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Member Since 23 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 13 2024 09:27

#1003896 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by Pardoux on 24 May 2021 - 18:53

Just a small request, can we have the diamond medals updated a bit so they don't look like various versions of fried eggs that you would, or wouldn't try.


and a new tier above and beyond diamond too ? - maybe Kryptonite or something ? LOL

#1003882 Zorgrom vs Shroud event in the offing ?

Posted by Pardoux on 21 May 2021 - 06:33

Have to agree that the potions from that chest are extremelly outdated.


No arguments from me there :)

#1003861 Legendary Event!

Posted by Pardoux on 14 May 2021 - 22:00

Problem with anything new is that within a hr its 1 fsp per item no incentive to farm and if its for frags then anything does all the same when broken down miss the days when Find item didnt work on events lol 


Not if it's an inventable set, using very rare items, as has been intimated for months ... 

#1003821 Thieves In The Night reappearance

Posted by Pardoux on 09 May 2021 - 01:17

Can this event please get another outing ? - maybe tweaking the rewards to appeal to a wider audience but still keeping the original rewards too as they're needed for inventing purpose.

Cheers :)

#1003800 UFSG Missing Items

Posted by Pardoux on 05 May 2021 - 21:20

Can these omissions be looked at - and the source(s) of those double-barrelled quest items be included also pls ?

#1003764 Fallen Sword's Most Influential - Past and Present

Posted by Pardoux on 03 May 2021 - 07:12

Yup I'm okay with that. We can actually eliminate the inactive piece entirely.  I made some edits.  What do you think now?


much better *puts thinking cap on*

1. PointyHair - UFSG - do we need any other reason ? - I think not

2. Cajunb4 - the most generous player in the game IMO








Will do some more thinking ... 

#1003762 Fallen Sword's Most Influential - Past and Present

Posted by Pardoux on 03 May 2021 - 06:40

How about excluding any banned players from the lists ? - that makes it more .. honest ?

#1003615 Games so broken

Posted by Pardoux on 14 April 2021 - 06:52

The interminable lag still persists and as of today even affects the app.....  Wonder when this will be fixed


Soon, hopefully - even the solution to the lag appears to have lag ;)

#1003506 Game Update v3.1.0

Posted by Pardoux on 04 April 2021 - 03:08

 I had to key each step and wait for the mob list to load, or I got the walking too fast message and got no credit for the steps taken, though of course the stam burned in the unaccepted steps was still gone, a problem I've lived with for years, but remains irritating.



The walking quests where you get unaccepted steps, but still lose the stamina are extremely frustrating, but, if I recall correctly, the cows still dispute that this happens...

#1003445 Shadow Bunny Showdown VII

Posted by Pardoux on 02 April 2021 - 04:09

This part is confusing.


Agreed - it's metaphorical, rather than literal :)

#1003308 If you cannot game with a broken play

Posted by Pardoux on 27 March 2021 - 19:35

Glad I'm not the only one confused here :)

#1003285 Cut ruby box issue

Posted by Pardoux on 26 March 2021 - 15:21

Also, the equipment indicator on the player toolbar at the top of the screen is reporting the state of repair incorrectly.

All of my worn items are epics, all are at 100% repair, but the toolbar shows 97.6% with all items damaged...

#1003278 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by Pardoux on 26 March 2021 - 06:08

One idea to raise the demand for Epics would be to use them for inventing as well, even better if that could be used for Potions instead of gear.


I've been thinking about what buffs a Potion would need to have to make destroying an Epic on it worth, if that idea gets the green light, a whole thread should be made about balancing those Recipes, some ideas:


Hunting Pot 01

1 - Skaldir Boots

1 - Shezmu Amulet

1 - Maneki Collar

1 - Dwarven Bronze Clock


AM500, AL500, CSV500, LIB500, LF1500, DBL1500. (Like a GE Chest)




I don't know if the demand for that kind of potion would be high enough to justify the price of making, but it's just an example...The idea is just to cut the overflow of Epics in the market.


Using the very low end, valueless epics for POTIONS is something I could easily get on-board with :)

Great idea :)

#1003273 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by Pardoux on 25 March 2021 - 22:49


We can have a dig through to recover that list, but if you are able to provide it that will be very much appreciated  :) 


As requested.




As you can see, there's a lot of scope for using both low level (pre1K) and higher level SE drops for inventing in the future :)


Hopefully it's obvious what the other numbers adjacent to drops represent, but just in case it's not, that's the number of recipes they're already used in ...

#1003247 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by Pardoux on 24 March 2021 - 17:09

Inventable Items.


It was suggested some (long) time ago (and met with cow approval) that, to limit inventable items, scarce items were used in the invention process.

Scarce items such as Chest crystalline ('cos, heaven knows, other than "Sword of Emerald Fire", "Spirit Tainted Boots" and "Pulsing Heart Armor", they're all pretty useless)


Temple crystalline too - that's not something (that I've seen) getting much use


SE drops (a list was provided, at the time, of the numerous SE drops that haven't been used so far - and can be, if required, provided again)


I'm sure this list could be easily expanded upon ..

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