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Member Since 18 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2023 00:07

#975829 Dark realms

Posted by Gutie on 22 January 2017 - 23:35

I have this problem IRL too. It's usually very dark and I'm having difficulty not bumping into or knocking things over, oh wait, I've been drinking since coming home from work today......

#975826 Guild store Item Repair Button

Posted by Gutie on 22 January 2017 - 23:23

Or you could be proactive and use guild inventory to find it all and mass repair it yourself? Imo it's not that hard to do if you keep on top of it. Also, if they're inactive they can't be targeted in GvG anyhow, so damaged gear on them isn't much of a problem.


Not trying to bash the idea, as I do like it in concept, but as Belaric stated, guildies should be expected to take care of guild gear they use, as guilds are providing it for them to use at no cost (at least for us we do), typically recrafting and forging it up, if not outright buying it pre forged, so I think this should be a founder only privilege if it is added.


Maybe have a "sort gear by durablity" option in guild store? THAT would be a big help for people not using FSH....which to be blunt, if you care about this topic, hunting down non-crystalline gear that isn't at 100% durability is SUPER EASY (as well as broken low/crystal gear) using the "Guild Inventory" system, which I love and is a lot better than Gear "Report" (a name that I think is confusing if you're new to the game tbh for looking at guild inventory, lmao)

#970345 103 days with no new content

Posted by Gutie on 15 October 2016 - 00:35

Good. Let low levels catch up even if a little, since you all cry bloody murder and "win button" any time we discuss accellerating low level content. IMO any new content should be matched by 2x or more to the same amount of low level content. It takes about 2+ years of reliable playing, even with donations to get to Karthak, which is now, not even 1/3 to EOC. Sorry but I have no sympathy for my now peers at EOC.

#970343 Game Update v2.92

Posted by Gutie on 15 October 2016 - 00:09

Suggestion: Re-Roll quest for 250k or 1 FSP OR 100/200/250 Allegance tokens. Max of 3 times a day.


That way people don't have an exuse if they re-roll 3 times and still don't like one of them.


I'm retracting my rant, because I'm not going to give BG a headache when he has all these lovely people ranting at him for a new feature, who supposedly say the cows aren't doing anything for FS anymore.

#969952 Potion Bazaar Changed?

Posted by Gutie on 07 October 2016 - 05:14

Big Grim, is there any thoughts on this? I don't usually like bumping threads, but I think this is  one of those features that can add something to the game as a gold sink....like maybe weaker versions of composable skill potions even? Would be a great gold sink to add in that way.

#968934 Zorgrom vs Shroud IV

Posted by Gutie on 15 September 2016 - 23:06

Incorrect. Our Community numbers are holding steady.

On topic, May look at tweaking this event in the future. The feedback on the potions is fairly contradictory as some people say that the global potions are too powerful but then say these ones need buffing. At the very least, I'm glad players like the new sets.

~ Grim


God forbid the dev point out people's blatant hypocirisy. They can't even claim recent EOC content as an excuse. People have gotten spoiled with these events. I got top 100 by a massive margin this time. Plenty of people overflowing stamina just because they didn't feel like doing the event. If anything is an issue regarding playerbase is simply amount of content leads to players giving up on ever getting to EOC and not sticking around. I think speeding up lower level content can help the game a bit in terms of activity level and player retention along with adding personal achievements and more guild achievements.

  • 3JS likes this

#968933 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Gutie on 15 September 2016 - 22:48

Kind of uncalled for to call my old concept a 'disgrace'. I put an immense amount of thought into that concept.

It was also based around the idea that xp loss was going to be scrapped. (to be clear, the idea to scrap xp loss came before the 'Blood' concept was formed)



It's ridiculous this forum, it truly is. Leos is putting forward an idea for an implementation of a pvp global, to fit in with the rotation of the other global events. Some people though...  "We must have consequences!" (would kill the event) "We must have no opt-out!" (would kill the event) "I must have your first born child and all your base are belong to us!" (lol)


You must realise that an idea such as this would be the only viable way to 'do' a pvp global.

The simple fact of the matter is, there is a LOT more people that do not like pvp (the current attacker=win system that FS has anyway) than there is that do.

That's because some people HAVE to have control over punishing players they don't like. The ENTIRE rationale these people have for keeping the status quo is so they can pile on and punitively punish people they either don't like or simply because they get some sick enjoyment out of wailing on offline players who have no recourse to fight back aside from hitting back, which in turn, again, after offline and the buffs run out, will again get piled on by the same people who have the ability to be on 24 hours a day. THAT is why they hated seasons Because it took the control out of their hands, and didn't let them selectively bounty people. System posted bounties would do wonders for the game and PvP. I've said it before, and will say again, Seasons based PvP is something a lot of people who don't PvP would participate in based on that very reason.

#968617 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Gutie on 11 September 2016 - 05:36

I have played other games that had a PvP aspect but this is the first game where the second P was served to the first P with such ease.


The games I've played, if you wanted to kill another player you hunted them like we hunt beasts here. 


There was a duel player feature in the form of a pull down menu. 


Fight creature/duel player, were the two options, then you walked around, IE hunted.


When you found someone you attacked.


That is PvP because that player had to be online to be hit.


I've read FS form of PvP called pillow fighting, I think that's apt.


Or maybe a canned hunt, where the target waits in a cage for easy attack.


To avoid causing a massive flamewar, I'll just say my experiences in other MMO's mirrors yours for the most part and I am able to draw a similar conclusion. Another observation is that most MMOs don't take XP for people getting their feet wet actually participating in PvP, which is interesting to say the least. Most just give a massive durability loss for losing. A handful you lose a few items.

#968614 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Gutie on 11 September 2016 - 04:08

This idea is NOT PvP. Don't be fooled that it is. If this idea was ever implemented it would set a precedence. I can just see it now.


"I just got hit by a player in a PvP attack, they stole my gold, they took my XP and damaged my gear. This doesn't happen in the PvP Global Event so why should it happen at all?"


Adding an event like this would only further try to water down PvP and turn those that practice PvP away from the game in my opinion. Do you really want that with the player base sitting as it is?





LMAO according to wil PvP Arena isn't PvP either.


Also, he seems to never have played another MMO before, because he clearly has no clue what the term PvP actually is. 


Player Vs. Player. There is no requirement of terms/risks other than a player is engaging in competition with another player, almost always in some form of combat in game. 


Play a few MMOs a bit before you try going all "rawr I'm an expert on what pvp is" at people over pvp, lol.

#968519 Double Composing XP XII!

Posted by Gutie on 09 September 2016 - 22:52

I really appreciate this, and I think so do a number of other people who have missed a few of these due to work/etc.

#968518 Potion Bazaar Changed?

Posted by Gutie on 09 September 2016 - 22:50

BG, would you guys consider making a few changes to some of the potions in the Bazaar/Specials?


Maybe increase the power of a few/scrap a few of the useless ones? (DBL 450 when people make 550/farm 750s for dirt cheap is kind of a wasted placement, as is a few of the weaker potions below buff strength like wither 125 and a few others like it?).

#964942 Hoofeo, Hoofeo, Wherefore Art Thou, Hoofeo

Posted by Gutie on 29 June 2016 - 15:38

That poll had almost no time for input, and the get rid of it wasn't a majority. I made a point in regards to the cows seemed to have a lot of content planned based on that overhaul.


Also, I DO actually blame a SMALL number of players who mainly just backbench, don't support the game, talk trash about the cows, and screech when they have the ability to punish people for intruding on an area of the game they domineer altered. I think we BOTH know if the poll had been a week long ordeal you lot wouldn't have been happy with the results. 


Also, how many times have you said you were quitting the game to try to force the cows to do what you want like a 10 year old?

#964941 Double XP June 2016 speculation thread

Posted by Gutie on 29 June 2016 - 15:34

Agreed. With a new potion? Nothing game breaking just something new. :)

If it's similar to Easter Egg... *transfers funds* I wish I'd been able to get online that weekend, I'd have bought a "dozen eggs" imo best chest in the game.

#964936 Fallen Sword App Beta

Posted by Gutie on 29 June 2016 - 14:56

At this point accelerate levels to 1000... LOL

TBH I proposed making 1-399 3-5x XP and 422-940 2x-3x XP, and increasing all player's base max stam to 1200 or 2500 (24-50 hours to max via base stam gain of 50)


Along with getting rid of the XP Gain nerf for players sub 500 previously, but the typical suspects crying about "it wasn't like that for us 9001 years ago" So it never got much traction. IMO Karthak isn't even 1/3 the way to EOC anymore, and any new play sees it as totally impossible to reach EOC... at least make it more feasible to get to where you can experience part of the game in less than a year.

#964931 Double XP June 2016 speculation thread

Posted by Gutie on 29 June 2016 - 14:44

Now if only there was a donation event ready to go when the game is back up... :P *taps debit card on desk*

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