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Member Since 08 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2024 11:52

#916110 Secret Tunnel

Posted by Irradiated on 20 January 2015 - 01:06

OK, seriously.  Maybe it's due to the classic feel of the game, but even before mounts I didn't find the walk so bad.  Try farming :).  Occasionally I'd just walk to/from Nidaros rather then fly, so I could stop off there and update quests.  I'd also run down there for lvl 16 foraging (that was before TA).


(Who remembers the Treefolk that hung out near the road as you got close to the Junction Inn.  Catching unsuspecting lowbies trying to cut that final corner.)


That said, I can understand wanting to make the running around easier.  If you decide to go for it, keep it as simple as possible.  I imagine adding a flight point is easier then a tunnel, so I'd go with Spirit's suggestion.  Tunnels sounds like a cool idea, but there are much bigger priorities right now.

#916109 Secret Tunnel

Posted by Irradiated on 20 January 2015 - 01:05

Everyone wants to get everywhere so fast nowadays.  I remember back when I started playing MMOs, and you had to walk twice that far.  For every quest.  In the snow.  Uphill both ways.

#914828 Camera Tilt Issue

Posted by Irradiated on 12 January 2015 - 12:15

I assume you've tried Newt as well.  Long shot, but here goes.


When I was last forced to reinstall Windows (7), even after loading all the patches etc, it did not give me the latest drivers for my video card.  I had to manually update the driver before graphics returned to normal.


Anyway, we all know what the devs will say.  Can you include the log file?

#912886 MAGE NERF

Posted by Irradiated on 30 December 2014 - 23:58

The problem, as always, is balancing both PvP and PvE with a single build and a single set of spells.


Before the change to Flamelash, the complaint was always grouping.  I don't believe anyone said they were underpowered in PvP.  With the change HCS fixed the imbalance in PvE, but improved mages even more in PvP.


IMO, we really need a 2nd talent spec for PvP, and either additional PvP oriented spells or different effects for the current spells in PvP vs PvE.  Then both could be balanced individually.  As it stands, I can't think of a game that successfully balanced both with the current setup.


(The current talent setup could work if HCS goes for a 'rock/paper/scissors' setup.  Each class has two they are better then, and two they need fear.  But it will still take some work on talents.)

#912644 Stockings Need a (Short) Respawn Timer

Posted by Irradiated on 29 December 2014 - 15:25

i like as it is now. its fun to "fight" for the stockings who pick-ups 1st :)

That wouldn't change.  Still have your fight for a stocking.  In fact it would work better.


This only effects that stocking laying there in the mud, unwanted and unloved.  Everyone collecting already has it.  With the respawn timer, after awhile it would be reborn as a new random stocking at a new random location.  Then people can get back to fighting for the stocking they want.

#912450 mini game mount racing mario kart style

Posted by Irradiated on 28 December 2014 - 11:00

I refuse to discuss how many days (weeks, months) were lost to this

#911832 Eldevin Class Introduction

Posted by Irradiated on 24 December 2014 - 03:18

Quick answer, all points in sorcery.  As prophet you'll have plenty of mana regen.  And while focus does help you crit, it's not worth the trade-off with the healing power and haste from sorcery.


If you search the forums you'll find various threads discussing this, as well as talents, in more detail.

#910040 Quest Reward Bug?

Posted by Irradiated on 17 December 2014 - 05:37

I believe it's just the text that's misleading (which is still a bug, it should be an official confirmation of the promotion).  You receive the Private Stripes charm earlier in the quest.

#909969 Talent Theory Calculator!

Posted by Irradiated on 16 December 2014 - 23:03

Sitting here with Eric (who is the original author, I've signed on recently to help out) now discussing the future of the Talent Planner.  There are a number of enhancements we'd love to see implemented.  Most important is a redesign of the URL format.


This idea is actually very similar to one we have logged in our Fossil CMS.  Although we were considering storing builds with comments, rather than individual talents (thank you Guthix for this suggestion).  Both are very involved, as they require implementation of back end data storage.


The problem is time.  We both have little time to play these days, much less enhance the planner (we get zero compensation for it).


Besides just waiting/hoping for more time, we've been considering a couple of options.  One is ads on the site, which immediately justifies more effort.  Another is going open source, exposing the repository and accepting patches.  Or both.


We'll keep everyone posted as we decide how to move forward.  And thank you for your interest!

#909467 Hope you put in as a set the armor that the evil guy is wearing in the introd...

Posted by Irradiated on 15 December 2014 - 04:59

Plot twist, you're actually the bad guy of the game.  I like it

I'm not the first to say this.  But once the game is complete, it would be fun if HCS went back and added a story line playing as part of the Infernal Empire.

#905015 Tea: the tale of the missing beverage

Posted by Irradiated on 26 November 2014 - 18:51

#905010 Thieving Thought Out

Posted by Irradiated on 26 November 2014 - 18:16

(Apologies in advance, I know this joke is ancient.  But ...)


then who/what made the gardener ;)


There's a reason they call it the Big Bang.

#904374 Thieving Thought Out

Posted by Irradiated on 25 November 2014 - 05:54

I disagree about AFK being rude.  Many legitimate reasons for stepping away for a few minutes without logging off.  Do you really log off for every bathroom break?  Or sit and watch as it processes 4000 ore into bars?  (Although I still think we should have this as an alternative to '/dnd'.)  But this is off topic, so apologies to everyone.


I like the idea of theft profession, vs. NPCs.  And perhaps even mobs.  As for the rest, I appreciate you making the suggestion but I can't support open-world PvP.  Forgetting the issue of AFK, when I'm questing I don't want to also be looking over my shoulder at other players.

#904331 Thieving Thought Out

Posted by Irradiated on 25 November 2014 - 01:02

Not clear on one point.  If you steal from another player, what exactly do you get?  A random drop that does not effect him, or do you actually get something from his inventory?  In the former case it's easily abused (let's stand here and just steal from each other).  The rest of this post is for the latter, actually getting loot from inventory.


I was with you until you allowed for stealing from other players.  Absolutely not.  Getting too close to open world PvP at that point, which is not how the game was designed or advertised.  (This has been covered in previous threads.)  If I'm out questing, and even more so in town, I don't want to be looking over my shoulder for thieves, any more then for a PK'er.


You could allow stealing from players in PvP areas, but even then it should be limited to smuggled goods.


Having a place to hide is not good enough.  I don't want to mark myself DND, or have to run back to some safe area, every time I want to take my eyes off the game.

#901654 Talent Points

Posted by Irradiated on 17 November 2014 - 18:59

You have level 50 content to look forward to.  It will then be a nice, even 46. :P :ph34r:

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