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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2022 17:57

#996400 Jackpot!!!

Posted by Josh1404 on 11 April 2019 - 16:54



Because the temptation to troll us might have been too much. :P

#995721 New Content. 4001 - 4025.

Posted by Josh1404 on 14 February 2019 - 15:52

Thank you for the valentines gift cows.


Tragically for some of us that is about all we will get out of today LOL.


Have a good one. :P

#995303 Pinata Frenzy XV

Posted by Josh1404 on 11 January 2019 - 17:50

Thanks BG. :)


Just a general question...


Will you ever be doing the top 3 to choose a new LE / SE reward again? Just interested to know. :)

#995302 Potential issues in Titan Hunting.

Posted by Josh1404 on 11 January 2019 - 17:46

Oh there are definitely some questionable hunters out there. I hunted against a few whilst I had instant teleport running that were practically keeping up without the potion. 50 spaces in 2 seconds. We know it's not possible because we titan hunt with and without the potion. But how are we supposed to prove it other than giving an account of what happened?


The fact that some titans die quickly is due to popularity. I don't see that kind of incentive to hunt and subsequent activity as a bad thing. Catch the next spawn. They always come around again. And you say some are not worth hunting but again that comes down to opinion. Some people want their own personal epic and go hunt it. I suspect your opinion is derived from their low value and not considering the time to secure the drop worthwhile. True for some but not for all.


And how do we reduce the number of drops from titan hunting? The removal of the instant potion won't do so. The titans will still be secured the old fashioned way. The market will remain the same.


And whilst I do agree with many of the points made here against the teleport 230. There is one that comes to mind in favour of it. It is a good leveller against the very quickest hunters. The potion allows players that might ordinarily struggle when trying to secure a titan or earn significant TKP towards it to perhaps make better progress. Because let's be honest here. The removal of the potion will just put the majority of the drops into the quickest players hands. The events will remain as monopolised as is. The majority of the game will still struggle to make significant progress. There are players that ordinarily wouldn't be able to compete that are able to do so with the use of one of these potions. Not saying I especially want it to stay or see it go. I am relatively on the fence. Fine with either way. But there is a negative as well.


Also it is a donation potion. Donation potions should provide benefits other potions don't. However I do appreciate that this potion effects titan hunting significantly. And if the future new titan drops continue to be more epics of the same stamina gain value as existing epics soon enough that potion won't be worth using anyway. New epic in it's first event at 390 FSP. I don't remember seeing that before.

#995295 Potential issues in composing

Posted by Josh1404 on 11 January 2019 - 17:10

i just increased mt leg telly from 2500 to 36k off last event and used 15k stam to do it ,way to easy 

15k stamina for 33,500 LE frags? Much better than I did when I tried to do that.


I agree with BP though. Don't see this as an issue. Easier for more guilds to provide more potions for their guild members. No problem with that at all. Cost is significant enough for some remember. Might be a comparison of a few pennies for some but not for all. Keeping costs moderately low and frags not too difficult to attain makes it a more used area of the game. Not such a bad thing.


But on the power level on some of these potions I do agree. Makes the game so much easier. Challenge is lacking. And PvP is so distorted because of the potions. Though I have gotten rather lazy just clicking a few buttons and knowing all will be fine. I like being lazy. Don't make me check creatures again. :P

#995292 Potential issues in inventing/the economy/gear oversaturation

Posted by Josh1404 on 11 January 2019 - 16:59

I am glad BG has made the Inventor 2 500 potion phase out. That is way too overpowered. I am ok with the Inventor 250 potions. Some risk in inventions is good but I am not so sure that applies on epic inventions. That is a lot of investment and for those that don't donate and instead grind to earn all they have when they invent and fail on epics that is a real slap in the face for their effort. That will drive epic prices up. Some would say a good thing but i'd sooner see profit lower and more people have access to gear. That's just my view of gear. I am not too bothered about the over saturation of gear. Keeps prices low for all to use.


i failed on my first gorgeanaka cuirass.

Ouch. And you can't save anything on that invent. That would suck so much.


What, you wanna save multi account mules?

~ Grim

Terminated players shouldn't be able to hold gear. I am on board with the gear being put in the guild mailbox / guild store. No guild should benefit from using a terminated players BP space.

#995290 Potential issues in the arena.

Posted by Josh1404 on 11 January 2019 - 16:39

Adding more arenas to cover the gaps is by far the best solution. Perhaps ensure that these are always going to be below level 1,000. I am no coder so I couldn't begin to tell you how to achieve this but it's likely light work for hoof. Glad BG is considering this option. I am behind it for sure. With the amount of possible ranges now I think an additional 50 arenas would be around the mark. Maybe code it so 20% are 1 - 100, 20% are 101 - 250, 20% are 251 - 500, 20% are 501 - 750 and the last 20 % 751 - 1,000. 


Dumbing down game aspects to give win buttons to players is not a solution. The entire point is it being a competition with all players who choose to enter. As each individual arena has a level cap for the gear that can be used to enter it the level of the entrant is completely irrelevant. Also removing the ability for a lot of the regulars to play will remove a lot of activity from this area of the game. With dwindling numbers as is this will be the nail in the coffin. Not a smart move at all.


I actually like the token system. Making the arena winner takes all is quite severe for some of those playing. I know some players that literally only play because they have a chance to earn at least something back from their entries should they not win. I'd rather the arena remain less profitable overall to allow more people to earn at least something for their efforts should they make progress in the tournament but not come out the victor.


Admittedly making all the arena token items cost relatively little did drive arena token invented items down and therefore severely reduce profit from the arena. And that did in turn reduce activity in the arena. I still remember winning an Icon of Styx and being so happy knowing I just made 100 dots. But I don't necessarily see that change as a bad thing. Makes the gear more affordable for more players to have the sets they want. A few players monopolising markets on sets isn't good for the game. I'm on board with cheaper gear.


The 25% rule is no longer really needed. Agree with epic on this. So many less players now so this rule is very punishing on the bigger guilds. And whilst I understand why it was once there collusion doesn't happen. Even if someone out there is trying it doesn't work. Your competitor in each round is random no matter when you enter the arena. Removal of this rule could boost arena activity in a positive way. 

#994694 level 4000+ skills

Posted by Josh1404 on 04 December 2018 - 17:07

I bloomin' hope so. We had a battery of possible skills agreed upon here. I wanna see them implemented for the skill trees but also for new potions gained from very specific parts of the game.

If we see em, it'll be the New Year at some point.

~ Grim

Sounds promising.


Something new would be a welcome addition. :)

#994282 This is just wrong

Posted by Josh1404 on 04 October 2018 - 23:12

Agreed. Shouldn't be able to hit anyone if that person has no available way to retaliate. Simple.


Also entering arenas in hooftest's gear which happened yesterday is ridiculous. In the 3,400 + arenas where his gear stats were applied he has an enormous advantage. Shouldn't be able to enter arenas in gear both unavailable to the other competitors and far superior to any other gear.

#994205 Thieves in the Night II

Posted by Josh1404 on 24 September 2018 - 14:43

I think if the new sets were better, or atleast some of them people would participate more ...seems like none are worth getting, wrong stats on wrong lvl  or breaks better setups

Kind of agree. A few I will look into but most are poor choices.


Especially the hybrid gear. There is already enough of that junk in the higher levels.


New gear choices have been poor for some time. One last shot at some useful gear in wave 3. :)

#994189 Thieves in the Night II

Posted by Josh1404 on 23 September 2018 - 14:48

The total kills required for this global is too high I think. Not gonna make ruby at this rate. Probably not even crystal.

#994125 Thieves in the Night II

Posted by Josh1404 on 20 September 2018 - 17:54

Huh. Good catch. Added.

~ Grim

Thanks BG. :D

#994105 Restart the game on a new server but keep the old aswell.

Posted by Josh1404 on 20 September 2018 - 00:41

100% no from me. We are barely keeping the game together as is. Let's just fix what we have.

#994083 anyone cant log in?

Posted by Josh1404 on 18 September 2018 - 20:02

19:58 18/Sep/2018 Josh1404 has sent you a secure trade offer. This can be viewed on the Secure Trade screen providing they have not yet accepted it.


This is in my log. I did receive an ST but obviously I didn't send it to myself. Another little bug to be aware of. :)

#994079 anyone cant log in?

Posted by Josh1404 on 18 September 2018 - 11:55

Hi all,

We'll be updating the game later today which should hopefully resolve the issues folk have been having with logging in. We'll be taking the game down at 1pm GMT but don't expect the downtime to last more than a couple of hours smile.png

~ The Fallen Sword Team

Now this is what I wanted to see.
Thanks BG. smile.png

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