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#799624 FS Memes

Posted by wil72 on 07 July 2013 - 23:33


#799620 FS Memes

Posted by wil72 on 07 July 2013 - 23:24


#799605 FS Memes

Posted by wil72 on 07 July 2013 - 22:33


#799575 FS Memes

Posted by wil72 on 07 July 2013 - 18:20


#799562 FS Memes

Posted by wil72 on 07 July 2013 - 14:24


#796513 Everyone should read this. (Urgent)

Posted by wil72 on 19 June 2013 - 17:01

It's my birthday sunday. What are you all getting me? :)


I'll get you a new cap mate, that one your wearing is awful :P





#794899 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by wil72 on 09 June 2013 - 18:07

should EOC be able to de/re-level and earn guild XP, yes... should they be able to do it by farming one creature, no.. 


Hey, with Composing allowing me to create uber pots containing buffs way beyond my skill level and also being able to delevel and yet stay in the realm far above my AL and smash away at the monsters there to gain GXP, I'll not actually need to level and grow my character at all. Yipee!


Kinda defeats the purpose of the game though. :(





#794656 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by wil72 on 08 June 2013 - 23:14

(uses the Hoofmaster quote too)

However I do agree attacking a champion that is much higher level than your Actual Level isn't ideal, so I'm going to put up a poll to see if the community think attacking a creature above you should be limited to 'x' levels above your Actual Level.



Note he said Ideal not cheating not wrong not a huge problem we must fix immediately he said "isnt ideal"

so uhhh hes not exactly "seeing a problem",, (and people say I get emo on stuff :P)


THEN he said he would put a poll up and see what the community thinks!!


And its clearly a hot topic with 2 almost even sides but nowhere near 80% support


I said my piece on composing composting Hoof will decide on it based on that but it was beating a dead horse there.


Hoof obviously did realise this was a problem otherwise there wouldn't be a thread, poll or gentle debate.


Shame he actually added a poll as I'd bet my bottom dollar i knew where a majority of the " No " votes came from. This loop hole, cheat, exploitation, makes a mockery of the top 250 Guild ladder.





#794312 Double XP next weekend!

Posted by wil72 on 07 June 2013 - 23:18

Nope, its an abomination :P





#793497 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.2)

Posted by wil72 on 05 June 2013 - 09:38

why can't players see yes some of the buffs are over kill but it will take gear to make and not cheap gear to make the more powerful the more gear its not like your going to be able to make these all the time or even half the time once and a great while thats it and the only a low level player is going to get a almost uber pot is if a guild member make it for them so i don't see this ever replacing buffers or the current potions 

Why do so many always look at the most potent pots such as one containing Smashing Hammer 250 or Coordinated Attack 250. When a pot containing Smashing Hammer lvl 175 is more than adequate for most players hunting needs. A lvl 175 Smashing Hammer COULD be mass produced. By any level of player capable of Composing.


Smashing Hammer Lvl 175, requirements are 9 Common Fragments, 7 Rare Fragments and 3 Unique Fragments. Cost in Gold for 30 minute duration 6900 pieces. Add the fact you can store as many Fragments as you can smash in the Composing page then I don't see how a level 50 player can't produce many of these or any other high level buff potion. Might take them just a wee bit longer to store up a good number of fragments to do it but not much if they hunt regularly.


Seems a bit skew whiff that such high powered high level buffs could become available to such a large majority of the game so easily. And thats why I'd prefer to see Composing pots locked to a players level.





#792953 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by wil72 on 02 June 2013 - 21:33

Player A: Hey guess what mate, just hit level 1200 last hunt!


Player B : Sweet.


Player A: Yeah, let me know when you're going to hunt, I'll hook you up with my SH.


Player B: Nah I'm good, I've been making SH 250 potions since I was level 50.


Player A: Oh, ok then...


If I were able I would try to argue that a player, when Composing, could make potions containing buffs beyond their level. As Composing would be a new element to the game I thought everyone should be regarded equal. The above scenario changed my mind. I put forward argument that, at the time, seemed valid but the above kinda stopped me in my tracks. I don't see any reply to try and counter the above, I know I have none.





#792787 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by wil72 on 02 June 2013 - 12:47

This, this is a brilliant idea!


Not really sure why all of a sudden Grendeldog is accusing me of being selfish etc, without really making any intelligible points himself I might add. (Thanks to 'Paradox' :P for pointing out who this was also, this new forum is quite confusing sometimes. I thought 'Watagashi' was just some random lowbie who had bought buffs off of me one time)


This would certainly go a long way to making the proposal fairer to the higher levels again. (Who have actually earned the right to use these buffs) Just a shame we can't make it go game wide and make EVERYONE only able to use skills that are comparable to their level. Would be funny to see the lower levels squirm as they realise these 'higher levels' that they have been moaning about for so long were actually the only reason they were able to play as they did...


What? Did you never use buffs from players at a higher level than you at anytime in your FS gaming? Your awesome mate :P



Oh :) - I just proposed that idea as a silly compromise, to try and stop all the whinging about "why does he get more fragments than I do from 1 piece) - didn't think anyone would actually LIKE it LOL.


That said tho, there is some merit in it ...


Anyone can create potions from composing, but they're limited to their character level for their choice of potion.


Would it be possible for me to withdraw all my arguments in this thread so as to remove this horrid suggestion? Please make it go away :P .





#792544 GvG and New Players.

Posted by wil72 on 31 May 2013 - 21:15

think this becomes more a hassle then just to make the GvG limit for level 25/50/75+.. why do players under level 25+ have to be open to easy conflict farms? adding a time limit for a GvG protection just makes it POSSIBLE for a very low level player to be farmed. they create account, come back after time limit is up, and can be easily farmed with some facerolls on the keyboard by an experienced GvGer.


i don't understand the suggestions for a GvG protection time limit.. a time limit has loopholes. makes no sense since its so easy to level up in the beginning of the game. just make it so you can't attack a player below level 25/50/75+ in a GvG and move on! why make the whole system even more messy with a time limit when a level limit is the most secure way to go.


lets stop catering low level GvGers who have the easiest job in Fallen Sword.. where i could only imagine how many are multi accounts, cheaters, and exploiters.

I knew this would be the argument and its lame as poop mate. You say "  it's so easy to level up " well guess what, if a " new player " receives GvG protection then they can do just that, hassle free, probably beyond this farming range gibberish.


By the way we are talking about " new players " in connection with all of this not all players lvl 50 and below. If players choose to stay within these levels and are in a Guild then by gum they most certainly are fair game to be hit in GvG.


I'm not catering to low level GvGers, the mechanics of the game do. And a GvG protection period for " new players " is ample time to allow them to level risk free beyond the hits of these low level GvGing, as you would have them, monstrosities.





#789803 What I Want In Life

Posted by wil72 on 17 May 2013 - 19:52


Just for you mate :P


Me, I haven't a clue :(





#789396 Support handled by players?!?

Posted by wil72 on 14 May 2013 - 11:09

Excellent point, well raised.





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