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#974660 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 30 December 2016 - 13:12

Weak critters that give you lowered xp gain? Ya mean like lowered xp loss in a pvp event? It's consistent with how the game actually works.

So what your proposing is for PvP loss to be lowered to as if we were losing the amount of xp as if we were level 25? Say somewhere around 100 xp per defeat? This would be consistent no matter what level you are.

I think with a minimal xp loss like that the community could live with xp loss occurring in the event. As you said this would then be consistent with how much xp is gained from killing global creatures (also consistent with the risk of losing to them as well since they are level 25 and when you lose that is roughly how much xp you lose)

#974324 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 22 December 2016 - 22:05

I cant understand why people are upset that PVP is in the title... makes me wonder if they even know what pvp is?


It literally means Player vs Player   


Funny when some try to say this would just be GVG... GVG means Guild vs Guild so how is this a guild vs another guild???


There is no underlining context that requires risk or loss. Those aspects are incorporated into 1 of the PVP aspects of the game, they however do not define what PVP is...


There are many ways players can go up against other players to compete and show off their skills. This topic happens to be 1 of them, area, and bounty board are others.


People can PVP without having to always lose something.


Global events are meant to bring the community together, and have a global goal to reach. Some help composers others are just pure stam wasting events to get some nice rewards (Rewards are helpful for both PVPers and Levelers) There is no reason to join in on a global event to help the community at the expense of hurting your or other peoples characters. That is why there is no need to have XP loss an event like this. Its means purely to be a PVP event where you compete with your combat skills and at the same time work towards a global goal.

#974121 Seasonal Titan Drop Enhancements

Posted by Leos3000 on 19 December 2016 - 02:18

Sustain has been missing on all the new epics, makes it annoying when trying to buff guild mates. So I agree it would be nice if it was added to the recent epics.

#972807 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 01 December 2016 - 13:34

We could probably run a beta of it within the real game - we'd just need to ensure that it didn't use stamina / damage items / give rewards during the beta. I think that would allow more people to try it out as well and we could figure out what works / doesn't and get good feedback on it?

Testing it before a full implementation would be great. You should have most of the code and groundwork done for a lot of this to happen soon hopefully?

#972128 Tiered Inferno Hammers!

Posted by Leos3000 on 19 November 2016 - 02:49

I think this was a great idea/concept to implement into FS.


However the execution of the idea followed a lot of others idea that have been implemented and gave a bad 1st impression to the community and taints the idea now.


Initially you wanted someone to gain 243 EPICS to make an item???? Did anyone do the math/calculatsion before this was implemented...


Now its down to 32 much better, but still a ton of EPICS for 1 person to obtain. 


I do like the idea of the items getting better over a spread of levels:


T1 = 2 Inferno Hammers, Level 200, +1 Stam gain

T2 = 2 T1 (4 Inferno Hammers), Level 400, +2 stam gain

T3 = 2 T2 (8 Inferno Hammers), Level 800, +3 stam gain

T4 = 2 T3 (16 Inferno Hammers), Level 1600, +5 stam gain

T5 = 2 T4 (32 Inferno Hammers), Level 3200, +8 stam gain


As current design on the stam gain is also not useful for the effort required to make.



Also saw that hoof said this is a test run. I hope you realize on future releases that epics are not easy to obtain (inferno is invent-able and 1 of the easier 1's) but rest would need to be made a much smaller quantities as they are upgraded.


Level 2 (2 total items)

Level 3 (1 normal + 1 level 2)

Level 4 (2 Level 2 items)

Level 5 (1 level 3 and 1 level 4)

as an example.

#971319 #1 player discussion

Posted by Leos3000 on 31 October 2016 - 20:57

If the forum archives went back far enough, I could find a very similar thread when they took away the ability to buy xp over EOC.

There is a difference. Buying xp was a constant rate, subleveling has diminishing returns. This allows people to productively use their Stam while waiting for content. You do realize your asking for this to be taken away and everyone stuck at the exact content level? Which means there is even less to do with your Stam than there is in our current situation...

#969015 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 17 September 2016 - 01:28

 I believing what you saying


I betting you using composing against eoc buffed players to winning, did you skip or losing to leos3000?

I asking this because leos3000 is eoc and knowing pvp and very important using crazy high composing having very high stats, higher than yours



I believing this too


because I doing bounties from eoc players too and I not losing 1 battle against them, they were 2x my level and full buffs but I easy beat them with crazy high composing, my stats was higher than them :)


grats artzik for high ranking smile.png


I know you and your friends hate composing for some reason...but just an FYI before you go assuming how I play... I did not use composing pots to win Seasons. I may have had 1 or 2 composing buffs, but they were not the reason I won.

#968642 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 11 September 2016 - 19:14

A bunch of  words that completely miss points and made up to make your own points..


You ask for points and then twist them so I am done trying to convince you, many others can see how this would work with current game mechanics.

#968608 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 10 September 2016 - 23:24

Right now as it sits Leo wants all players to be able to fight eachother in this event, which obviously would not work out both ways. If a Level 200 player was to come up against me he would be forced to pay an extra 50k gold to keep up with me or lose score and lower his rank; while I can easily beat him, even unbuffed, for free. The same can be said for me if I went against an EoC player, Id have to pay to skip, adding an extra cost for me to stay competitive. I dont know how Leo can list that as a pro and not a con, or even state that its any bit fair.


You say that you atleast have a chance to skip a battle you cant win, but since its rank based youd only be paying to delay yourself since the same type of players you skipped will be having you appear in their hitbox next as you climb the ranks. So really even if the gold wasnt an issue or skips were free its far from a win button.


If you want a game where higher level players can attack lower level players freely go play HCSs other game Legacy, I cant say Id recommend it but if this is what you wanna do, thats the game for you. Id really like to hear Leos response to what Ive already said before though. Ive stated a lot of big holes in this idea and he should be willing to tweak his idea or show us how it avoids those problems. If hes not able to do that or even address the exact same issues seasons had than he should let this die down. Its great that people want to add something but unless you make it something balanced for everyone, or novel then theres no need for the community to provide feedback and definitely not enough time for HCS developers to spend implementing them into the game. Its only going to take a few more failures, like PvP Seasons or Daily Quests, before enough of the community cuts support and loses interest, and HCS decides to shutdown the game. Thats the only reason Im being hard on this idea, I have nothing against Leo or any particular play style in this game, nor am I being biased. But until a well crafted idea comes forward I have to bash it.


I want a system that was simple for the cows to develop/deploy as almost all of the parameters are things they have done in the past or could easily implement. I have come up with complex ideas or equations in the past for different aspects of the game, but most dont fully understand or just ignore.


The reality is nothing is ever going to be completely fair to everyone the way this game is designed... If you can pay to upgrade your character and stamina is not unlimited there will always be some form of competitive advantage. The reason so many things fail is people fail to see this crucial aspect and want everything to be "fair" 


I on the other hand enjoy competition, which this game used to have and garnered more of my time. I play because I want to compete and hopefully win and in a competitive environment I have fun. I am hardly a large donater, but find ways to stay competitive with those who are. Everyone is new to this game at some point, and you can not expect to be competitive in all aspects of the game right away...


You have to work and plan to be competitive in the future, too many people just want things handed to them... This game is skewed towards higher levels its been like this since I started playing, it is just how the game is, so making new aspects of the game to work with the design of it just makes sense. 

#968583 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 10 September 2016 - 18:30

Last time the community voted heavily against PvP Seasons. What youve proposed is eerily similar. I can give many reasons why I would NOT support an event like this and highlight why the current ladder already does the same but better. Firstly there is still the issue of a lack of targets (you didnt fix this), what if nobody within +/- 25 levels of me wishes to opt in? Will you force some inactives in like last time, or will I have to hit back and forth with the same two or three people every five minutes? Not to mention more heavily populated ranges will have more attackers, requiring those players in the range to defend more than in empty ranges (more incoming attacks). In the case of the ladder it handles having a low participation rate much better since attacks are spread out to at least one hour between to reduce the amount of incoming attacks and the players competing together are under the exact same set of conditions.



If this is your 1st point you missed the whole thing... it is not +/- 25 levels of your level its of your rank in the global. So everyone has the exact same amount of targets at any given time. Your targets would be people who are being around as active as you are with the event.



Secondly, by taking away the option to choose your opponent, larger guilds will be forced to hit their own members. This caused so much drama (not in my guild, but the FS Box was flooded with it) in the past and I doubt anybody wants to deal with that again. In the ladder you can actively choose who you want to hit, allowing you to punish those who opt in with epics and are even prevented (opposed to being forced) to hit your own guildmates.


Thirdly, the timeframe is very easily exploitable. By knowing when the event ends players have the ability to put more emphasis on the end by drinking composing pots, swapping out of epics, ect to build up the points theyve lost to reach the rank they want. This was evident in seasons. The ladder can end at anytime after a set time period and unlike what your proposing (a set week). In the ladder you could easily be dethroned in under an hour from the ladder reset, which shows that you need to be more involved over the entire ladder span than in this event format.



2nd this option is actually another thing that makes it MORE fair to everyone as there is no room to abuse or gang up on any 1 person. Your target is random and you have the ability to skip...


3rd The timeframe works just like GLOBAL EVENTS do, they have a set end time that everyone knows about.


4th Stamina Cost is just like ALL GLOBAL events..


5th No XP loss was a key component to getting higher participation in these types of events. once again this does not replace the current pvp system, but it could entise more to pvp when the event is not running.


Last no one will bounty you on the ladder because they cant ;)


From your post I dont think you realize this is a global event...

#968573 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 10 September 2016 - 17:01

I have no gold and use a distilled Resilience Pot. Where then is the "consequence" in your PvP Global?





You have normal PVP if you want consequences... This does not replace that like it tried to in the past.


Globals are events where the community works towards a common goal, while still competing with each other for top spots.

#968567 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 10 September 2016 - 16:09

* By 150 attacks I am assuming you mean 150 points? As in a total of 150 considering all of your attacks you win and all the losses you may take through defending? A little clarification on this would be nice for an idiot like me. * tongue.png





If you look in the parameters it has:


-Every attack will add 1 point towards the global total and count towards the players Global qualification


So every attack a player completes (win or lose) counts towards their global qualification (not necessarily their rank)




* I love the idea of adding this medal back into the game and making it achievable for those of us that don't have it. I feel though if your adding the tyranny medal for this reward then this should be top 50 instead of top 20. Just in view of the fact there will probably be 20 EOC players prepared to use composing potions to dominate the higher end of the ranks. For anyone not at EOC to achieve this medal the rank needed must be lower in my opinion. *


* Not drastically lower as it still needs to be earned and not gifted to people but making it achievable for a wider level range is key. Just for fairness and trying to make it slightly less of a blood bath from those EOC players. I also feel this will incentivize more players to participate if they know they have a chance at least of earning the medal. *


While this could be expanded it really depends on how big the participation is for the event. Do not want it to be super easy or super difficult. I think in the original event only around 20 made crystal and where I came up with the number. Could start at 20 and expand for the 2nd event if it seems necessary. Also the less people who get the medal, the more who will want/need to go for it over time instead of a ton of 1 and dones.

#968552 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 10 September 2016 - 14:36

Would taking part in this wipe out my PvP protection?


If having your normal pvp protection stay in place would get more interested in participating in the global. I am for that since this is a different game aspect.

#968543 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Leos3000 on 10 September 2016 - 14:15

I had a lot of fun with this aspect of the game last year, and it was scraped, but was suppose to come back as a global. However The cows were not sure how to do this so it has been delayed.


I want to lay out a simple yet detailed way to get this aspect into the game.



1st and very importantly there has to be a new preference to Opt In/Out of these types of Globals (while I would like to see the whole community participate I realize some have no desire to and do not want to be forced to)




Next is the Format of the Global. These are the Parameters to put in place to make the global fun for all:


- Every attack will cost 50 stamina (with a new attack type Global)


-There will be a 5 min time limit in between attacks


-There would be a skip option at a cost of 50k gold. (skipping causes you to wait another 5 mins for an attack as it is treated as your 5 min interval for an attack)


-The Global should last a total of 1 week


-To keep the attack system simple you get +1 point for a win(attacking or defending) and -1 point for a loss


-Every attack will add 1 point towards the global total and count towards the players Global qualification


-No XP loss in these attacks


-There will be Gold and durability loss


-Seasons attacks are not Bountyable (thought about an auto bounty system, but want to keep it simple for now)


-Your opponent is choose by the system each time. The system chooses a player at random that is +/- 25 ranks of you in the Global.


To give more detail to the above parameter if you are currently ranked 50th in total points in the global your opponent will be anyone regardless of level who is between the ranks of 25 and 75 at the time of the attack. This keeps any single person from being farmed and means everyone has the same amount of targets to hit. It will probably also mean the higher you move up the ranks the more often you will have to defend an incoming attack.


-Since this is a Global for attacking the only buff that should not work is Deflect. As this buff would hinder the community from getting to the global totals.





All of the rewards are already in place in the game so this should be pretty simple for the cows.


-There would be 4 tiers to the global. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Crystal


-Each Global tier would be 10,000 attacks.

-Bronze @ 10,000

-Silver @ 20,000

-Gold @ 30,000

-Crystal @ 40,000


Individual Tiers to qualify would be:

-Bronze 50 attacks

-Silver 75 attacks

-Gold 100 attacks

-Crystal 150 attacks


Bronze gets the Bronze rank seasons chest

Silver gets the Silver  rank seasons chest

Gold gets the Gold  rank seasons chest

Crystal gets the Crystal  rank seasons chest.




-Top 100. Place in the top 100 and get 1 extra Crystal Chest Also credit towards progress of top 100 global medal


-Top 20. Place in the top 20 and get progress towards the Tyranny medal (being ranked in the crystal league)


Top 1 or 1st in the event. Get credit towards the PVP mastery medal.






*With all of these in place I think we can have some great PVP gloabls and increase game activity

#967918 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by Leos3000 on 01 September 2016 - 22:51

To be honest this implementation reminds me of Seasons last year... It was a great idea, but gave so many people a bad 1st impression that they never really gave it a shot once the cows made some necessary tweaks to it. By the time the vote came around to keep or get rid of few knew what the cows had done to make it better that they voted on their 1st impressions.


Hope that doesnt happen here, but see a lot of negativity throughout the game about it already. 1st impressions are hard to get back or over...

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