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Member Since 06 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2017 18:39

#794138 [Implemented] Suggestion=mass selling to npcs

Posted by livingtarget on 07 June 2013 - 12:18

In the next update you will be able to shift + click an item and it should bring up the split window if possible. Ctrl + click will attempt to use the item to it's best of it's ability. That might be selling it, equipping it, drinking a potion etc.

#793557 Official Pyramus Trailer

Posted by Hoofmaster on 05 June 2013 - 19:41

We posted up the official game trailer to YouTube today! Take a look and let us know what you think :)


#791944 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by koenvdv on 29 May 2013 - 11:02

Please make composing different from inventing, the way it is going now it is just inventing with 30 mins between it. Please make it so that you can train it instaid of making all at once at a fixed time. This way you create a goals and people won't make only the best pots. You can also make the time u need to make one composing level dependant. 

#786835 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Kaendor on 25 April 2013 - 08:05

Something like random events woudl be nice to lower the repetitive boredom of crafting/gathering.


A chance to find a small amout of money -coin pouch- randomly while doing Foraging, Prospecting, Fishing, Crystal Cutting and Forestry.

A very small chance to get hit by your own tool -lowers a bit your hp- this would be to wake up some people.

While doing Farming, Foraging and Forestry you might have a small chance to get stung by bees -lowers a bit your hp-.

A low chance to get a knowledge rush in both gathering/crafting so the next item that you gather/craft gives double exp.

A small chance to get a container during fishing that might give a random item or some money.

A small chance to get seeds back after harvesting your plot (Farming).

An extremelly rare chance during gathering to get an egg of any kind that later on might be hatched to get a pet.

A low chance to critically craft a piece of gear -slightly increases the main stat of the crafted item-.


The whole point for this is to make gathering/crafting less repetitive and boring (as it can be at high levels), and to attract players further into these activities, as theres people that see crafting and gathering just as time wasters.

#282751 Some suggestions

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 20 March 2013 - 22:27

Apperanlt I had many thoughts and suggestions. So many that Mojawk asked me to make a thread xD
I will try and remember what I was thinkign about just 15 minutes ago.


Simple as that. We want it. As soon as possible.

Camrea view:

Is pretty much the only thing that sucks hard. Full control of camera would be awesome. We want to see further away, want to look at the beauty of ourselves. Looking at details in the equipments.


PvP was awesome. Easy way to just fool around with friends. And test your skills. Group or 1v1.
Feels like levels do more than equipments. As I could solo 3 guys at lvl 11, 12 (me 17). I even took off some armor and could still be a challenge to them.


The Waves (not sure what its called, mobs and Boss after some waves)
Only tried the lvl 10 one sofar. Its a lot of fun. But the Quest Reward was very low. 400xp (dont remember coins).
Higher Reward bonus would be nice.
A trophy or a speical item/s (just for apperance and for the lols). To show off what beasts you have slain.
In the arena I would suggest that the leader gets the drop. But everyone gets the trophy.
Play with friends and help each other get the drops.
Same loot system as other bosses probably work, I just like it to be different.

Getting the relic coins are good as it is.
But buying the gear should be located at specific places only. Not at the Champions Hall. It makes it "too easy" to get. And running to that specific place and buy the armors,  makes you feel better. (At least I do)

Just like how the Beetle Gear is at first town. And the Barren Gear is at the Barrens.
The Plague stuff should be around the Plague/Sewers (none there right now)

Stamina potions are way to stronk right now. Mojawk told me you're gonan make the time between potions longer. Wich is good.
Still not sure it will be enough to let the Prohpets seem stronger. (Wich they already might be)
Raise the prices of the potions. Its way to cheap.


XP potions:
The durations are nice 60/120/180 minutes. The 20% boost feels slightly low. Might only feel lilke that at low levels. Im not to sure how much xp you get later on. (lvl 17 mobs seems to be aruond 1k xp)
Maybe a small buff here. Would make it feel worth it more, espically if you have spent days on crafting stuff, and feel like you are behind your friends.
Still, a friend of mine, used the potion at lvl 15 (i was 16) he got lvl 17 before me. We worked together and shared the xp.

Crafting Quests:
Not sure if there is already, but doesnt seem so.
I know they are blue on your screen. But are they also yellow on Map and Minimap?
Different Icons for each crafting would be nice. As one would spend a long time looking at the map (or running around) to find a specific crafting trainer.

Some eqiupments just for apperance would be fun (no stats for combat (like i suggested on the Arena part)).
-Maybe some apperances from the various mobs/bosses around the world.
Cleavius, Plague, Jester, Penguins, Carrots, Saint, Devil and other fun stuff.

Item Drops from normal mobs:
Not much equipment to be found from normal mobs. But rare items from bosses/mini bosses seem to drop all the time. This is pretty weird.
I guess you already working on it, as you will add more items to the game.

Seeing your friends lvl next to their name would be nice.
Will make it easier to know what instances you can do with your friends (instead of asking every single one)

I know there are totems at the instances. But early on there wont be anyone there to search a group.
Once the game has gotten more players, this wont be m uch of a problem. But it would still be nice to keep track of your friends progress.


Thats it for now. Can't remember more at the moment.

(So many eyes will be hurt from my spelling and grammar)

#281101 Eldevin Basics Guide

Posted by Varkaz on 06 March 2013 - 14:11

This is a very basic overview of Eldevin. It will cover the classes and important gameplay points to get you quickly into the game.


The Basics:

To move in Eldevin you simply click on the ground with your mouse. Your Character will then move to that point.


To target an Enemy you can click directly on the creature you wish to attack, alternatively you can use the hot-key 'E'. This targets the nearest enemy to you.


Your character's Health is shown by the red bar near the bottom of the screen. When you take damage your health is reduced. If your health bar becomes empty you will die. There are a few options to regain health. If you stay out of combat your health will refill. However, it is much quicker to drink a health potion, use a healing spell or eat some food.




All your character's abilities are powered by Mana. The amount of mana available for use is shown by the blue bar that is opposite the red health bar. If your mana runs out, your character will not be able to use any of their powerful abilities. Like health your mana will refill in time if you stay out of combat, but it is much quicker to drink a Mana Potion or eat some food. It is beneficial to have a full mana bar so you can use all your abilities as often as possible.




Character attacks and abilities are shown in the bar at the bottom of the screen. If you have enough mana you may activate one of these abilities by clicking directly into the bar. Although is it much more efficient to press the numbers on your keyboard that correspond to each section of the ability bar. It is worth noting that each character has both a ranged as well as melee ability. Weaken your enemy with your ranged ability before getting close enough to use your melee ability!


If your character does happen to die, you can be brought back to life at a Resurrection Point. These points are scattered throughout Eldevin and are looked after by a Priest of Life. 




After your spirit has left our body a respawn panel will pop-up asking which Resurrection Point you would like to re-enter the game at. Depending on the particular realm you are in there can be more than one option. To return to life, simply click on one of the options given and you will appear at that the chosen Resurrection Point.




After you have respawned into the game, you will see the Death's Door effect in the top left of the screen. This is a 10% penalty in experience gain for a short while. This can be removed by the priest at the Resurrection Point for a fee, or you can simply continue to play and let Death's Door to run it's course. Each priest who is responsible for the Resurrection Point has a quest. If you complete this quest the priest will 'unlock' that particular Resurrection Point for you. The next time you are resurrected at that particular point, you will not suffer from Death's Door. As an aside, you do not suffer Death's Door at Dungeon Resurrection Points.




To open your Inventory, press I. You can then see the items your character is carrying.


Whenever you need to give an item, a 'Drop Item' box will appear. The box shows both the name and the shape of the required item. Just press 'I' to open your Inventory and click on the item you need, then press the button to hand over the item after it has appeared in the box.




This means it is impossible to give the wrong item by accident. The shape of the Give Item box also gives a hint as to which item in your Inventory is needed, making it easier to find.


To open your Character Sheet, press 'C'. You can see the equipment your character is wearing and various attributes. It is here that you can assign your Attribute Points to make your character more powerful.




To open the Map of the area your character is currently in, press 'M'. Quest locations are shown as purple dots on the map. The direction of the currently selected quest is also shown by a purple arrow on the rim of the mini map found in the top right hand corner of the screen.




Any in-game character that is not a Player is called a Non-Player Character (NPC). It is these NPCs that give out quests. If an NPC has an active quest for you, a yellow '!' will hover above their head. Simply right-click on an NPC to talk to them and see what the quest is about.



There are Noticeboards scattered throughout the world of Eldevin. These Noticeboards have various items of interest, which include quests from time to time. If you have completed all the quests, you should try searching out the nearest Noticeboard to see if there are any new quests available for you.


To open your Quest Library press 'Q'. Quests in Eldevin are organised into handy Questbooks. When you learn a quest, you get the entire Questbook that it belongs to. This is an easy way to see all the available quests in a specific area. Available quests are highlighted in yellow. Quests that you have not unlocked yet are listed in grey. To read a quest, simply click on it. The quest will detail how many stages it has and a summary of what you need to do to complete it. Here you can also track a quest, to do this simply click the the quest tracker button which will set the quest as active. One it is active it will display the quest arrow on the mini map telling you where to go. Acquiring Questbooks  and completing quests is critical to your success in Eldevin.




We hope you all enjoy the Eldevin beta! Feel free to ask any questions and we'll do our very best to answer them!


~The Eldevin Team

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