments that I agree with the gogsy.

On a side note though, I gotta say I admire KBZ's actions and taking responsibility for what his brother did.

#978714 Guild Funds

Posted by TrinityCantrel on 31 March 2017 - 23:46

OH I'm happy to see it wasn't No_Mercy! Didn't think he would do something like that.

#978762 Guild Funds

Posted by gogsy on 01 April 2017 - 19:48

Did you miss my 50 hours mute last week :)

#977029 We're hiring!

Posted by tuvok77 on 22 February 2017 - 12:05



I would apply, but...


Im already working for a german IT company as an IT-Tech Support & IT-Service engineer.

My position is contract tied for the next 5+ years so Im bound to the company like a tree to the soil.

Im fluent in 5 languages (overqualified maybe for your hiring position?)

12 hours a week is kind of an intern job or a job for someone who is a temp.


Also I hate computer games *lies* and I also think that ZenDesk, unlike my companys ticket service, is a thing buddhists use to call a table they relax on to find spirituality.



I also dont like wearing kilts as formal office wear. :D




#977004 We're hiring!

Posted by Hoofmaster on 21 February 2017 - 18:06

We're hiring! We're looking for an outgoing, enthusiastic and friendly person to join our team in Elgin, Moray to help provide world-class support to our players across all our games.
Check the following PDF for more details and information on how to apply!

#975012 to all event

Posted by Brenzlo Xate on 07 January 2017 - 14:51

Here is the thing, the thread is not about him. All he said is give everyone a chance. Get off his back. If you want to worship him, private pm him. 


I'm not even being serious LOL... How about you get off my back. Oh wait .... Conspiracy theory... ah nvm. And oh wait I ain't worthy to private pm him.


Edit: Forgot to say, All hail the gogsy! and by all that includes you Fable :lol:

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