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Member Since 08 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2024 05:35

#1007477 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BadPenny on 18 April 2022 - 23:16

I have seen others in global solve the issue by doing what i stated above. Last resort effort imo, My partner cant log into her app version either. 

Again: I don't think they're so understanding when you intentionally make a "new" account, whatever the reasoning behind it... Making a new account still won't fix the login problem that they are having with iOS... It will just exacerbate it with a new account they can't log into, PLUS they'll get in trouble for making a new account on purpose...  BAD ADVICE!


#1007474 Legacy- Needs balanced or shut down

Posted by BadPenny on 18 April 2022 - 18:57

I can't see the fun in being cannon fodder for an overly dominant gang.... and I don't understand how warfare can be fun if nobody else can participate...  Guess I'm too old to see the point...

I won't be entering the WL myself till something breaks, one way or another.

As for the rest of you... might I recommend a good book or 2?  I'm going back to mine....


#1007473 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BadPenny on 18 April 2022 - 18:53

Your best bet to solve this issue would be to create a new account on the FS app then link the account to your main account via ticket. This seems to be easier for HCS to do.

This is BAD advice: I don't think they're so understanding when you intentionally make a "new" account, whatever the reasoning behind it...  the iOS problem will remain regardless, if I understand correctly... just use your browser till they fix it moneypants...

#1007408 Bacon

Posted by BadPenny on 11 April 2022 - 18:13

#1007384 XP decreases during hunts (not dying)

Posted by BadPenny on 09 April 2022 - 14:47

Even when you are hunting at your own level, the XP per critter is variable to begin with so you won't be getting the same XP for each and every one you kill.... That XP is also dependent on if Librarian kicks in, whether Reckoning hits on Doubler or Librarian... I'm sure there are other variables as well, such as Overkill, etc, that can raise or lower the XP you will get ... Also, a lot of the critters in a realm are from the previous level, and if you just breeze on through, just killing everything in sight, those are gonna give you less XP than the ones at your current level.  

#1007373 Important News regarding the Update

Posted by BadPenny on 08 April 2022 - 09:55

I have to say that the Daily Quest reroll is very welcome. But I would like to know if there will be any rules about DQ's rarity or requirement. For example: my DQ requirement is breakdown items, If I reroll is there a chance it will be a breakdown DQ again or the new DQ will it necessarily have a different requirement (kill creatures/travel tiles)? If I have Common DQ, when reroll can the new DQ be Rare or Legendary or will it remain at the same rarity?


Speaking of DQ, I think it needs to be revised. In my opinion, the idea of DQ is to encourage the player to log in every day and play different aspects of the game.There are some DQs that are practically impossible to complete, like killing creatures of certain classifications for low level players or PvP DQs for high level players. There are also other Daily Quests with requirements and rewards that aren't worth the effort, such as Break down 80 items for +130 Current Stamina reward or Inventing dozens of items for low current Stamina.


Well, but that's a topic for another time. The reroll will help in these situations. :)

If I understand correctly, from discussions I have seen in places like Global and Discord, the Re-roll will be random in nature, up to and including the task, rarity and reward involved.  Since that truly makes sense and is about the only way it could be made fair to all players, both old and new, lower levels to EoC, we could probably bank on how that is how it will be...
Although I understand Pardoux's position about there being a need for it, I do feel that it is necessary for those of us that get a totally insurmountable task, such as a lower level player getting a "kill X mounted creatures" (impossible below a certain level) or a PvP DQ when there are no "active" players in range whatsoever... or even an undesirable task, i.e. invent or breakdown several hundred items, or, in my case, damage a Titan  <_<

#1007340 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by BadPenny on 06 April 2022 - 04:04

Just a quick suggestion:

With the advent of the app going live and public, there has been an influx of disgruntled players (former or current, I cannot know) simply because when the app first opens,  it automatically assigns a new account as well as a random name and they seriously make Global unpleasant with their trolling tendencies...  This could easily be minimized by making new app users actually register for an account (in case of a true new player) or log in to their accounts before accessing the app...

#1007308 Important News regarding the Update

Posted by BadPenny on 01 April 2022 - 08:15

Just pulling my hair out, how do we end up getting a selection of buffs inflicted upon us that achieve nothing to enhance game play or provide thought challenging scenario's?

Pvp was a game of skill and knowledge, we don't need RNG based buffs. They diminish the game and any challenge it ever provided.

This is what happens in any game where the developers rarely if ever actively play the game, isn't it?

#1007271 Bacon

Posted by BadPenny on 28 March 2022 - 11:18


#1007229 User data to advertisers

Posted by BadPenny on 22 March 2022 - 10:19

I just got this popup notification:




I am not ok with stats from my phone distributed to third parties, especially when Hunted Cow says they don't have control over the vendors who show the ads. What is the alternative?

While it is true that FS can't control what ad vendors see or don't see.... you can, to a point.  In your browser, google "adchoices"  this lets you set up what criteria advertisers can and cannot use to target ads...  that's basically what that means.... It's basically the same settings that determine whether 3rd party cookies are allowable in any browser...  If you have a narrow field that controls the meta data that is released to the ether, you will see a more broad range of ads that may or may not pertain to you...  Some of the criteria that sites like FB, Amazon, Walmart, Google, Yahoo, Bing,  etc, use depend on a myriad of things, such as your location, websites you visit, links you click, even web searches... Any time you go to a website that has ads on a page, that information is recorded in your browser.... which then can be used to track your habits.   If you don't want an advertising company to be tracking these things, it is best that you don't watch ads at all.   At the very least, make sure that every browser you use is set to "Do Not Track" and make sure that if 3rd party cookies are disabled.  As for what is "released" from your phone, go into your Settings menu, and check the Permissions for each and every app you have.  Things like your location can be accessed by ad companies who buy lists from many common apps on your phone, up to and including Google Maps.... There are some things that you can't avoid being tracked though, but these vary according to your phone type and model, and in some cases, even your carrier.

#1007186 Avatar!

Posted by BadPenny on 17 March 2022 - 16:25

Would HCS allow fan submitted art for creatures? I decided to give it a go (make a creature) and its rather hard. Here is a draft i made. I spent 10 minutes doing this on a trackpad on a laptop and is used as example only ;p

Is this a pic of The Invisible Titan or The Elemental of Paladir?  Maybe one of the Halloween Ghosties?  Cuz I can't see it at all....

#1007176 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by BadPenny on 15 March 2022 - 19:40

Hi michael65,


This change was due to a request in the forum post relating to the previous update and was met with no resistance so we believed it was a wanted change. If there is enough concern over this we can always revert to 50 stamina by default.



Hi EpicPiety,


We would prefer to avoid adding preferences where we can avoid doing so, this menu is already cluttered enough with the number of options there. That said, if there is enough demand for this to be added then we can considering adding this in a future update.




Just a thought:
Default for "normal" PvP has always been 10 stam... It's a soft hit and is optimal for both GvG, Prestige hitting and the odd DQ, and even normal bounty hunting (also known as soft clears)


100 stams are only necessary for gold ganking, hard bounty hits and the ladder, which should always be optional...
As it stands, with 100 stam being default, GvG will become inefficient at best, and those that rarely PvP unless for the occasional DQ will be less likely to do so... Although this option is nice for those wanting the smasher medal, you can only obtain ticks toward that via the BB and the Ladder... IMHO, a 100 stam default is more likely to kill PvP than to enhance it.


#1007161 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by BadPenny on 14 March 2022 - 14:10

Dear app team:
A myriad of the most mundane questions could be eliminated if a short but handy tutorial of some kind was added to navigating the app itself...


I'm sure it's possibly a PIA and tedious and time consuming and all, but it would lower the frustration levels of newcomers and veterans alike, and lighten your workload considerably in the long run....

*goes back to baking cookies*

#1007160 Present Darkness(epic)

Posted by BadPenny on 14 March 2022 - 14:05

I think the epic quest should be continued. It's sort of a pseudo tutorial for the first 100 levels or so. It gives the new guys a lot of current stam to get addicted as well.

You make a good point... the actual "real tutorial" should lead directly to the epic quest arc, and tbh, should be expanded to include things like composing... Having Present Darkness conclude with no possible ending, with a promise of one to come, is irritating to those of us who have been around forever... 

Newcomers aren't going to be enticed to stick around long enough to get as addicted to the game as some of us are with a perpetually unfinished quest...  Especially those that come directly from downloading the app... A majority of those will do what I do when a new game turns out to be another money pit... they will delete the app and move on to something "better".  


#1007149 Present Darkness(epic)

Posted by BadPenny on 14 March 2022 - 05:01

I'm sorry, I must have missed something. They have announced they will never complete it?

I am sure with enough support we could see it on a future roadmap at some point.

The question of why Present Darkness has never been completed has been asked of BG many times in Global...
The answer has always been that the author of said quest is long gone from FS and there are no plans whatsoever to complete it...  I've mentioned my simple solution to this dilemma on several occasions, both in Global and in this very forum... I can't recall if the cows have ever responded one way or another to my suggestion, however...
Hence, it irritates every one of us with its ever *present* presence on all our quest books....


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