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Member Since 24 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active May 22 2024 04:21

#966518 Fix the lag please.

Posted by iceman66 on 02 August 2016 - 19:53

I'm not going to go in depth about this.  Every time there is a global Event, the lag is horrific.  I sense a pattern.  There are 381 players online currently, and this should not be an issue with the servers you have.  At least let us know what is going on.  Thank you

#965435 Daily Events

Posted by iceman66 on 06 July 2016 - 21:24

A guild is never maxed on upgrades.. it cost 1 fsp to initiate a gvg use the rewards towards that.


So we are forced to use the FSP for a game mechanic that we don't enjoy?  That seems pretty unfun.  And daily homepage advertising...really?

#965415 Daily Events

Posted by iceman66 on 06 July 2016 - 20:47

I guess if a guild is maxed out on FSP upgrades that would potentially be a problem. I don't think making it possible to withdraw from the guild is a good idea, but open to other ideas as to what we would do in this situation :)


In the situation that a guild is fully upgraded, maybe those FSP won for the daily event should go to the founder for dispersal?  Or maybe (not sure how feasible), make them attainable by entering a code similar to a gift code.

#965389 Daily Events

Posted by iceman66 on 06 July 2016 - 20:12

I like the idea in theory, but I'm curious as to how those FSP would be distributed?  The only reason I ask is that say a guild is maxed out in upgrades, depositing that FSP into the guild bank directly serves no purpose to said guild.  If you do deposit it directly, you need to give an option to withdraw that FSP so it can be used for other guild expenses.


Other than that, I support this idea.  I also think it'd be cool if a reward was a Guild Wide Buff Pack, similar to that of RP packs.  But you'd need to make it activatable as opposed to activated immediately, if that makes sense.  Basically so we could activate it when we see fit.

#961775 Loyalty Rewards Update

Posted by iceman66 on 04 April 2016 - 23:31

Whatever comes from this, I hope it's some sort of update to the page.  I really just feel like the Loyalty Rewards have been neglected.  I posted this a couple days back and I hope someone from HCS looks at it soon.

#961658 Loyalty Rewards Update

Posted by iceman66 on 02 April 2016 - 01:17


I've created this thread to gives everyone a place to put down their ideas.  When the Loyalty Rewards section was introduced, it was intended to give those players who have donated an added bonus for their dedication to the game.  Almost every game has a section for donating players.  It's a great way for people to feel appreciated for continued support of the games they love.


What I'm proposing is the addition of more options to the Loyalty section.  I honestly feel that if people had access to more "loyalty" items, donations would probably increase more which is always a good thing.  Here are a few options of what I think should be added and I encourage everyone to put down their ideas.


Overkill 500 - 800 Allegiance Tokens No already trumps a new pot

Overkill 1000 - 1600 Allegiance Tokens NO This is not the area for the most powerful pots in the game, just nice bonuses

Doubler 1750 - 300 Allegiance Tokens No

Doubler 2000 - 600 Allegiance Tokens Yes

Animal Magnetism 450 - 800 Allegiance Tokens No (easy way to get 100% and bypass a lot of other pots)

Distil 200 - 1600 Allegiance Tokens NO

Extend 300 - 1000 Allegiance Tokens Yes

Light Foot 1500 - 1000 Allegiance Tokens NO

Nightmare Visage 350 - 700 Allegiance Tokens Why

Nightmare Visage 500 - 1100 Allegiance Tokens 125%?


That is just a few options, and I'm sure people might have issues but that is what forums are for. Please be considerate with your opinions, and let's keep this on track.



I disagree.  I think this is exactly where the most powerful potions should be.  Donations keep this game going and shouldn't that be rewarded?  Also, people have been amassing PvP tokens for ages now, so they already have the advantage of the nice AM potion.  The ladder is a joke now as many just sit there, don't hit, and take turns getting 1st place.  Sure, NMV was calculated wrong, lol.  I'm assuming the "NO" compared to the "No" means you are absolutely against it? 

#961630 Loyalty Rewards Update

Posted by iceman66 on 01 April 2016 - 20:32

I also think that some of the older loyalty potions need to either be upgraded or eliminated as they aren't relevant anymore.  For example: Courageous Draft, Adventurer Elixir, Auspice of Ancients, Scholars Draft, and Sacrifice Potion. 

#961628 Loyalty Rewards Update

Posted by iceman66 on 01 April 2016 - 20:21

I've created this thread to gives everyone a place to put down their ideas.  When the Loyalty Rewards section was introduced, it was intended to give those players who have donated an added bonus for their dedication to the game.  Almost every game has a section for donating players.  It's a great way for people to feel appreciated for continued support of the games they love.


What I'm proposing is the addition of more options to the Loyalty section.  I honestly feel that if people had access to more "loyalty" items, donations would probably increase more which is always a good thing.  Here are a few options of what I think should be added and I encourage everyone to put down their ideas.


Overkill 500 - 800 Allegiance Tokens

Overkill 1000 - 1600 Allegiance Tokens

Doubler 1750 - 300 Allegiance Tokens

Doubler 2000 - 600 Allegiance Tokens

Animal Magnetism 450 - 800 Allegiance Tokens

Distil 200 - 1600 Allegiance Tokens

Extend 300 - 1000 Allegiance Tokens

Light Foot 1500 - 1000 Allegiance Tokens

Nightmare Visage 350 - 700 Allegiance Tokens

Nightmare Visage 500 - 1100 Allegiance Tokens


That is just a few options, and I'm sure people might have issues but that is what forums are for. Please be considerate with your opinions, and let's keep this on track.



#961441 Really bad lag

Posted by iceman66 on 29 March 2016 - 20:37

*Climbs up on the soap box*


I'm just confirming what everyone knows, but this is absurd.  When I can log on, I see ~400 people online.  I'm not sure when it was and I'd have to look back in the update archives, but we were told the servers had been upgraded and that "This upgrade will fix the lag issues" or some such.  I feel like a broken record and it's just demoralizing.  The Easter event is one of few events that people love to participate in.  What I can't understand is why the servers aren't prepared or why extra servers aren't paid for to even out the load.  Any server(s) today in this day and age should be able to handle < 500 people.  


Truly, I'm sorry if this post is redundant, but I feel that if these issues aren't addressed, FS will lose even more players.  To all of those who used your Uber potions, I'm sorry that you wasted your FSP.  I'd be in touch with the powers that be for a reimbursement.


FYI, I decided to hunt day one of the event because I had a feeling the servers would be messed up.  That is something I should not have to worry about.


*steps off soap box*


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#952821 New Content. 2676 - 2700!

Posted by iceman66 on 06 November 2015 - 18:35

You should probably activate some portals.  The nearest portal is 2626...

#933203 Selling FSP for 50,000 gold...Why?

Posted by iceman66 on 21 May 2015 - 04:12

I've always wondered why on the FSP Upgrade page, you can sell 1 FSP for 50,000 gold.  Wouldn't it make more sense to either up that to like 150,000 gold (I'm just spit-balling here), or eliminate it entirely?  It seems like it would be a very quick tweak.  Anyways, I want to hear what everyone thinks.

#924585 Update v2.66

Posted by iceman66 on 24 March 2015 - 13:50

Holy crap! I'm flying around the map now.  Please please please keep it this way. This is how it's meant to be!

#924568 Current state of the game

Posted by iceman66 on 24 March 2015 - 11:34

Sorry for the delay in responding to this thread, I was quite busy yesterday with server maintenance and tickets. To start with here is the history of what we have done with the Fallen Sword servers to date.


December 10th 2014: Servers move from HostDime and on to DigitalOcean.

Our servers at HostDime were dedicated servers that we owned and they were quite dated. They had run for many years, their HDDs were old and they were struggling to keep up. The world of online hosting has changed over the years and today it is much more efficient to host websites from the "cloud" as it were. DigitalOcean provides cloud servers running on SSDs in a data centre in New York (HostDime was in Florida). All our new servers (Hunted Cow, Forums, Eldevin, etc) were hosted there so we made the decision to move Fallen Sword over.


December 16th 2014: Old CDN provider removed and replaced with Cloudflare.

Our old CDN (content delivery network) provided hosting for all our Javascript / image files for many years but we were having problems with them so we decided to move to Cloudflare. On the old CDN players in some countries were getting issues with out of date files / no files at all when loading pages.


December 17th 2014: Cache server moved.

We tried running our internal cache and our database from the same server but noticed that this was causing significant slow down. So we moved the cache on to its own dedicated server and gave it all the RAM it could ever want.


January 14th 2015: Data center move and new servers.

We were unhappy with server performance at this point. We originally tried setting Fallen Sword up on 2 very powerful servers that were load balanced between but they were struggling. We took advice from our account manager at Digital Ocean and moved the entire site to their "New York 3" data center that has just opened and has the latest and greatest hardware. We also split Fallen Sword between 4 servers giving it more CPUs in total.


March 14th 2015: Server changes.

We started addressing our config to try and optimize the servers. The database config was completely rewritten and we made some changes to Node 1 as a test to see if it would handle the load better. 


March 16th 2015: Cloudflare disabled.

Players were experiencing long page load times in certain areas of the world but not others, we were unable to resolve this issue so we decided to disable Cloudflare. A new independent load balancer was set up that was within our control and all passing of traffic through Cloudflares network was disabled.


March 23rd 2015: More server changes.

Happy with the performance of node 1 we copied the changes across nodes 2, 3 and 4. This should hopefully resolve any further Gateway Time outs or long page loads.




At this point you should not get a single 'Gateway Time-out' error. If you do please report it with the exact error message and time / date it occurred.


For the rest of the week I'm going too be looking at reworking the World map. There are a few performance changes I plan on making and they should also help the upcoming Fallen Sword mobile apps performance as well.


More news about upcoming content will be posted shortly but that's not my department.  :rolleyes:


Zorg to save the day! Thank you for addressing the 504 errors as that was the most pressing.  I'd still like to hear about the other issues that were brought up in this thread as they concern the whole of FS.

#924460 Current state of the game

Posted by iceman66 on 22 March 2015 - 23:48

This entire discussion is not so much a series of complaints, as a plea for help.


If you like, it's showing tough love for the bovines in the barn.


Not a single poster wants the game to dissipate into Cyber-space. :(


And as one of those who have gone out and cheated on FS, by trying other games:  They just don't have it.  The cows formula seems to be one of the best out there, even if we all moan and groan about stamina gain, gear, etc.  At least it DOES work.


My advice would be to go and ask players, and not necessarily ones who frequent the forums, how they feel.  Go out and question the silent majority in the game.


And finally, take this forum in the spirit it was started in.  We ALL want the game to succeed. :mellow:


Yes I fully agree.  I feel like the initial reaction is going to be a knee-jerk insta-gib of this topic.  I really hope that isn't the case and I suggest everyone take screenshots of it.  It's not a negative thing to ask for help cows.  A lot of us have been playing this game since it's release (or close to it) and are still here.  Don't see that as a "it doesn't matter then, they will stay no matter what!" *maniacal laughter*. See this as an opportunity to grow and make this game what it should be.

#924402 Current state of the game

Posted by iceman66 on 22 March 2015 - 00:50

FS is not beyond saving by any means, but something needs to happen now.  FS, like any other game on the market, requires attention and care.  You think of the great games out there and one of the things that make them great is that the Devs actually care about the players and the game.  They will go out of their way and accommodate the customers (paying or not).  There has not been that type of genuine care from the Cows in a long time.  Hoof, I know you care and I've seen it, but FS is slowly fading and it's up to you to save it.  As players, we can't do much except support you, but there needs to be communication.  I was spending about $180.00 a week on FS when you guys were paying attention and actually gave a damn.  Now I don't spend except basically on Christmas deals because I feel sorry for you all when I shouldn't.


It's gotten to a point where it's make or break for FS and we all see and feel it.  You can tell by every individual post that we really do care about FS, but it's not up to us to make this work, it's up to you.  Every post on this thread is a little bit of insight into everyone's feelings, and as Devs, you'd do best to listen and react accordingly.

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