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Member Since 23 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 23 2016 12:46

#857096 Hardcore Pvp ( The Real Ups & Downs)

Posted by Susej on 23 March 2014 - 21:15

As a non pvp player, some of this changes would make sometimes jump and do some pvp, just for the fun of it

#857006 Eldevin Fountain Glitch

Posted by Susej on 23 March 2014 - 08:09

Level 45 fishing - >Fairies...

#852119 Help Mode

Posted by Susej on 28 February 2014 - 13:19

I have seen this in many games, and is fallensword its called Karma so if they do this they should use the same name.


In this game it could reduce repairs since you are helping your "disciple", that would be legit....


I hate odhar so i dont help...


I help a lot, everyday i help one team doing SV/GC(if there is a tank for garai) with no charge, and when i see anyone asking for boondocks i help as well, though for this i always ask for the flake drop if there is one...


For to3 i found SD that helped me and a team do TO3 we could not find a second healer and suddenly SD came to the rescue, this seems to be IMO the hardest dungeon to find a team as there are very few benefits doing it, ppl do it once to do the quest then the ppl already level 40 help doing it once or twice, and not many as said before the rewards arent that appeling comparing to the rewards.


TR cant give my oppinion

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#851510 PVP needs retreat:)

Posted by Susej on 24 February 2014 - 21:47

PVP ideas.


I played one game that the PVP arena let you choose from an assortment of armor or weapons before entering the PVP arena, all players would be set to level 1, 25, 50 and 80, and only people that were level 25 could be in the level +25 arena, be level 50 for the level +50 arena and so on, you would have the stats that you had at the level of the arena level you choose.


The rewards were only currency,some utility itens and "vanity" itens such as mounts, pets( there was a Fan male or female that you could get that would follow you around), etc.


Also capture the flag is extremelly fun in every game, and since i havent tried pvp in this game i dont even know if it has or not, if not i would recomend.


I dont do PVP in this game but well this was my input in balancing pvp .

#850070 Colour Option for Destiny Set/Crusader Set PvE

Posted by Susej on 18 February 2014 - 12:59

If this is approved i believe we are gonna see a few destiny sets in purple/pink, there are ppl that really like to be unique

#845754 Various Suggestions

Posted by Susej on 02 February 2014 - 08:54

I like the crafting itens it could also be a set, farmer scythe, farmers hat farmer gloves and so on, and you would get +1 farming, this would be "NUTS".


I agree as well that stacks could be increased by 5 at least cause i have 15 sacks and it ain't enough....


I don't believe this is a p2w game, i aqcuired supporter cause i want to see this game grow, and they need $ to grow.



#842739 Mounts

Posted by Susej on 21 January 2014 - 09:17

Hello good morning


I have been searching the forum but to no avail, so i will start my own post.


I suggest mounts i really like to do quests especially the eldevinarmy and arcane council ones, but sometimes we need to walk a lot, and this is far from the only online game i play and time aint infinite we will eventually die and i would like to do all the 1000000000000 quests eldevin seems to have ...


We need mounts fast mounts, for example you could  set the cheapest mount to be a donkey or anything of the sort but make it like 100G for it, and as it mount got faster and nicer looking( not that donkeys are ugly) more expensive.





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