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Member Since 02 Dec 2013
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#835698 Buff Marketplace

Posted by Shadow19231 on 30 December 2013 - 01:05

Make buff prices based off the 1 fsp = 25 stamina to be fair

It was to my understanding that we can set our own prices. Please, correct me if i'm wrong. Personally, i don't sell buffs to make a profit. I do it to help players. I would be interested in valuing my stamina no more than 5,000 GOLD per buff. With that said, is this system having us choose between multiple prices or can we actually set exactly as we wish?

#835139 Want a second look at PvP Retaliation (pay back)

Posted by Shadow19231 on 27 December 2013 - 19:11

Sorry bout that rant over, tome it wont work,, but its not a bad idea.


I dont think it will work because of the hit back in under 15 min. Also a good pvper has spent your gold in 1 min, is the game going to create gold and give it to you??  Then you gonna have people wanting it within a hour, then 3 then 24 ,,,

And speaking of hour, are you suggesting 2 players can pound the snot out of one another every hour with no way to do bountys?? Sounds GREAT!! 

maybe even start up some guild wars.


Should be a hit back period, whatever gold the other guy has out then is yours, you got 48 hours to make them sweat about what you are going to do,, and if you hit him all he can do is hit again. Its a nice idea.

You're making it sound worse than it is. With the idea there would be a system implemented to stop someone from moving all the gold. Say it only allows you to move 75% of it. Then you wait 15 mins, and after that the other 25% can be moved.. Something like that. I'm in no way suggesting that two players should beat up on one. The idea is based around you've already been attacked. This is you "free" counter attack.

#834999 Want a second look at PvP Retaliation (pay back)

Posted by Shadow19231 on 27 December 2013 - 02:02

I did want to mention that reason is this is PvP game is because it has open world PvP. It means nothing other than that. Its the standard definition for all games. The main aspect is and always will be pve because it has a sense of progression. That was more of a clarification then anything. With that said, I feel this thread has take a off topic turn. To get back on topic, please share your thoughts on this : Putting in a no bounty pay back hit that can give you 25% gold back if you qualify for a few things. Hit back in under 15mins, and I can't think of any more ideas. Last thing I would Like to say is that I want to reiterate what I said before. People are going to slip up from time to time. I would like to see a system that can help them fix their problem.I would also like to see the fix given me a reason to want to PvP. Even if I lost my gold, I wouldn't return the hit. From my experience the PvP I've done, the "experienced" PvP player often resorted to delevel me. Maybe because it actually meant more to me *wink wink*..Thanks for reading

#834560 Want a second look at PvP Retaliation (pay back)

Posted by Shadow19231 on 25 December 2013 - 04:11

there should be a retaliation attack that will exclude placing bounties on both ends if chosen.. hit for hit.. no need to bounty those types of attacks.


personally i wish they would nerf the amount of levels you can lose on the bounty board.. for a max of 10% XP and Gold on hand loss, 5 potential levels dropped is quite brutal.. drop that to 2 levels, so one bounty hunter could use 100 stamina to drop all 2 levels (or just drop the double xp loss on the BB?). make it so that if you clear a bounty with 10 stamina attacks, you are excluded from being counter placed on the bounty board (doesn't work the same for 100 stamina clears.. those who clear hard have the right to be up for the same punishment). if you only use 10 stamina attacks and don't finish the bounty then you can only lose up to 1 level on the counter bounty. if you do any 11-100 stamina attacks than you are up for a 2 level bounty (just make it so we can ONLY make 10 or 100 attacks, the game is due for that change!) ...i believe this would encourage more open world PvP attacks and bounty hunting, plus counter bounties from Smasher medal attacks, which is a good thing for BB activity... 


also.. bring back Smasher medal attacks in open world PvP.. (the change that never should of happened..)


ALSO.. bring back some randomly selected bounty hunter reward system ;) (who cares, just something besides the reward from the bounty)


ALSO!.. remove bounty placing from PvP ladder attacks!!! you're kill'n meh smalls!!


I do like the idea that if you were hit, you could get your "free" hit back. My one complaint is that the reason you would hit back is because they stole your gold. If they had no gold, your counter attack would be pretty pointless. I strongly disagree with the 10 stamina exclusion rule for BB. I think that doing 10 stam clears isn't much help to the game. It almost makes the whole BB useless, if people are working around it. Getting free medals, and saving people's butts. It seems that those guys are wrong, and not the people who 100 stam.



But you don't need to choose any kind of 'profession' when you start to play, you can put some PvP gear on and go out and hit everyone. Anyone can do it.

Creating more obstacles for those who want to start will make PvP be forgoted on the game.


The problem is it's not two skilled players interested in PvP. It's one person stealing gold while the other was stupidly carrying it. However the reason, that person should be able to hit pvpers where it hurts. You've heard me say why before, so i won't be redundant about it. What i will say is there this is not currently an obstacle(retalation methods) out there. This is not the tipping point to stop players from doing it. People don't PvP because despite the mechanics of the game, this is centered around killing monsters. Regardless, I feel something needs to be done. I did like RebornJedi's idea. Please read what my reply to them was.

#834377 Global Chat - Knowledge, suggest improvements and ask questions.

Posted by Shadow19231 on 24 December 2013 - 16:48

I think we need to take a vote on kicking out some of these global chat mods.

#826935 Exploiting XP to boost guild

Posted by Shadow19231 on 08 December 2013 - 06:56

People keep dancing around the real issue. Now, everyone please hush up and listen to what's really going on :


EOC players claim to want to relevel, but are apposed to making this exploit fixed. Why? Because they clearly do not want to level a second time, but merely want to abuse a bug. With that said, take it as what you will, but that is the sad reality of it. Thanks for your time

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