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#851052 New Medals!

Posted by KitiaraLi on 22 February 2014 - 05:22

Team Player
Join groups.


So.... have an grfx artist in the backroom, who's a fan of Pink Floyd? and with a somewhat twisted sense of humor as well...






ps. the design of the medal also leans heavily towards a certain regime in the 1930s-40s .. both in color choice, and symbol choice... might wanna alter it.. just a thought.

#844696 Content Roadmap.

Posted by KitiaraLi on 29 January 2014 - 15:37

Additionally, we are looking to add new content at existing levels. This will feature new quests in existing Realms Vs existing creatures.  Most likely starting low and working up. This is most likely to appear as a random new Quest or two periodically. Hopefully, this can make things in the lower levels fresh and interesting.

Not that I mind you making new quests at the lower lvl, but your wording has me puzzled. "Fresh and interesting" erhm? What am I missing here? We can only have one character in this game, which means that the current content is fresh and interesting for those who play through it... or?


And when you get around to the chests, could you check to see if they are set to spawn in ALL realms at random, and not just those that existed when the chests were introduced?


Apart from that, keep up the spirit :wub:

#840007 Buff Market Improvements

Posted by KitiaraLi on 12 January 2014 - 09:02

Is there a particular reason we have to add buffs one at a time for our listings? I am wondering why we do not get a check list (same as the one for blocking skills under prefs) when we create a package/list buffs for sale.

Apart from that, seems like a good addition to the game B)

#828589 Guild XP while sub-leveling

Posted by KitiaraLi on 10 December 2013 - 05:51

We've been talking about why players de-level in a couple of threads now and I've been looking towards a solution that would work better for this. The main reason for de-levelling seems to be to contribute more guild xp towards your guild as the reduced xp at the end of content also adjusts the amount of xp that is contributed.


Rather than nerf stats and/or xp as previously suggested, I think we can keep this aspect of the game (i.e.. contributing to your guild) without impacting other aspects of the game (bounty board, medals etc.) by simply removing the sub-levelling reduction from guild xp. What I mean is you would get a guild xp contribution based on the xp you would have gained from the creature before any reduction is applied for sub-levelling.


What do you think?

I like the idea, but - as much as it many claim the incentive for the de-leveling is GXP, those playing the game will know there is far more behind it. Not addressing the easy way to regain levels while implementing the suggested, is like pee'ing yourself to get warm.

1. Do the suggested, as ppl will no longer be able to claim that is why they de-level.
2. Add the "get booted back to krull if you drop 10 lvls below AL" to prevent us all from sitting on champs for easy re-leveling. No need to leave this possibility for the levelers, as they can get GXP just fine with the suggested, and I would suspect everyone could agree it will be better that those who PvP and get de-leveled via BB as intended, don't get the easy ride back (aka bring the punishment aspect of BB sorta back into the game).

3. Make champions exempt from AM.




1. Adjust the code, so you can lose as much XP of a critter, as you can gain. That way ppl can spend their own stam and time to de-level.

2. Adjust the code, so you gain XP based of your own AL compared to the same lvl critter (as in; You cannot get any more xp from any creature, as that critter fitting you AL). This would prevent ppl from regaining lvls with minimal stam investment, but leave the possibility to re-level "normally".

3. Make champions exempt from AM.



One of the two should be implemented b4 any possible XP event - and then we can start looking at all the other reasons why ppl decide to de-level 'emselves.

#794778 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by KitiaraLi on 09 June 2013 - 06:33

Well, how about giving me a ring when we have 300 lvls of new content so I can use the global, or the donation pots i have...thanks, RED

Sure, just leave your number in my mail box :rolleyes:


If you fail to see how you lay blame on the lack of content only and via that claim the exploit to be valid to abuse, you fail to see how exactly this game works, and how anyones actions may affect all.
This is not a "but it is good for ME, I still get to have MY fun" problem, as problems in mmorpgs rarely are ;)

#794768 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by KitiaraLi on 09 June 2013 - 05:59

Oooh this is a long and heated one B)  As would be expected when some find a way to bend the game to their own personal gains, and it suddenly risks getting changed.

<Related Rant On>
Yes, the system should be changed. It is currently making a mockery of far too many other aspects of the game (as has been pointed out in plenty of posts up till this point; Read back if you fail to understand).

Yes it should be changed due to the fact, that it is not the intended way the game should be played (HCS making this thread clearly shows that).

No, HCS should not ask players for the vote - they should simply fix it.
<Related Rant off>


As for tose bickering so hard in this thread, I wonder; Why so upset?  Do you feel you got caught with your hand in the cookiejar?
Did you not think the rest of the FS community knew about this? Did you not think some might notice how many EOC players all of a sudden has started to hit around, all while leaving "Looking to lose some levels, please smash me on BB!", "Wasting stam and losing levels. 10 stams are an insult to me and you!",
"Status: Hello, im hitting everyone in my range with 10 stam. First fight i do with you i will try to win to get more pvp prestige all next ones will attack naked so i lose. Please put me on the board. Will pay the bounty fee if needed. Thanks" messages in their bios? Promoting free smasher hits on their bounties in FSBox?

From my perspective, it is downright disgusting behaviour and very close to prostitution. You are selling yourselves out, in ways that may seem harmless to you, but actually affects the entire game. Sure, I couldn't personally care less about whatever level your guild may be  - but I am pretty sure others do. Sure, I don't give a flying cow about what you wish or don't wish happens to you on the bounty board, but I am pretty sure others will take offense to you making a mockery of that aspect of the game - just as I am sure, that those who PvP on a daily basis, take it as a personal insult, that you are devaluating the Smasher medal not only by obtaining it yourself via hits made to get you posted n dropped, but also via the fact that you are selling yourself out for others to get the medal after doing so.


I know for a fact, that if the roles where reversed,  some of those who fight so hard to keep the exploit in game, would get extremely upset. I have played this game for so long now, that I have seen several of you complain about exploits being used and abused, mainly because you weren't in a position to take advantage youselves.


This is not about you trying to keep the game alive. This is not about you finding something to do. This is not about PvPers not embracing levelers trying a new aspect of the game.
If it was, all your arguements fail.
If it was, you would not mind that you would only be able to gain guild xp from a level once. You would not mind there could be penalties introduced when your VL and AL gets too far apart. Actually, you would embrace it, as it could add some challenges to the leveling aspect of the game, which many of you have claimed missing for years now.
Would also add to the punishment towards the PvPers (or bullies as some of you who cannot handle the heat calls 'em) if there was penalties involved in losing lvls, apart from the knocking outta gear.


Would it be good for the game, if HCS put some focus back on it, adding content weekly, evolving the aspects while introducing new ones? Sure! Is it how it is, no! The cows are, as they have done in the past, moving focus/ressources to their new shiny, and we feel like leftovers. Do the cows claim the usual, that no ressources are being re-allocated? Yep, but we all know that to be not true. Heck, the fact that the "FS team" is either cut down in size, or being used elsewhere has been put on display by Hoof himself, by talking to players about how to code/introduce composing, instead of using the "Team" who is getting paid to do so.

My choice on how this should be handled;

Add a barrier of 6 lvls between AL and VL.

Cross that, and you get auto-booted back to Krul Island.

Cross that, and lose your used LUPs (x10 - should be punishment to get de-leveled)

Cross a level requirement (AL) and lose the ability to cast buffs (as in I get kncked down to 1599, I cannot cast my 1600+ buffs).

Regaining levels below you VL should be done with a xp punisher... say you only gain xp at half rate, and 0 gold. And there would of course be no guild contributed xp, as you have already contributed for that lvl.


And finally, pull the game down for maintenance, do a game wide cleanup while down, so when the game comes back up, noone will have more gxp than possible. Noone wants old exploits to still linger in game.

#793233 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.2)

Posted by KitiaraLi on 03 June 2013 - 20:13

Good of the game?


If I stumbled on this game now, and looked at all the shiny buffs you could have, and then realised that it would take me 5 years to get to them (not far off what it took me to get to EOC, hunting as efficiently as I could but without powerlevelling and using few uber potions) - I'd probably give up within a few days.


For this game to have a future, I do think it is important for new players to feel they can reach some of the benefits of high levels in a reasonable time. But I also think they need to work for it.

Funny, when I started playing this game, I looked at the shiny buffs and gear held by those at EOC at the time and thought to myself, I'll get me some of that for myself. Strange how ppl think and act differently, right!?


Oh and sure, for the future of this game and bla bla - but I disagree. You should not have the idea you can spend a few days, weeks, months or even a year or two to gain what I and others at EOC have - unless you wanna throw a ton of $$$ at the game. That idea is flawed to the core, as those who do have all the shiny stuff at EOC, actually spend loads of time (and prolly $$$ as well) to get what they have. So yeah, for the good of the game, remove the win and whine button - and start making it hard instead.

#789393 Support handled by players?!?

Posted by KitiaraLi on 14 May 2013 - 11:01

From the support page, under submit ticket;



Sooo here is what I wanna know b4 I rant into a serious hissy fit;

1: Who exactly are these players you somehow deem worthy of acting as support? What did they do to earn that trust, and who decided they were worthy, and on what grounds?

2: Is there a screening process on tickets "value" - as in; Who decides if the tickets are to get HCS staff attention?

3 Does the task come with a very clear manual on what they are to answer?

4. What exactly can these players see on my account? My personal info? What I have supported over the years? My current amount of FSP? My gear? My logs (which are personal too I might add) What?


5. Is there a way to not get a player to answer my tickets?



Small rant:

A ticket answered by a player, will hold no value to me.

In my book, I might as well ask any player I like or trust instead of sending a ticket, which may get answered by a player, whom I have issue/have issues with me.
I find it hard to see exactly why this has been set in place, and it makes me wonder what exactly is going on.
This exact move has put a quick death to other online games over the years, and I'd hate to see the same happen here.

#752122 Arena tokens

Posted by KitiaraLi on 25 August 2012 - 15:40

I actually like the idea. Needs a little work for sure, but the idea might bring more ppl into the arena aspect of the game, as they can benefit, even if they don't win alot.

Oh, and as long as HCS doesn't get arena tokens confused with ladder tokens :wink:

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