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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
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#964004 Failed to connect: Master Database []

Posted by Josh1404 on 05 June 2016 - 10:25

Failed to connect: Master Database []


Is everyone else getting this message when trying to access the game? Just wanted to confirm it's not just me.


I assume this is a result of the maintenance being carried out. So I expected the game to be down but didn't assume I'd get this message. A little confirmation will be of help. Cheers. :)

#963969 Double XP June 2016 speculation thread

Posted by Josh1404 on 04 June 2016 - 09:41

For some groups of players, the date of the event isn't important. It could start without notice or we could be given a months notice, it wouldn't matter. For the rest, and most of the players, notification is important as we would like to make full use of our stamina and plan our real lives around the event.


It would be in the best interests of both HCS and the players that we get an early notification of when, or if, the double XP event will happen.

I agree with this post. For those that have little interest in the event it makes no difference to them if they are informed or not but for most of us we want to make the most of the event and that requires knowing when the event is. This is so we can plan how we use our stamina. Telling us when it is would likely increase participation in this global event also. People will know they can budget stamina then for this event. Not informing the community will simply lead to many either missing out or sat at max stamina overflowing just incase. Thus stamina will be wasted with no game activity which is rather pointless for a game.


I do not care when it might be only that there is one. I really hope that there is one and that the community is told so. I really do feel maybe 90% of the players would appreciate knowing if there is to be an XP event and if so when it is. That's enough of a majority to do so. 




I am done shouting at a wall. I know nothing will come of it I just needed to say it.


Have a good weekend all. :)

#963646 Ladder Prize costs.

Posted by Josh1404 on 26 May 2016 - 12:23

250 to 300 sounds good to me. If it makes them more desirable, then yay! What do others think?

I like that idea a lot. Will bring more interest in those items I think. Also makes forging them more worthwhile. Anywhere between those numbers sounds good to me. 50 is just a bit low IMO. :)

#963381 Arena

Posted by Josh1404 on 16 May 2016 - 17:38

Limiting arenas by numbers won / day will only result in the arena becoming even slower and that benefits no-one.



I agree that excluding anyone from entering arenas will not benefit the game. Also to alienate the serial winners would be to the detriment of the arena as a whole.


Ultimately you are being beaten by people who are well practised and have good knowledge of the arena and how it works as well as their own setups and move combinations. To punish people for succeeding at that area of the game is not a good idea and very unfair to them.

#963286 Log Notifications

Posted by Josh1404 on 12 May 2016 - 19:27

I like this idea. As long as there is a toggle for those who wish to keep them then I see no downside to having an option at least.


For me the toggle I'd most like to see is for composing notifications. But both invention and marketplace notifications are options I'd like to see also. :)

#963015 Darksun Reborn V

Posted by Josh1404 on 06 May 2016 - 11:51


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