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Member Since 27 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2017 08:43

#916044 Secret Tunnel

Posted by ZeusIV on 19 January 2015 - 14:40

I levelled my little toon quite quickly during the christmas event and yesterday and today i have been clearing my backlog of quests in the questbook. I am reminded once again what a PITA the quests connected with Junction Inn are. 

Can we have a secret tunnel that goes from Junction Inn to Eldevin harbour and Northam Harbour?



Possibly the Ring of Shadows building might be a good place for the middle point and the end point could be a back door to the building just behind Cothar next to the harbour.

Mounts do help a bit and I have levelled my mount skill to level 2 but it is still incredibly slow running up and down the map. There is still a lot of time taken up with this quest line but it would cut out some of the running around which is just pants!!!

#915593 Respeccing Revamped

Posted by Brioche on 16 January 2015 - 01:52

Right now, there are two problems I face whenever I want to respec.

1. I don't know if I can trust the talent descriptions of talents I've never used before.

Let's face it, HCS doesn't test the talents. They merely wait for player feedback about bugs before they take action.

Take Chilling for example. The description used to say "Increases the damage of Blizzard by 20/40% Spell DPS", but what it actually did was increase the damage of the spell by 20/40%. (Since Blizzard does 50% Spell DPS, that was 10/20% Spell DPS.) It wasn't discovered until someone felt that the damage was rather low and actually went to test it.

There have been numerous documented bugs about talents already, and there will be more if nobody tests them. However, I'm certainly not going to spend my precious 250ep just to test something that ought to have been tested already.

2. I don't know how talents interact with each other.

If two or more talents affect an ability, are the bonuses stacked additively or multiplicatively?

Impalement increases the damage of Impale by 50% Melee DPS. Bathe in Blood increases the damage of Impale by 30%. If I have points in both, does the 30% from Bathe in Blood affect the 50% Melee DPS from Impalement, or does the 30% just affect the base 80% Melee DPS from Impale?

Depending on the results, I might decide to spend my points elsewhere.


I know that test servers have been suggested before, and I still think it's a good idea. If that's not possible, then how about creating an in-game instance and call it The Respec Room or something?

Features of this Room:

You can freely add or take away attribute and talent points.
There are dummies with varying levels of armor for testing purposes. Dummies for attacking, dummies for healing.
Another area with Golems of 3 attack types. Base DPS of 1000, and your hp is restored after each hit.

Most importantly: when you leave the room, you are asked, "Would you like to keep the changes you have made and consume your Respec Cooldown?"

- No
- Yes (Respec Cooldown will be consumed and reset to 60 days)


If there was such a room, I definitely wouldn't mind helping HCS test the talents, and I'm sure there are many of us who would be willing to do it too :)

#890793 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by Mister Doom on 23 September 2014 - 04:40

So here's my thought on the current update to the pvp system:

Add in a new PVPXP system called BLOOD in game, that functions similar to the current regular xp system.

BLOOD will be gained and lost via regular pvp attacks.
Your pvp level will go up in a similar fashion to your regular level, unlocking certain things as you get higher and higher.
This will also allow for some new top rated sections, best pvp player, best monthly pvp player etc etc.


  • Losses and gains would obviously raise and lower your bloodlevel depending on the outcomes.
  • They would also count on the BB which would no longer deal with regular xp, only BLOOD.


My idea on how BLOOD would work would be something along these lines:


  • Ranges would match the current pvp ladder ranges.


  • Everyone would begin at zero BLOOD, you would need to be active (or extremely good at defense) in order to advance your pvp level.


  • When attacking someone with 0 BLOOD, you would gain BLOOD at an extremely reduced rate. (To be decided)


  • When attacking a player with the same or higher bloodlevel you get 100% of standard BLOOD.


  •  When Attacking people with a lower bloodlevel you get (Their bloodlevel / Your bloodlevel) * 100%.


  • Amounts of BLOOD would build in a 'current' counter each month.


  • The end of the months BLOOD total would directly affect how many tokens you will receive.


  • Their will be a 'lifetime' BLOOD counter that will be used to determine your rankings on various 'top rated' lists.


Successful combat by attacker:

  • 10 Stamina = 10 BLOOD to attacker
  • 100 Stamina = 100 BLOOD to attacker


Defender loses:

  • 10 stamina = 1 BLOOD lost from defender
  • 100 stamina = 10 BLOOD lost from defender



Successful defence from attack:


  • 10 stamina = 5 BLOOD  lost from attacker
  • 100 stamina = 50 BLOOD lost from attacker


Defender wins: (2x BLOOD gained for successful defence)

  • 10 Stamina = 20 BLOOD to defender
  • 100 Stamina = 200 BLOOD to defender



Bounty Board

Defender Only Loses BLOOD at the same rate as losing a normal PVP attack.

(can not gain BLOOD for successful defence)

Attacker has same BLOOD gains and losses as above.

Win = 100% BLOOD
Loss = 50% lost BLOOD




  • Remove normal xp loss altogether from pvp and replace it instead with losses and gains of BLOOD.
  • Hitting anyone for gold would remain unaffected.




With the damaging and hostility inspiring element of regular xp removed it will open up the way for a lot of pvp inclusion into the main game and events:



  • Have a new tree of buffs (Or possibly rework the current trees) to allow for a fourth section of skills that can only be gained with certain pvp levels.


  • Introduce new medals that mirror the regular level side. Best player overall for BLOOD becomes dominance. With BLOOD alternatives to top 100 and monthly top 10 also.


  • Introduce new quests that require pvp interaction to increase pvp level to possibly gain access to new hunting realms. (with possibly faster hunting alternatives, higher monster xp values etc)


  • Introduce some new LE events (or modify some current ones) so that certain realms also require specific pvp levels to enter.


  • New global events that require the FS population to kill itself certain amounts of time via pvp.











Another point recently brought up by badpenny was the reintroduction of the, "Of which the rest was scattered upon the ground" message at the bottom of a combat page on a gold hit.


As things currently stand pvp is too damaging to a levellers standpoint. However if we alter that damaging aspect to be within the realms of pvp itself IE; remove regular xp loss and replace it with blood loss. (their pvp level) Then it will more than likely garner much less hostility from the wider community, possibly inspiring more interest. Which itself should allow for the creation of some more widespread pvp orientated events and activities.


Thank you to leos3000 who came up with the xp formula, and for everyone else who have contributed ideas.

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