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Member Since 13 Sep 2012
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#796894 Composing (Part 1)

Posted by BigGrim on 21 June 2013 - 14:09

Will other SEs get replacements rotated in now too?? When GC was replaced the plan seemed to be that all would get this eventually.

If the breaking down of items maintains this level of enthusiasm, I see little point in rotating SE creatures. Any that are not quite as good as they used to be will simply be hunted by players to fragment.

My main hope is that this will help make Legendary Events properly viable again. I'd like to be able justify regular LEs again.

#796880 Starting Area Changes beginning.

Posted by BigGrim on 21 June 2013 - 11:09

Hey there.

Through the magic of Mowglik's maps and a crappy paint program, this is the basic layout, not taking the Epic Quest routes into account.

Gonna fire this to Mowglik so he can do a better job of it.

~ Grim


#796737 Composing (Part 1)

Posted by BigGrim on 20 June 2013 - 15:31

Just wondering. Will there be more frequent le/se creatures in the caves from now on since the demand for le, se fragments will rise for people to get the higher level potions?


While LE creatures will still appear in the caves every so often, my personal hope is that Realm based Legendary Events will once more be properly viable. 

#796486 FSBox

Posted by BigGrim on 19 June 2013 - 14:46

I've forwarded this idea to Hoofmaster and it is something we are looking to add though be warned, it is low on the priority list. Composing is highest for implementation at the moment.

#796317 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.2)

Posted by BigGrim on 18 June 2013 - 13:06

I really should add that I have talked with many people about this and many who dont go on forum.


Many agree with me it doesn't seem like a needed thing to add more for levels but that is only a small part of it.


Then tell them to get on the forum! It's here for them to give feedback and if they don't use it then how the devil do they expect things to go how they wish?


We cannot simply take your word for it that many players don't like it, nor are we telepathic, able to simply pluck their objection to the idea from their minds.


The forum is here for constructive feedback. Use it!

#796303 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by BigGrim on 18 June 2013 - 09:30

Hey there.


I'm really glad that most posters have found this event to have been worthwhile. I knew we couldn't have the XP event without something to temper the gold influx, thus the choices I made for the creatures. I'd hoped the potions were worthwhile too.

~ Grim

#789894 Another Global Event

Posted by BigGrim on 18 May 2013 - 12:38

We are super busy but I'll try and get either a new event or the Darksun Dragons out again.

#789830 PVP Optional

Posted by BigGrim on 17 May 2013 - 22:04

Hi there.


This is a PvP game and always has been. We will not be making PvP optional I'm afraid.


~ Grim

#789413 Support handled by players?!?

Posted by BigGrim on 14 May 2013 - 12:46

Hey Guys.


This refers to Scott. A fellow that Zorg employs to help with non critical Legacy issues. He only deals with Legacy and cannot see sensitive data, like date of birth or email addresses.


For Sword and Sigma, it is still mostly down to Zaelin and myself, though Iago and Forn help out during the weekends.


~ Grim

#788781 Newest addition to the HCS Family

Posted by BigGrim on 08 May 2013 - 08:31

Hi there Everyone.


You may notice that Hoofmaster is not quite as active at the moment as usual. There is good reason for this as he and his wife are happy to announce the birth of their first child, a new bouncing baby girl! The little so & so really wanted to meet them and decided to greet the world five weeks earlier than estimated! However, Mother and Daughter are both doing well and Hoofmaster pops in after visiting them to get quick status updates with us. He always has a big smile on his face, which just gets bigger whenever you ask how it feels to be a Dad.  :)


So congratulations to Hoofmaster and his Wife on their new Daughter!


~ The Fallen Sword Team

#788696 So just in case someone out there is against it,,,,

Posted by BigGrim on 07 May 2013 - 10:14

(probably because they cannot change the code to do so).


This thread was started because I said it sounded like a good idea.  So yeah, it might just happen. Suggesting that we cannot change the code of our game is disrespectful in the extreme. Exercise some respect and think before you post or your posting privileges will be revoked. Clear?

#182 New Website

Posted by BigGrim on 20 September 2012 - 10:33

Nice work, løøking very gøød!

Good grief! A wild DocSooty has appeared!

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